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Last active April 6, 2018 19:25
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# Automagic Multi-Language Static Analysis on Commit, before Push.
# Install on local: pip install pre-commit pre-commit-hooks
# Use in C.I.;Force Run: pre-commit run --all-files
# Auto-Update all hooks: pre-commit autoupdate
# Run all hooks on Push: pre-commit install --hook-type pre-push
# Run all hooks on Commit: pre-commit install
# Drop all hooks on Push: pre-commit uninstall --hook-type pre-push
# Drop all hooks on Commit: pre-commit uninstall
- repo:
sha: master # v0.9.1 # Or SemVer of latest release. Or SHA1.
minimum_pre_commit_version: 0.16.2 # From: pre-commit --version
description: Static analysis to check files for best practices.
stages: [commit, push] # When to run.
- id: end-of-file-fixer # Check that Text files ends with new line.
- id: trailing-whitespace # Check for empty trailing white spaces.
- id: check-added-large-files # Check for Text files > 500 Kilobytes.
- id: check-byte-order-marker # Check for BOM byte-order marker on files.
- id: check-case-conflict # Check conflicts for case-insensitive FS.
- id: check-docstring-first # Check for DocStrings placement (if any).
- id: check-merge-conflict # Check for committing Unmerged files.
- id: check-symlinks # Check for SymLinks pointing nowhere.
- id: debug-statements # Check for pdb/ipdb breakpoints in code.
- id: fix-encoding-pragma # Add # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- to .py files.
- id: requirements-txt-fixer # Alphabetically sorts requirements.txt
- id: check-ast # Check for Invalid Broken Python code.
- id: detect-private-key # Check for committing Private Keys.
- id: forbid-new-submodules # Prevent addition of new Git SubModules.
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs # Check if executable have SheBang.
- id: check-json # Check JSON files are valid (if any).
- id: check-yaml # Check YAML files are valid (if any).
- id: check-xml # Check XML files are valid (if any).
- id: flake8 # Lint all Python files using Flake8.
args: ['--statistics', '--max-line-length=99', '--ignore=E501,D101,D102,D105,E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504']
- id: autopep8-wrapper # Fix all PEP8 Lint Errors on Python files.
args: ['--in-place', '--list-fixes', '--ignore=E501,D101,D102,D105,E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504']
files: ^somefolder/
async = true
verbose = true
linters = mccabe,pep257,pydocstyle,pep8,pycodestyle,pyflakes
ignore = D204,D402,D209,W0212,E1103,C901,R0914,R0921,E1002,F0401,C0111,E731,I0011,E501,D101,D102,D105,E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504,D203,D205,D211,D213,D202
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