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carTrace.go - example hyperledger fabric chaincode in Go (golang)
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#TEST transaction / Init ledger
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initLedgerB","args":["ser1234"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initLedgerC","args":["ser1234"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initLedgerD","args":["ser1234"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST transaction / Add Car Part
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1234", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 2020", "mazda", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1235", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 2020", "mercedes", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1236", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 2020", "toyota", "false", "15026889790"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1237", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 5000", "mazda", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1238", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 5000", "mercedes", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehiclePart","args":["ser1239", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 5000", "toyota", "false", "15026889790"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST transaction / Add Car
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehicle","args":["mer1000001", "mercedes", "c class", "1502688979", "ser1234", "mercedes", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehicle","args":["maz1000001", "mazda", "mazda 6", "1502688979", "ser1235", "mazda", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehicle","args":["ren1000001", "renault", "megan", "1502688979", "ser1236", "renault", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"initVehicle","args":["ford1000001", "ford", "mustang", "1502688979", "ser1237", "ford", "false", "1502688979"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST query / Populated database
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/query -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"readVehiclePart","args":["ser1234"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/query -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"readVehicle","args":["mer1000001"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST transaction / Transfer ownership
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"transferVehiclePart","args":["ser1234", "mercedes"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"transferVehicle","args":["mer1000001", "mercedes los angeles"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST query / Get History
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/query -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"getHistoryForRecord","args":["ser1234"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/query -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"getHistoryForRecord","args":["mer1000001"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST transaction / delete records
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"deleteVehiclePart","args":["ser1235"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/rest/v1/transaction/invocation -d '{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"deleteVehicle","args":["maz1000001"],"chaincodeVer":"v1"}'
# TEST transaction / Recall Part
curl -H "Content-type:application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3100/bcsgw/{"channel":"channel1","chaincode":"vehiclenet","method":"setPartRecallState","args":["abg1234",true],"chaincodeVer":"v3"}'
go run cryptoHOL.go -s welcome
go run cryptoHOL.go -v welcome 23465785510810132448457841429882907809251724155505686786147550387897 10848776947772665661803987914449872333300709981875993855742805426849
// Index for chaincodeid, docType, owner, size (descending order).
// Note that docType, owner and size fields must be prefixed with the "data" wrapper
// chaincodeid must be added for all queries
// Definition for use with Fauxton interface
// {"index":{"fields":[{"data.size":"desc"},{"chaincodeid":"desc"},{"data.docType":"desc"},{"data.owner":"desc"}]},"ddoc":"indexSizeSortDoc", "name":"indexSizeSortDesc","type":"json"}
// example curl definition for use with command line
// curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"index\":{\"fields\":[{\"data.size\":\"desc\"},{\"chaincodeid\":\"desc\"},{\"data.docType\":\"desc\"},{\"data.owner\":\"desc\"}]},\"ddoc\":\"indexSizeSortDoc\", \"name\":\"indexSizeSortDesc\",\"type\":\"json\"}" http://hostname:port/channelNameGoesHere/_index
// Rich Query with index design doc and index name specified (Only supported if CouchDB is used as state database):
// peer chaincode query -C channelNameGoesHere -n vehicleParts -c '{"Args":["queryVehiclePart","{\"selector\":{\"docType\":\"vehiclePart\",\"owner\":\"mercedes\"}, \"use_index\":[\"_design/indexOwnerDoc\", \"indexOwner\"]}"]}'
// Rich Query with index design doc specified only (Only supported if CouchDB is used as state database):
// peer chaincode query -C channelNameGoesHere -n vehicleParts -c '{"Args":["queryVehiclePart","{\"selector\":{\"docType\":{\"$eq\":\"vehiclePart\"},\"owner\":{\"$eq\":\"mercedes\"},\"assemblyDate\":{\"$gt\":1502688979}},\"fields\":[\"docType\",\"owner\",\"assemblyDate\"],\"sort\":[{\"assemblyDate\":\"desc\"}],\"use_index\":\"_design/indexSizeSortDoc\"}"]}'
package main
import (
pb ""
// AutoTraceChaincode example simple Chaincode implementation
type AutoTraceChaincode struct {
// @MODIFY_HERE add recall fields to vehiclePart JSON object
type vehiclePart struct {
ObjectType string `json:"docType"` //docType is used to distinguish the various types of objects in state database
SerialNumber string `json:"serialNumber"`
Assembler string `json:"assembler"` //the fieldtags are needed to keep case from bouncing around
AssemblyDate int `json:"assemblyDate"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Recall bool `json:"recall"` // to be added at workshop
