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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Using go bench, to benchmark Continuum's Policy Engine


  • I used my laptop to benchmark the policy object.
  • I wrote a Bench function that fulfilled the Benchmark signature, each loading different numbers and types of rules.
  func BenchmarkLoadFlat(b *testing.B) {
  	benchLoad(b, "testFlat", SYNTH_RULE_FLAT, 100, 10)

  func BenchmarkLoadChained(b *testing.B) {
	benchLoad(b, "testChained", SYNTH_RULE_CHAINED, 100, 10)

  func BenchmarkLoadBushy(b *testing.B) {
	benchLoad(b, "testBushy", SYNTH_RULE_BUSHY, 100, 10)
  • Use go test bench framework to determine the execution time for the component example:
  $ go test test.bench .
  $ go test test.bench LoadRules
BenchmarkLoadRules10 After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
500000 3398 ns/op

This gives me the number of nanoseconds per operation on the Benchmark I wrote. I put the results into a spreadsheet and graphed them. Then for any problems identified I built a profile. This was run from the Ubuntu Vagrant test on my laptop. I used Ubuntu because OSX did not properly collect profile data.

$ go test -test.bench EvalChainRules -test.cpuprofile=prof_EvalChainRules.out 
BenchmarkEvalChainRules10 After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
After Add: rules=100 Seals=0
200000 10807 ns/op
BenchmarkEvalChainRules100After Add: rules=1000 Seals=0
After Add: rules=1000 Seals=0
After Add: rules=1000 Seals=0
After Add: rules=1000 Seals=0
50000 59505 ns/op
BenchmarkEvalChainRules500After Add: rules=5000 Seals=0
After Add: rules=5000 Seals=0
After Add: rules=5000 Seals=0
  • I copy the pengine.test and prof*.out files to osx.
  • Then finally on osx I just execute go tool pprof with --web option. This starts up the browser with the profile graph.
go tool pprof --web pengine.test prof_EvalChainRules.out
  • References
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