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Last active August 26, 2021 16:14
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CR-10 S4 Duet2Wifi Config w/ BLTouch and AC Heated Bed
M561 ; clear any bed transform
G29 S2 ; Clear bed height map
; Probe 2-points
M401 ; Deploy probe - deployprobe.g
G30 P0 X20 Y200 Z-9999 ; Center Left
G30 P1 X340 Y200 Z-9999 S2 ; Center Right
M402 ; Retract Probe - retractprobe.g
; Configuration file for Duet WiFi (RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 2.05.1 (2020-02-09b1))
; executed by the firmware on start-up
; General preferences
G90 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83 ; ...but relative extruder moves
M564 H0 ; Allow movement without homing
; Network
M550 CR10S 400 Organic Handmade ; Set machine name
M552 S1 ; Enable network
M587 S"ssid" P"password" ; Configure access point. You can delete this line once connected
M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP
M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP
M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet
; Drives
M569 P0 S1 ; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1 ; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S0 ; Drive 2 goes backwards
M569 P3 S0 ; Drive 3 goes backwards
M569 P4 S0 ; Drive 4 goes backwards
M584 X0 Y1 Z2:4 E3 ; Two Z motors connected to driver outputs 2 and 4
M671 X-29.9:428.2 Y200.0:200.0 S2 ; Lead screw offsets from home
M350 X16 Y16 Z16 E16 I1 ; Configure micro-stepping with interpolation
M92 X80 Y80 Z400 E415 ; Set steps per mm
M566 X720 Y720 Z18 E600 ; Set maximum instantaneous speed changes (mm/min)
M203 X6000 Y6000 Z180 E3000 ; Set maximum speeds (mm/min)
M201 X750 Y750 Z100 E5000 ; Set accelerations (mm/s^2)
M906 X1000 Y1000 Z800 E800 I30 ; Set motor currents (mA) and motor idle factor in percent
M84 S30 ; Set idle timeout
; Axis Limits
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; Set axis minima
M208 X410 Y410 Z400 S0 ; Set axis maxima
; Endstops
M574 Z1 S0 ; Set active low end-stops
M574 X1 Y1 S1 ; Set active high end-stops
; Z-Probe
M307 H7 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Disable heater on PWM channel for BLTouch
M558 P9 F100 H5 R0.2 T6000 A5 B1 ; Set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds
G31 P25 X-59.9 Y-7.2 Z1.558 ; Set Z probe trigger value/sensitivity, offset and trigger height
M557 X40:340 Y40:340 S50 ; Define mesh grid
M376 H10 ; Taper compensation at Z=10mm
; Heaters
M307 H0 B0 S1.00 ; Disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit
M305 P0 T100000 B4138 C0 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 0
M143 H0 S120 ; Set temperature limit for heater 0 to 120C
M305 P1 X200 R397.5 ; Set PT100 + ADC parameters for heater 1 (BROKE, USING THERMISTER BELOW)
;M305 P1 T100000 B4388 R4700 ; Set thermistor + ADC parameters for heater 1
M143 H1 S320 ; Set temperature limit for heater 1 to 280C
M570 H0 P5 T15 S10 ; Set heat fault to 5 sec +/- 15C and save state for 10 minutes
; Fans
M106 P0 S1.0 I0 F500 H1 T50 ; Set fan 0 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned on
M106 P1 S0.0 I0 F500 H-1 ; Set fan 1 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
M106 P2 S0.0 I0 F500 H-1 ; Set fan 2 value, PWM signal inversion and frequency. Thermostatic control is turned off
; Tools
M563 P0 D0 H1 F1:2 ; Define tool 0 - use extruder 0, heater 1, fan 1, and fan 2
G10 P0 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 0 axis offsets
G10 P0 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 0 active and standby temperatures to 0C
; Automatic power saving
M911 S21 R23 P"M913 X0 Y0 G91 M83 G1 Z3 E-5 F1000" ; Set voltage thresholds and actions to run on power loss
; Default firmware retraction configuration
M207 S3.2 R-0.1 F3600 T1200 Z0 ; Set 3.2mm retraction, -0.1 restart, 3600 mm/min feed rate, 1200 mm/min restart feed rate, no z change
; Other settings
G29 S1 ; Enable automatic bed mesh compensation
M572 D0 S0.16 ; Enable pressure-advance
M915 X Y S10 F1 R1 ; Enable stall detection for X and Y axis with a sensitivity of 10 and report only
M915 Z S0 F1 R1 ; Enable stall detection for Z axis with a sensitivity of 10 and report only
; Miscellaneous
M501 ; Load saved parameters from non-volatile memory
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z10 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position
G1 S1 X-415 Y-415 F1800 ; move quickly to X and Y axis endstops and stop there (first pass)
G1 X5 Y5 F6000 ; go back a few mm
G1 S1 X-415 Y-415 F360 ; move slowly to X and Y axis endstops once more (second pass)
G1 X250 Y200 F6000 ; move X and Y to the bottom left corner of the bed
G30 ; Do a single probe to home our Z axis
G90 ; Make sure we are in absolute mode
G1 X200 Y200 Z5 F6000 ; Move to parked position
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 Z10 F6000 S2 ; lift Z relative to current position
G30 ; Do a single probe to home our Z axis
G90 ; Make sure we are in absolute mode
G1 Z10 F6000 ; Rapidly move the Z axis to Z=10.
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This is great. I'm considering the Duet 2 WiFi for my S5 with a Bondtech DDS and BLTouch. Did you have to use the adapter board for your hot end temp sensor?

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