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Created December 24, 2016 02:55
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module NeuralNet (newFeedForward, predict, train, layers, activation, loss) where
-- A Feed Forward Neural Network implementation
import Data.Matrix
import System.Random
type Layer = Matrix Double
type Delta = Matrix Double
data Activation = Sigmoid | Tanh deriving Show
data Loss = SquaredError deriving Show
data NeuralNet = FeedForward [Layer] Activation Loss deriving Show
------------------------- Activation and Loss Functions -----------------------
-- activation function
actFunction :: Activation -> Double -> Double
actFunction Sigmoid x = 1 / (1 + e ** (-x)) where e = exp 1
actFunction Tanh x = (e ** n - 1) / (e ** n + 1)
where e = exp 1
n = 2 * x
actFunctionV :: Activation -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
actFunctionV Sigmoid m = mapMatrix (actFunction Sigmoid) m
actFunctionV Tanh m = mapMatrix (actFunction Tanh) m
-- activation function's derivative
actDerivative :: Activation -> Double -> Double
actDerivative Sigmoid x = s * (1 - s) where s = actFunction Sigmoid x
actDerivative Tanh x = 1 - (actFunction Tanh x) ^ 2
actDerivativeV :: Activation -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
actDerivativeV Sigmoid m = elementwise (*) s (mapMatrix (1-) s)
where s = actFunctionV Sigmoid m
actDerivativeV Tanh m = mapMatrix (1-) (mapMatrix (^2) (actFunctionV Tanh m))
-- loss function
lossFunction :: Loss -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
lossFunction SquaredError m1 m2 = mapMatrix (\x -> (x ^ 2) / 2) (m1 - m2)
-- loss function's derivative
lossDerivative :: Loss -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
lossDerivative SquaredError m1 m2 = m1 - m2
-------------------------- Feed Forward Neural Network ------------------------
-- a feed forward neural network with initialized weights
newFeedForward :: [Int] -> Activation -> Loss -> NeuralNet
newFeedForward [] _ _ = error "No architecture defined"
newFeedForward (n:ns) a l = FeedForward (buildLayers ns n) a l
-- layers with initialized weights
buildLayers :: [Int] -> Int -> [Layer]
buildLayers [] _ = []
buildLayers (n:ns) x = (matrix n x (const rnd)):(buildLayers ns n)
where rnd = 1 --getStdRandom (randomR (0.0,1.0))
-- layers accessor
layers :: NeuralNet -> [Layer]
layers (FeedForward ls _ _) = ls
-- activation function accessor
activation :: NeuralNet -> Activation
activation (FeedForward _ a _) = a
-- loss function accessor
loss :: NeuralNet -> Loss
loss (FeedForward _ _ l) = l
-- predicts an output for a given input
predict :: Matrix Double -> NeuralNet -> Matrix Double
-- Precondition: input is a column vector
predict _ (FeedForward [] _ _) = error "Cannot predict empty input"
predict m (FeedForward ls a _) = last (forward a m ls)
train :: Int -> [Matrix Double] -> [Matrix Double] -> Double -> NeuralNet -> NeuralNet
train n xs ys eta nn = last (trainN n xs ys eta nn)
train' :: [Matrix Double] -> [Matrix Double] -> Double -> NeuralNet -> [NeuralNet]
train' [] _ _ _ = []
train' (x:xs) (y:ys) eta nn = trainedNN:(train' xs ys eta trainedNN)
where trainedNN = backprop x y eta nn
trainOneEpoch :: [Matrix Double] -> [Matrix Double] -> Double -> NeuralNet -> NeuralNet
trainOneEpoch xs ys eta = last . (train' xs ys eta)
trainN :: Int -> [Matrix Double] -> [Matrix Double] -> Double -> NeuralNet -> [NeuralNet]
trainN 0 _ _ _ _ = []
trainN n xs ys eta nn = epochTrainedNN:(trainN (n - 1) xs ys eta epochTrainedNN)
where epochTrainedNN = trainOneEpoch xs ys eta nn
-- feed forward algorithm
forward :: Activation -> Matrix Double -> [Layer] -> [Matrix Double]
