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Created March 29, 2011 14:44
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Classes in JavaScript draft
* - Properties/methods should be either public or private by default. They've been public since the
* begining of JS, so maybe they should stay that way and a "private" keyword should be added.
* Otherwise, they could be private by default and have a "public" keyword
* - Avoid the "var" keyword in object initializer extensions
* - Provide a shorter version to be used by compilers or to be mixed by developers
class Point {
static method fromString(s) {
return new Point(parse(s));
* Why "static" and not "class"
* IMO class introduces a readability problem when used to describe a property. For example:
* class method render () {} // reads fine
* class var render: function () {} // reads fine, but the goal is to avoid the "var" keyword
* class render: function () {} // reads too much like a class definition
private method repaint() { // in-place private definitions work wonders
/* repaint */
new (x, y) {
* The "this" keyword can't be avoided. It expreses very well that we're making changes at the instance level
this.move(x, y);
* This is a prototype method that is configurable, enumerable and writable
* Essentially method move(){} is equal to
* sealed move: function () {}
move: function (x, y) {
this.x = x || Point.x;
this.y = y || Point.y;
static x: 10,
static const Y: 20
* As mentioned before, mixins could be great additions
* The "uses" keyword has been used by documentation generators to describe mixins for a long time (JSDoc, YUI Doc)
frozen class Point3D extends Point uses Comparable, Measurable { //Pretty sure this comma introduces parser problems,
//but I can't say for sure
static instances: [],
new (x, y, z) {
this.z = z;
super(x, y);
* I don't think it's necessary to add extra sugar to refer to class (static) properties/methods
* Minified version (as in "javascript as a compilation target")
class Point {
* @ means class/static
* I don't think # should have a different meaning than "function", so in this context it could very easily serve as
* a shorthand for "method"
@# fromString(s) {
return new Point(parse(s));
* The JavaScript community has been using _ as an informal standard to refer to private properties for a long while
* I'm sure _# would be interpreted as a string by a parser, so a new character must be chosen, for example !
!# repaint() {},
new (x, y) {
this.move(x, y);
# move(x, y) {
this.x = x || Point.x;
this.y = y || Point.Y;
@x: 10,
@const Y: 20
// Nothing to minify here
frozen class Point3D extends Point uses Comparable {
@instances: [],
new (x, y, z) {
this.z = z;
super(x, y);
// Testing how it works without spaces and comments
class P{@#fromString(s){return new P(p(s))},_#r(){},new(x,y){this.x=x||P.x;this.y=y||P.Y;this.r();},@x:10,@const Y:20}
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