RecallDate int `json:"recallDate"` // to be added at workshop
// @MODIFY_HERE add recall fields to vehicle JSON object
type vehicle struct {
ObjectType string `json:"docType"` //docType is used to distinguish the various types of objects in state database
ChassisNumber string `json:"chassisNumber"` //the fieldtags are needed to keep case from bouncing around
Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"`
Model string `json:"model"`
AssemblyDate int `json:"assemblyDate"`
AirbagSerialNumber string `json:"airbagSerialNumber"`
Owner string `json:"owner"`
Recall bool `json:"recall"` // to be added at workshop
RecallDate int `json:"recallDate"` // to be added at workshop
// ===================================================================================
// Main
// ===================================================================================
func main() {
err := shim.Start(new(AutoTraceChaincode))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error starting Parts Trace chaincode: %s", err)
// Init initializes chaincode
// ===========================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
return shim.Success(nil)
// Invoke - Our entry point for Invocations
// ========================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) pb.Response {
function, args := stub.GetFunctionAndParameters()
fmt.Println("invoke is running " + function)
// Handle different functions
if function == "initVehiclePart" { //create a new vehiclePart
return t.initVehiclePart(stub, args)
} else if function == "transferVehiclePart" { //change owner of a specific vehicle part
return t.transferVehiclePart(stub, args)
} else if function == "deleteVehiclePart" { //delete a vehicle part
return t.deleteVehiclePart(stub, args)
} else if function == "readVehiclePart" { //read a vehiclePart
return t.readVehiclePart(stub, args)
} else if function == "queryVehiclePartByOwner" { //find vehicle part for owner X using rich query
return t.queryVehiclePartByOwner(stub, args)
} else if function == "queryVehiclePart" { //find vehicle part based on an ad hoc rich query
return t.queryVehiclePart(stub, args)
} else if function == "getHistoryForRecord" { //get history of values for a record
return t.getHistoryForRecord(stub, args)
} else if function == "getVehiclePartByRange" { //get vehicle part based on range query
return t.getVehiclePartByRange(stub, args)
} else if function == "initVehicle" { //create a new vehicle
return t.initVehicle(stub, args)
} else if function == "transferVehicle" { //change owner of a specific vehicle
return t.transferVehicle(stub, args)
} else if function == "readVehicle" { //read a vehicle
return t.readVehicle(stub, args)
} else if function == "deleteVehicle" { //delete a vehicle
return t.deleteVehicle(stub, args)
} else if function == "transferPartToVehicle" { // transfer airbag to vehicle
return t.transferPartToVehicle(stub, args)
} else if function == "setPartRecallState" { // set recall state of vehicle part
return t.setPartRecallState(stub, args)
// ==== Write a sub-routine to mark a vehicle part as recalled by ".Name"
// ==== Write a sub-routine to mark a vehicle as recalled by ".Manufacturer" & ".Model"
fmt.Println("invoke did not find func: " + function) //error
return shim.Error("Received unknown function invocation")
// @MODIFY_HERE un-comment
// ============================================================
// setPartRecallState - sets recall field of a vehicle
// ============================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) setPartRecallState(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var err error
// dexpects following arguements
// 0 1
// "serialNumber", "status (boolean)"
if len(args) != 2 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 2")
if len(args[0]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("1st argument must be a non-empty string")
serialNumber := args[0]
recall, err := strconv.ParseBool(args[1])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("2nd argument must be a boolean string")
// ==== Check if vehicle part already exists ====
vehiclePartAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Failed to get vehicle part: " + err.Error())
} else if vehiclePartAsBytes == nil {
fmt.Println("This vehicle part does not exist: " + serialNumber)
return shim.Error("This vehicle part does not exist:: " + serialNumber)
vehiclePartJSON := vehiclePart{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehiclePartAsBytes, &vehiclePartJSON) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Unable to unmarshall vehicle part from byte to JSON object: " + serialNumber)
return shim.Error("Unable to unmarshall vehicle part from byte to JSON object: " + serialNumber)
// ==== Create vehiclePart object and marshal to JSON ====
objectType := "vehiclePart"
vehiclePart := &vehiclePart{objectType, serialNumber, vehiclePartJSON.Assembler, vehiclePartJSON.AssemblyDate, vehiclePartJSON.Name, vehiclePartJSON.Owner, recall, 1502688979}
vehiclePartJSONasBytes, err := json.Marshal(vehiclePart)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// === Save vehiclePart to state ===
err = stub.PutState(serialNumber, vehiclePartJSONasBytes)
// ==== Vehicle part saved. Return success ====
fmt.Println("- end setPartRecallState")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ============================================================
// initVehiclePart - create a new vehicle part, store into chaincode state
// ============================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) initVehiclePart(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var err error
// data model without recall fields
// 0 1 2 3 4
// "ser1234", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 2020", "aaimler ag / mercedes"
// data model with recall fields
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
// "ser1234", "tata", "1502688979", "airbag 2020", "aaimler ag / mercedes", "false", "0"
// @MODIFY_HERE extend to expect 7 arguements, up from 5
if len(args) != 7 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 7")
