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Last active October 31, 2022 19:33
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# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("EBImage")
# devtools::install_github("TiagoOlivoto/pliman")
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, pliman)
1. Seleccione el working directory
Ctrl + shift + h #EN MI CASO: "~/oidio_colza"
2. Importar una imagen de prueba
img_test <- image_import("img_orig/img_04.png")
# en este caso elijo de una subcarpeta del WD que contiene las imagenes originales
3. Indicar background (back), sano (healthy) y sintomatico (symptom)
x11() # esto hay que hacer en las ultimas versiones de RStudio por un bug que trae
healthy <- pick_palette(img_test)
symptom <- pick_palette(img_test)
back <- pick_palette(img_test)
image_combine(img_test, healthy, symptom, back, ncol = 4)
4. Medimos % severidad
res <- measure_disease(
img = img_test,
img_healthy = healthy,
img_symptoms = symptom,
img_background = back,
col_background = "white", # default
col_lesions = "red", # default
col_leaf = "green",
show_contour = FALSE, # hide the contour line
show_original = FALSE, # create a mask
save_image = TRUE,
prefix = "proc_mask_",
dir_processed = "img_proc"
5. Resultados
# comparo original con procesada
proc_test <- image_import("img_proc/proc_mask_img.jpg")
image_combine(img_test, proc_test, ncol = 2)
6. Batch processing
batch_res <- measure_disease(
dir_original = "img_orig" ,
pattern = "img",
dir_processed = "img_proc",
prefix = "proc_",
img_healthy = healthy,
img_symptoms = symptom,
img_background = back,
col_background = "white", # default
col_lesions = "red", # default
col_leaf = "green",
show_contour = FALSE, # hide the contour line
show_original = FALSE, # create a mask
save_image = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE,
parallel = TRUE
Resultado como tibble
batch_res$severity %>% tibble
Extra: SAD con x niveles de las imagenes procesadas
sad(batch_res, 4, ncol = 4)
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