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Juan Miguel Rodriguez Ceron juanmirod

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You: invent a new product using large language models to help developers to maintain big proyects, try to tbrainstorm 10 ideas first, then I will choose one to expand it

JARVIS: Certainly, sir. Here are ten preliminary ideas for a product that utilizes large language models to assist developers in maintaining large projects:

  1. Code Commenter: An AI tool that automatically generates comments for code, making it easier for developers to understand and maintain large codebases.

  2. Code Refactor Assistant: An AI tool that suggests more efficient or cleaner ways to write code, helping to improve the overall quality and maintainability of the project.

  3. Bug Predictor: An AI tool that predicts potential bugs or issues in the code, allowing developers to address them proactively.

You: hi

JARVIS: Good day, sir/madam. How may I assist you today?

You: what is the best use I can give you?

JARVIS: As an AI assistant, I am designed to assist you in a multitude of tasks, much like how I assist Mr. Stark. Here are some of the ways you can utilize me:

  1. Information Retrieval: I can provide you with information on a wide range of topics, from scientific concepts to current events, historical facts, and more.
juanmirod /
Created September 3, 2023 22:36
GPT-4 teaches me how to create a VSCode extension

You: write a hello world plugin for vscode in javascript

JARVIS:* Sure, here is a simple example of a "Hello World" extension for Visual Studio Code using JavaScript:

const vscode = require('vscode');

 * @param {vscode.ExtensionContext} context
juanmirod /
Last active May 31, 2023 20:34
ChatGpt answering to a Wordbuilding question

You: Can you answer this question from stack exchange worldbuilding?

In the near future an ancient, derelict spacecraft or space station has been discovered orbiting Barnard's Star, 6 light years from Earth.Why would Earth send a manned mission to Barnard's Star to explore the artifact -- increasing the complexity, expense, and risk of the project -- rather than probes or AI robots?(My thinking is the story wouldn't be as engaging if the main characters are robot probes, although I'm open to suggestions.)

Writer: There are several reasons why Earth might choose to send a manned mission to explore the ancient spacecraft or space station orbiting Barnard's Star instead of using probes or AI robots.

Firstly, there may be limitations to the technology available for probes or AI robots. The spacecraft or space station could be too complex or too damaged for robots to navigate and explore effectively. Human intelligence and intuition may be necessary to navigate and understand the alien technology

You: how can I build and run github pages in a docker in my local computer ? *

JARVIS: To build and run Github Pages in a Docker container on your local computer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install Docker on your computer if you haven't already done so.

  2. Clone the Github repository containing your Pages website to your local machine.

  3. Create a Dockerfile in the root directory of your repository with the following contents:

juanmirod /
Created May 8, 2023 22:20
I talk with JARVIS about how to do semantic search with OpenAI embeddings

You: do you know the openAI embeddings API?

JARVIS:* Yes, I am familiar with the OpenAI embeddings API. It allows you to generate high-quality vector representations of text. These embeddings can be used for a variety of natural language processing tasks, such as sentiment analysis, language translation, and text classification.

You: I would like to calculate the embeddings of some texts and store them in a file to do semantic searches on them, how could I do that?

JARVIS:* To calculate the embeddings of your texts and store them in a file, you can use the OpenAI API along with a programming language such as Python. Here's an example script that you can modify to suit your needs:

import openai
juanmirod /
Created April 23, 2023 21:12
I ask ChatGPT to help me create a script to upload files to gist

You: how can I upload a markdown file as a gist using python?


To upload a markdown file as a gist using Python, you can use the GitHub API through the requests module. Here's an example code:

import requests

url = ''
juanmirod /
Created April 23, 2023 21:08
I ask ChatGPT for the dockerfile for my project

You: how can I make a debian package from a github repo?

JARVIS: To make a Debian package from a GitHub repo, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to your local system.
  2. Create a new directory and copy the contents of the repository to that directory.
  3. Create a debian directory inside the project directory, which will contain the necessary files to create the Debian package.
  4. Inside the debian directory, create a control file which will contain the package's metadata such as its name, version, dependencies, and description.
  5. Create a rules file which will contain the instructions to build the package.
  6. Create a changelog file which will contain a list of changes made to the package over time.
juanmirod /
Created April 23, 2023 21:06
I ask for the readme of the project to ChatGPT

You: I have a git repo that contains a command line interface with ChatGPT using python, can you write a nice readme for it? You need to add this info: the dependencies are in the requirements.txt file, to install them is recomended to use venv and then pip install -r requirements.txt, the are several personalities or characters samples in the repo, to run them simply run python3 and the name of the file, you need an ENV variable called API_KEY, you have to put your OpenAI apikey there, you can use a .env file for that.


Sure, here's a sample readme for your git repo:


This is a command line interface that uses OpenAI's GPT API to simulate chat with various personalities. The interface is written in Python and requires an OpenAI API key to function.

juanmirod /
Last active April 18, 2023 20:45
I pair program with ChatGPT

You: write a program that loads a markdown file and stores the content in a list like this:

Sample markdown file:

**You:** who is the president of Brasil?
**ChatGPT:** As of now (2021), the President of Brazil is Jair Bolsonaro.
**You:** how much it is 123*543 ?
**ChatGPT:** ACTION: calculate: 123 * 543The result is 66789.