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Created August 20, 2015 15:54
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// TODO: stats not being send, check Direct kafka dstream and other tutorial
* Much less efficient than DynSeqQueueInputDStream, which is based on List
* instead of maps
* Following
* */
class TestCaseDictInputDStream[A: ClassTag]
(@transient _ssc : StreamingContext)
// extends InputDStream[A](_ssc) FIXME remove when consolidated
extends InputDStream[(TestCaseIdCounter.TestCaseId, A)](_ssc)
with Logging {
import TestCaseIdCounter.TestCaseId
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
@transient val _sc = _ssc.sparkContext
val numSlices = 2 // TODO add config
// (testCaseId, (testCase, currentBatchPointer))
var testCasesMap : Map[TestCaseId, (Vector[Seq[A]], Int)] = emptyTestCasesMap
private[this] def emptyTestCasesMap = new HashMap[TestCaseId, (Vector[Seq[A]], Int)]
private[this] def reset() : Unit = { testCasesMap = emptyTestCasesMap }
import{NotSerializableException, ObjectOutputStream}
private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = {
throw new NotSerializableException("queueStream doesn't support checkpointing")
def addTestCase(testCaseId : TestCaseId, testCase : Seq[Seq[A]]) : Unit = synchronized {
require(!(testCasesMap contains testCaseId), "test cases should not be added more than once")
testCasesMap += testCaseId -> (testCase.toVector, 0)
def removeTestCase(testCaseId : TestCaseId) : Unit = synchronized {
testCasesMap -= testCaseId
override def start() : Unit = reset()
override def stop() : Unit = reset()
// override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[A]] = synchronized { FIXME remove when consolidated
override def compute(validTime: Time): Option[RDD[(TestCaseId, A)]] = synchronized {
// TODO: use fold on testCasesMap to produce the RDD an the new testCasesMap
// testCasesMap.foldLeft((emptyTestCasesMap, List() : Seq[Seq[A]])) {
val testCasesMapAndBatch =
testCasesMap.foldLeft((emptyTestCasesMap, List() : Seq[(TestCaseId, A)])) {
case ((inTestCasesMap, inBatch), (testCaseId, (testCase, currentBatchPointer))) => {
if (currentBatchPointer < testCase.length) {
// this test case contributes to the batch
// mark the records with testCaseId and add them to the batch
val outBatch = testCase(currentBatchPointer).map((testCaseId, _)) ++ inBatch
// move the test case pointer
val outTestCasesMap = inTestCasesMap + (testCaseId -> (testCase, currentBatchPointer + 1))
(outTestCasesMap, outBatch)
} else {
// this test case doesn't contribute to the batch: don't remove from the map,
// as the case might still fail, this will be removed when the prop calls removeTestCase
(inTestCasesMap, inBatch)
testCasesMap = testCasesMapAndBatch._1
val batch = testCasesMapAndBatch._2
if (batch.size > 0) {
logWarning(s"computing batch ${batch.mkString(",")}")
val rdd = _sc.parallelize(batch, numSlices=numSlices)
rdd.count // force compute or this does nothing
} else {
// None // FIXME is this ok?
// Some(_sc.parallelize(List(), 1))
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