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Created January 8, 2011 01:27
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#define MAXC 1010
#define MAXX 110
#define INF 2000000000
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int n, m, s, d, qr, c;
int P[MAXC];
int G[MAXC][MAXC];
int map[MAXC][MAXX];
int revMap[MAXC*MAXX];
struct Node {
int w, f;
Node(int w, int f) : w(w), f(f){}
struct Edge {
int t, c, k;
Edge(int t, int c, int k) : t(t), c(c), k(k){}
const inline bool operator < (const Edge& e) const {
return this->c > e.c;
vector<vector<Edge> > V;
int main() {
cin >> n >> m;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
cin >> P[i];
for(int i=0; i<m; i++) {
cin >> s >> d;
cin >> G[s][d];
G[d][s] = G[s][d];
V.clear(); V.push_back(vector<Edge>());
memset(map, 0, sizeof(map));
memset(revMap, 0, sizeof(revMap));
queue<Node> q;
q.push(Node(s, 0));
map[s][0] = V.size();
//cria o grafão
while(!q.empty()) {
Node e = q.front(); q.pop();
//cout << "> " << e.w << " " << e.f << endl;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (G[e.w][i] > 0 && G[e.w][i] <= e.f) {
int nw = i;
int nf = e.f - G[e.w][i];
int nidx = map[nw][nf];
//cout << e.w << " " << e.f << " - " << nw << " " << nf << endl;
if (nidx == 0) {
nidx = V.size();
map[nw][nf] = nidx;
revMap[nidx] = nw;
q.push(Node(nw, nf));
V[map[e.w][e.f]].push_back(Edge(nidx, 0, 0));
if (e.f < MAXX) {
int nidx = map[e.w][e.f+1];
//cout << e.w << " " << e.f << " - " << e.w << " " << e.f+1 << endl;
if (nidx == 0) {
nidx = V.size();;
map[e.w][e.f+1] = nidx;
revMap[nidx] = e.w;
q.push(Node(e.w, e.f+1));
V[map[e.w][e.f]].push_back(Edge(nidx, P[e.w], e.f+1));
//até aqui cria o grafo
cin >> qr;
for(int ii=0; ii<qr; ii++) {
//para cada query
cin >> c >> s >> d;
//então, dijkstra
int nn = V.size();
int y[nn];
priority_queue<Edge> heap;
for(int i=0; i<nn; i++)
y[i] = (i!=map[s][0]?INF:0);
heap.push(Edge(map[s][0], 0, 0));
while(!heap.empty()) {
Edge e =; heap.pop();
if (e.c > y[e.t]) continue;
for(int i=0; i<V[e.t].size(); i++) {
if (V[e.t][i].k > c) continue;
int aux = y[e.t] + V[e.t][i].c;
int nxt = V[e.t][i].t;
//cout << aux << endl;
if (aux < y[nxt]) {
y[nxt] = aux;
heap.push(Edge(nxt, aux, V[e.t][i].k));
int minn = INF;
//cout << d << endl;
for(int i=0; i<=c; i++) {
//cout << y[map[d][i]] << " ";
minn = min(y[map[d][i]], minn);
//cout << endl;
if (minn < INF)
cout << minn << endl;
cout << "impossible" << endl;
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