// ==== Input sanitation ====
fmt.Println("- start init vehicle part")
if len(args[0]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("1st argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[1]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("2nd argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[3]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("4th argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[4]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("5th argument must be a non-empty string")
serialNumber := args[0]
assembler := strings.ToLower(args[1])
assemblyDate, err := strconv.Atoi(args[2])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("3rd argument must be a numeric string")
name := strings.ToLower(args[3])
owner := strings.ToLower(args[4])
// @MODIFY_HERE parts recall fields
recall, err := strconv.ParseBool(args[5])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("6th argument must be a boolean string")
recallDate, err := strconv.Atoi(args[6])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("7th argument must be a numeric string")
// ==== Check if vehicle part already exists ====
vehiclePartAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Failed to get vehicle part: " + err.Error())
} else if vehiclePartAsBytes != nil {
fmt.Println("This vehicle part already exists: " + serialNumber)
return shim.Error("This vehicle part already exists: " + serialNumber)
// @MODIFY_HERE parts recall fields
// ==== Create vehiclePart object and marshal to JSON ====
objectType := "vehiclePart"
//vehiclePart := &vehiclePart{objectType, serialNumber, assembler, assemblyDate, name, owner}
vehiclePart := &vehiclePart{objectType, serialNumber, assembler, assemblyDate, name, owner, recall, recallDate}
vehiclePartJSONasBytes, err := json.Marshal(vehiclePart)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// === Save vehiclePart to state ===
err = stub.PutState(serialNumber, vehiclePartJSONasBytes)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// ==== Index the vehicle parts to enable assember & owner-based range queries, e.g. return all tata parts ====
// An 'index' is a normal key/value entry in state.
// The key is a composite key, with the elements that you want to range query on listed first.
// In our case, the composite key is based on indexName~assember~serialNumber.
// This will enable very efficißent state range queries based on composite keys matching indexName~color~*
indexName := "assembler~serialNumber"
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
err = t.createIndex(stub, indexName, []string{vehiclePart.Assembler, vehiclePart.SerialNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
err = t.createIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{vehiclePart.Owner, vehiclePart.SerialNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// ==== Vehicle part saved and indexed. Return success ====
fmt.Println("- end init vehicle part")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ============================================================
// initVehicle - create a new vehicle , store into chaincode state
// ============================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) initVehicle(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var err error
// data model without recall fields
// 0 1 2 3 4 5
// "mer1000001", "mercedes", "c class", "1502688979", "ser1234", "mercedes"
// data model with recall fields
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// "mer1000001", "mercedes", "c class", "1502688979", "ser1234", "mercedes", "false", "1502688979"
// @MODIFY_HERE extend to expect 8 arguements, up from 6
if len(args) != 8 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 7")
// ==== Input sanitation ====
fmt.Println("- start init vehicle")
if len(args[0]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("1st argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[1]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("2nd argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[2]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("3rd argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[4]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("5th argument must be a non-empty string")
if len(args[5]) <= 0 {
return shim.Error("6th argument must be a non-empty string")
chassisNumber := args[0]
manufacturer := strings.ToLower(args[1])
model := strings.ToLower(args[2])
assemblyDate, err := strconv.Atoi(args[3])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("3rd argument must be a numeric string")
airbagSerialNumber := strings.ToLower(args[4])
owner := strings.ToLower(args[5])
// @MODIFY_HERE vehicle recall fields
recall, err := strconv.ParseBool(args[6])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("7th argument must be a boolean string")
recallDate, err := strconv.Atoi(args[7])
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("8th argument must be a numeric string")
// ==== Check if vehicle already exists ====
vehicleAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(chassisNumber)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Failed to get vehicle: " + err.Error())
} else if vehicleAsBytes != nil {
return shim.Error("This vehicle already exists: " + chassisNumber)
// @MODIFY_HERE parts recall fields
// ==== Create vehicle object and marshal to JSON ====
objectType := "vehicle"
//vehicle := &vehicle{objectType, chassisNumber, manufacturer, model, assemblyDate, airbagSerialNumber, owner}
vehicle := &vehicle{objectType, chassisNumber, manufacturer, model, assemblyDate, airbagSerialNumber, owner, recall, recallDate}
vehicleJSONasBytes, err := json.Marshal(vehicle)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// === Save vehicle to state ===
err = stub.PutState(chassisNumber, vehicleJSONasBytes)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// ==== Index the vehicle parts to enable assember & owner-based range queries, e.g. return all tata parts ====
// An 'index' is a normal key/value entry in state.
