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Last active December 12, 2023 10:30
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Game of Life (depends only on usleep and standard VT100 terminal escape seq to clean the terminal)
// t13e18.GameOfLife.cpp
// juanfc 2023-12-11
// Three rules:
// dead with 3 -> alive
// alive with 2 or 3 -> alive
// else -> dead
// This program
// starts a random table and follows it for several GENERATIONS
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep()
using namespace std;
// consts
const int ROWS = 40;
const int COLS = 150; // open it in a Terminal window big enough
const long DELAY = 10000; // microsecs (1E-06 sec)
const bool BORDER = false; // live flows through walls
enum TState {DEAD, ALIVE, TO_DIE, TO_BEBORN}; // can be made with consts
typedef array<array<TState, COLS>,ROWS> TField;
// To clear screen. For some terminals
// you have to find out which is the escape
// seq. Standard Linux VT100:
const char CLRSCR[] = "\x1B[H\x1B[J";
// in windows, you could need to call the operating system
// system("cls")
// prototypes
void init(TField& field);
void nextGeneration(TField& field);
int noNeighbours(const TField& t, int row, int col);
void showBoard(const TField& field);
int countIt(const TField& t, int i, int j);
int main()
// To Stop automatically:
// check if reached a still state or a
// typical rotative of two states.
// there are other possible loops we are not
// catching here
TField field, antField, preAntField;
int i = 1;
srand((unsigned)time(0)); // new each run!
do {
cout << "Generation: " << i++ << " (^C to cut)" << '\r';
cout.flush(); // '\r' rewrites the same line
preAntField = antField;
antField = field;
nextGeneration(field); // modify in-situ, faster
cout << CLRSCR;
} while (antField != field and field != preAntField);
cout << "Generation: " << i++ << " no more changes" << endl;
return 0;
// subprograms
void nextGeneration(TField& field)
for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++) {
int noNeigh;
if (field[row][col] == ALIVE) {
noNeigh = noNeighbours(field, row, col);
if ( not (noNeigh == 2 or noNeigh == 3) )
field[row][col] = TO_DIE;
} else { // not alive
noNeigh = noNeighbours(field, row, col);
if (noNeigh == 3)
field[row][col] = TO_BEBORN;
// now we can really DO the changes
for (int m = 0; m < ROWS; m++)
for (int n = 0; n < COLS; n++) {
if (field[m][n] == TO_DIE) field[m][n] = DEAD;
if (field[m][n] == TO_BEBORN) field[m][n] = ALIVE;
void init(TField& field)
// we could read a file with "special" confs
for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++)
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++)
field[row][col] = TState(rand() % 2);
int noNeighbours(const TField& t, int row, int col)
return countIt(t, row - 1, col - 1) +
countIt(t, row , col - 1) +
countIt(t, row + 1, col - 1) +
countIt(t, row - 1, col ) +
countIt(t, row + 1, col ) +
countIt(t, row - 1, col + 1) +
countIt(t, row , col + 1) +
countIt(t, row + 1, col + 1);
// counts neighbours. Here the board can be made infinite
int countIt(const TField& t, int i, int j)
bool isAnybodyThere = false;
if ( i < 0 or i >= ROWS or j < 0 or j >= COLS) {
isAnybodyThere = false;
else {
i = (i < 0)? ROWS-1 : i;
j = (j < 0)? COLS-1 : j;
j = (j == COLS)? 0 : j;
i = (i == ROWS)? 0 : i;
isAnybodyThere = t[i][j] == ALIVE or t[i][j] == TO_DIE;
isAnybodyThere = t[i][j] == ALIVE or t[i][j] == TO_DIE;
return isAnybodyThere? 1:0;
void showBoard(const TField& field)
for ( int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++) {
cout << '|';
for (int col = 0; col < COLS; col++)
cout << ((field[row][col]) ? '#' : ' ');
cout << "|" << endl;
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