-- Precondition 1: layers is not empty
-- Precondition 2: input is a column vector
forward a m ls = m:(map (mapMatrix (actFunction a)) (weightedSums a m ls))
weightedSums :: Activation -> Matrix Double -> [Layer] -> [Matrix Double]
-- Precondition 1: layers is not empty
-- Precondition 2: input is a column vector
weightedSums a m [] = []
weightedSums a m (l:ls) = out:(weightedSums a (mapMatrix (actFunction a) out) ls)
where out = l * m
-- helper function to return the weighted sums for a given input in reverse order
-- (Useful for backpropagation functions)
reverseZs :: Activation -> Matrix Double -> [Layer] -> [Matrix Double]
reverseZs actF x ls = reverse (weightedSums actF x ls)
-- trains the network given one input vector
backprop :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Double -> NeuralNet -> NeuralNet
backprop _ _ _ (FeedForward [] _ _) = error "Cannot backpropagate on empty network"
backprop x y eta (FeedForward ls actF errF) = FeedForward (gradientDescent eta grad ls) actF errF
where grad = gradient (init (forward actF x ls))
(backwards (reverseZs actF x ls) y actF errF ls)
-- Calculates deltas for each layer
backwards :: [Matrix Double] -> Matrix Double -> Activation -> Loss -> [Layer] -> [Delta]
-- Precondition 1: layers and weights are not empty
-- Precondition 2: layers and weights are in reverse order
-- Precondition 3: layers size equals weights size
backwards (z:zs) y actF errF (l:ls) = reverse (d:(backwardDeltas zs d actF ls))
where d = outputDelta z y actF errF
backwardDeltas :: [Matrix Double] -> Delta -> Activation -> [Layer] -> [Delta]
backwardDeltas _ _ _ [] = []
backwardDeltas (w:ws) dnext actF (l:ls) = d:(backwardDeltas ws d actF ls)
where d = hiddenDelta l dnext w actF
outputDelta :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Activation -> Loss -> Delta
outputDelta z y actF errF = elementwise (*) (j' (a' z) y) (a' z)
where a' = actDerivativeV actF
j' = lossDerivative errF
hiddenDelta :: Layer -> Delta -> Matrix Double -> Activation -> Delta
hiddenDelta lnext dnext z actF = elementwise (*) ((transpose lnext) * dnext) (actDerivativeV actF z)
-- all adjusted layers by applying gradient descent
gradientDescent :: Double -> [Matrix Double] -> [Layer] -> [Layer]
gradientDescent _ _ [] = []
gradientDescent _ [] _ = []
gradientDescent eta (g:gs) (l:ls) = (adjustedWeights eta g l):(gradientDescent eta gs ls)
-- applies delta rule given the derivatives of a layer
adjustedWeights :: Double -> Matrix Double -> Layer -> Layer
adjustedWeights eta g l = l - (mapMatrix (*eta) g)
-- gradient of the whole network by multiplying activations and deltas obtained with backprop
gradient :: [Matrix Double] -> [Delta] -> [Matrix Double]
gradient [] _ = []
gradient _ [] = []
gradient (a:as) (d:ds) = (wDerivatives a d):(gradient as ds)
-- computes the derivatives of a matrix of weights given its deltas and activations matrix
wDerivatives :: Matrix Double -> Delta -> Matrix Double
wDerivatives aprev d = fromLists (wDerivativesFromList (toList aprev) (toList d))
-- helper function to compute the same derivatives as wDerivatives but with recursion on lists
wDerivativesFromList :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [[Double]]
wDerivativesFromList as = foldr (\d res -> (map (*d) as):res) []
--wDerivativesFromList _ [] = []
--wDerivativesFromList as (d:ds) = (map (*d) as):(wDerivativesFromList as ds)
----------------------------------- Utils -------------------------------------
-- applies a function to all matrix elements
mapMatrix :: (a -> b) -> Matrix a -> Matrix b
mapMatrix f m = fromLists (map (map f) (toLists m))
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