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Created June 29, 2024 05:30
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Extract subtitle from video with openia Api Whisper-1

Extract subtitle from video

Assuming you have a video file named myvideo.webm, the first step is to extract the audio. To manage API limitations effectively, compress the audio as much as possible.

ffmpeg -i myvideo.webm -ac 1 -b:a 16k -map a output.webm

FFmpeg parameters explained:

  • -i: Specifies the input file.
  • -ac 1: Uses just one audio channel, meaning mono audio.
  • -b:a 16k: Converts to a 16k bitrate.
  • -map a: Extracts only the audio stream.

The result is a compressed audio file named output.webm, ready for subtitle generation.

Generating Subtitles with OpenAI

import OpenAI, { toFile } from 'openai';
import fs from 'fs';

const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: process.env['OPENAI_API_KEY'],  // This is the default and can be omitted

async function main() {
  const file = await fs.readFileSync("output.webm"); // Read file
  const result = await{
    model: 'whisper-1',
    response_format: 'vtt',
    file: toFile(file, "output.webm")
  await fs.writeFileSync("subtitles.vtt", result); // Save subtitles

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