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Last active December 21, 2023 15:04
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Windows cmd script for PHP lint recursive (batch script to lookup syntax errors and deprecations)
@echo off
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
echo  Recursive PHP lint parser 
echo Will do "php -l" for all php files under given directory tree, telling deprecations and/or syntax errors.
echo Assumes "php.exe" is on PATH
if "%1"=="" goto :usage
if NOT exist "%1" (
echo ERROR: Directroy not found: %1
goto :EOF
goto gogogo
echo USAGE: lint path
echo EXAMPLE: lint ..\php\phastard\app
goto :EOF
echo Checking PHP files (php -l) at dir: %1
SET n_some=0
for /R "%1" %%f in (*.php) do (
rem echo %%f
call :lookup %%f
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo Aborting
goto :EOF
goto :DONE
DEL /Q lintResult.txt
php -l %~1 >lintResult.txt 2>NUL
type lintResult.txt | findstr /C:"Deprecated" >NUL 2>NUL
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 (
SET n_some=0
type lintResult.txt | findstr /C:"No syntax errors detected" >NUL 2>NUL
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo  SYNTAX ERRORS  %~1
SET n_some=1
) ELSE (
echo Done.
if "%n_some%"=="1" echo You can do "php -l \path\to\file.php" to see verbose errors/deprecations".
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This script is useful for migrations to newer PHP versions: it checks all php files under the given path, including subdirectories, using "php -l"
It will display if there are deprecations and/or syntax errors, and will abort (stop checking) as soon some file has syntax errors.

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