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Created July 13, 2015 10:21
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SparkStreaming actor receiver demo
import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{StreamingContext, Duration}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.{DStream, InputDStream}
import scala.reflect._
import org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.ActorHelper
import org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler.{StreamingListener, StreamingListenerReceiverStarted, StreamingListenerBatchCompleted}
import{Actor, Props, ActorSelection}
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.util.Try
/** A pair of an actor input DStream and an Akka actor selection that can be used to
* send messages to that actor, that will forward those messages to the input DStream
* */
case class InputDStreamWithProxyActor[A:ClassTag](dstream : InputDStream[A], actor : ActorSelection)
object InputDStreamWithProxyActor {
def apply[A](ssc : StreamingContext, receiverActorName : String)
(implicit aCt : ClassTag[A]) : InputDStreamWithProxyActor[A] =
new InputDStreamWithProxyActor(dstream=ProxyReceiverActor.createActorDStream(ssc, receiverActorName),
actor=ProxyReceiverActor.getActorSelection(ssc.sparkContext, receiverActorName))
def apply[A](receiverActorName : String)
(implicit ssc : StreamingContext, aCt : ClassTag[A]) : InputDStreamWithProxyActor[A] =
apply(ssc, receiverActorName)
/** Simple Akka actor that can be used to create an InputDStream, to which
* the actor forwards all the messages it receives that match its generic type
* */
class ProxyReceiverActor[A:ClassTag]
extends Actor with ActorHelper with Logging {
override def preStart = {
logInfo(s"Starting ${this.getClass.getName} $self")
override def postStop = {
logInfo(s"Stopped ${this.getClass.getName} $self")
override def receive = {
case msg : A => {
/* According to the logs and DStream.print there is a delay of between one and two
* batches from the call to store and the message appearing in a batch
* */
logInfo(s"received message [${msg}]")
object ProxyReceiverActor {
def createActorDStream[A](ssc : StreamingContext, receiverActorName : String)
(implicit aCt : ClassTag[A]) : InputDStream[A] =
ssc.actorStream[A](Props(new ProxyReceiverActor[A]), receiverActorName)
def createActorDStream[A](receiverActorName : String)
(implicit ssc : StreamingContext, aCt : ClassTag[A]) : DStream[A] =
createActorDStream(ssc, receiverActorName)(aCt)
def getActorSelection(sc : SparkContext, receiverActorName : String) : ActorSelection = {
// could use SparkEnv.get.conf instead, but doing this way hoping in the future we
// could have several Spark Contexts in the same JVM, with different actor systems accessible
// through each SparkContext
val driverHost = sc.getConf.get("")
val driverPort = sc.getConf.get("spark.driver.port")
val actorSystem = SparkEnv.get.actorSystem
val actorUrl = s"akka.tcp://sparkDriver@$driverHost:$driverPort/user/Supervisor0/$receiverActorName"
object ReceiverActorDemo extends App {
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[5]").setAppName("ReceiverActorDemo")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val batchDuration = Duration(100)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, batchDuration)
// get reference to receiver actor so we can send messages to it
val receiverActorName = "ReceiverActorFoo"
val inputDStreamWithProxyActor = InputDStreamWithProxyActor[String](ssc, receiverActorName)
val receiverActor =
/* with this inputDStream : ReceiverInputDStream[Nothing] and we get SparkDriverExecutionException: Execution error
* Caused by: java.lang.ArrayStoreException: [Ljava.lang.Object;
* val inputDStream = ssc.actorStream(Props(new ProxyReceiverActor[String]), receiverActorName)
// with this inputDStream : ReceiverInputDStream[String]
// val inputDStream = ssc.actorStream[String](Props(new ProxyReceiverActor[String]), receiverActorName)
val inputDStream = inputDStreamWithProxyActor.dstream
inputDStream. print
ssc.addStreamingListener(new StreamingListener {
override def onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted) : Unit = {
// run this is a future to avoid blocking the listener handler loop, as this
// code has sleeps and so it's quite slow
future {
// only start sending the messages when the receiver has started, otherwise the
// first messages can be lost
println("now receiver is ready to receive messages")
// this message doesn't reach the DStream because it doesn't
// have the type String, so it is discarded in the receive of the actor
receiverActor ! 42
for (msg <- "hola caracola que tal lo llevas yo aqui intentando usar actores con Spark Streaming, parece que funciona ok!".split("""\s+""")) {
// these messages reach the DStream because it has type String
println(s"sending message [${msg}] to receiver actor $receiverActor")
receiverActor ! msg
// let this run for some batches
val maxNumBatches = 15 // 5 // this also stops ok before all the messages can even be sent
ssc.addStreamingListener(new StreamingListener {
var hasReceiverStarted = false
var batchesCounter = 0
var stoppingContext = false
override def onReceiverStarted(receiverStarted: StreamingListenerReceiverStarted) : Unit = {
hasReceiverStarted = true
override def onBatchCompleted(batchCompleted: StreamingListenerBatchCompleted) : Unit = {
if (hasReceiverStarted) {
println(s"batch completed at time ${batchCompleted.batchInfo.batchTime}")
batchesCounter += 1
// ssc.stop is ignored if executed before the receiver has started, so we start
// counting batches only after the receiver has started
if (batchesCounter >= maxNumBatches && ! stoppingContext) {
// graceful stop can take some batches, use stoppingContext to avoid calling stop several times
stoppingContext = true
println(s"stopping streaming context at time ${batchCompleted.batchInfo.batchTime}")
// we need another thread to stop the context, otherwise we get a deadlock as
// this method cannot finish until the context stops, and the context cannot
// stop until this method finishes
future {
Try { ssc.stop(stopSparkContext=true, stopGracefully=true) } recover {
case _ => {
println(s"forcing non graceful stop of streaming context")
ssc.stop(stopSparkContext=true, stopGracefully=false)
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