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Forked from ross-u/
Created October 23, 2020 14:33
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JS | Hero Factory - OOP Exercise (ES6)

For this exercise you can use or your code editor.

Using the below file hero-factory.js finish the tasks as specified in the comments in the script.

We included the Syntax Reminder snippets below, to help you with the task:

Syntax Reminder:

ES6 class constructor - syntax

class Car {
  constructor(brand, model) {
    // in the constructor we specifiy parameters that will be passed
    this.brand = brand; // create property on the new instance
    this.model = model;

  start() {
    // create method on the Prototype
    console.log(`${this.brand} Engine start`);

const bmw = new Car("BMW", "750i");
// Car { brand: "BMW", model: "750i" }


Extending the constructor - syntax

class HybridCar extends Car {
  constructor(brand, model, engineType) {
    // call class `Car()` via `super()` - which creates properties `brand` and `model` on the new instance
    super(brand, model);
    this.engineType = engineType; // create an additional property on the new instance

  // creates a method on the HybridCar prototype
  description () {
    console.log(`Brand: ${this.brand}. Engine: ${this.engineType}`);

  // creates a static method that can be called only from class HybridCar
  static printClassName() {
    console.log("class name is HybridCar");

var toyotaHybrid = new HybridCar("Toyota", "Prius", "Hybrid");
// HybridCar {brand: "Toyota", model: "Prius", engine: "Hybrid"}

toyotaHybrid.description(); //  from the HybridCar.prototype -> bmwHybrid.__proto__
toyotaHybrid.start(); //	from the Car.prototype -> bmwHybrid.__proto__.__proto__

Happy Coding! 🚀

a) Create a ES6 class called "HeroClass" which creates and returns objects with properties
"name", "superpowers", "costumeColor", "location".
b) Create the methods "heroDescription" and "heroLocation" on the prototype of the `HeroClass`.
Method `heroDescription` should log to the console: `${name} - ${superpower} - ${location}`.
Method `heroLocation` should log to the console: `${name} is hidding in ${location}`.
c) Complete the `static` method "className" to the `HeroClass` (as provided), so that it logs `"HERO CLASS"` to the console.
Remember that Class constructor must use keyword `new` when called to create new object.
class HeroClass {
constructor(name, superpowers, costumeColor, location) {
// Your code here ..
static className() {
// Your code here ..
const bananaman = new HeroClass(
"Flight, Invulnerability, Helium-boosted heat finger",
"blue and yellow",
bananaman.heroDescription(); // Expected: "Banananman - Flight, Invulnerability, Helium-boosted heat finger - Metropolis"
bananaman.heroLocation(); // Expected: "Banananman is hidding in Metropolis"
HeroClass.className(); // Expected: "HERO CLASS"
Create a class "SuperHeroClass" which extends "HeroClass" and has one additional new property
"immortal" which holds a boolean value.
Remember to call/include `super()` inside of the `constructor() {}` block and pass it the arguments for the `HeroClass`.
class SuperHeroClass extends HeroClass {
constructor(name, superpowers, costumeColor, location, immortal) {
// Your code here ..
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