// The key is a composite key, with the elements that you want to range query on listed first.
// In our case, the composite key is based on indexName~assember~chassisNumber.
// This will enable very efficient state range queries based on composite keys matching indexName~color~*
indexName := "manufacturer~chassisNumber"
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
err = t.createIndex(stub, indexName, []string{vehicle.Manufacturer, vehicle.ChassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
err = t.createIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{vehicle.Owner, vehicle.ChassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// ==== Vehicle part saved and indexed. Return success ====
fmt.Println("- end init vehicle")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ===============================================
// createIndex - create search index for ledger
// ===============================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) createIndex(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, indexName string, attributes []string) error {
fmt.Println("- start create index")
var err error
// ==== Index the object to enable range queries, e.g. return all parts made by supplier b ====
// An 'index' is a normal key/value entry in state.
// The key is a composite key, with the elements that you want to range query on listed first.
// This will enable very efficient state range queries based on composite keys matching indexName~color~*
indexKey, err := stub.CreateCompositeKey(indexName, attributes)
if err != nil {
return err
// Save index entry to state. Only the key name is needed, no need to store a duplicate copy of object.
// Note - passing a 'nil' value will effectively delete the key from state, therefore we pass null character as value
value := []byte{0x00}
stub.PutState(indexKey, value)
fmt.Println("- end create index")
return nil
// ===============================================
// deleteIndex - remove search index for ledger
// ===============================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) deleteIndex(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, indexName string, attributes []string) error {
fmt.Println("- start delete index")
var err error
// ==== Index the object to enable range queries, e.g. return all parts made by supplier b ====
// An 'index' is a normal key/value entry in state.
// The key is a composite key, with the elements that you want to range query on listed first.
// This will enable very efficient state range queries based on composite keys matching indexName~color~*
indexKey, err := stub.CreateCompositeKey(indexName, attributes)
if err != nil {
return err
// Delete index by key
fmt.Println("- end delete index")
return nil
// ===============================================
// readVehiclePart - read a vehicle part from chaincode state
// ===============================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) readVehiclePart(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var serialNumber, jsonResp string
var err error
if len(args) != 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting serial number of the vehicle part to query")
serialNumber = args[0]
valAsbytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber) //get the vehiclePart from chaincode state
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to get state for " + serialNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
} else if valAsbytes == nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Vehicle part does not exist: " + serialNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
return shim.Success(valAsbytes)
// ===============================================
// readVehicle - read a vehicle from chaincode state
// ===============================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) readVehicle(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var chassisNumber, jsonResp string
var err error
if len(args) != 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting chassis number of the vehicle to query")
chassisNumber = args[0]
valAsbytes, err := stub.GetState(chassisNumber) //get the vehicle from chaincode state
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to get state for " + chassisNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
} else if valAsbytes == nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Vehicle does not exist: " + chassisNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
return shim.Success(valAsbytes)
// ==================================================
// deleteVehiclePart - remove a vehiclePart key/value pair from state
// ==================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) deleteVehiclePart(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var jsonResp string
var vehiclePartJSON vehiclePart
if len(args) != 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 1")
serialNumber := args[0]
// to maintain the assember~serialNumber index, we need to read the vehiclePart first and get its assembler
valAsbytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber) //get the vehiclePart from chaincode state
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to get state for " + serialNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
} else if valAsbytes == nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"VehiclePart does not exist: " + serialNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(valAsbytes), &vehiclePartJSON)
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to decode JSON of: " + serialNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
err = stub.DelState(serialNumber) //remove the vehiclePart from chaincode state
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Failed to delete state:" + err.Error())
// maintain the index
indexName := "assembler~serialNumber"
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
// remove previous indexes
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, indexName, []string{vehiclePartJSON.Assembler, vehiclePartJSON.SerialNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{vehiclePartJSON.Owner, vehiclePartJSON.SerialNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
return shim.Success(nil)
// ==================================================
// deleteVehicle - remove a vehicle key/value pair from state
// ==================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) deleteVehicle(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
var jsonResp string
var vehicleJSON vehicle
if len(args) != 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 1")
chassisNumber := args[0]
// to maintain the manufacturer~chassisNumber index, we need to read the vehicle first and get its assembler
valAsbytes, err := stub.GetState(chassisNumber) //get the vehicle from chaincode state
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to get state for " + chassisNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
} else if valAsbytes == nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Vehicle does not exist: " + chassisNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(valAsbytes), &vehicleJSON)
if err != nil {
jsonResp = "{\"Error\":\"Failed to decode JSON of: " + chassisNumber + "\"}"
return shim.Error(jsonResp)
err = stub.DelState(chassisNumber) //remove the vehicle from chaincode state
if err != nil {
return shim.Error("Failed to delete state:" + err.Error())
// maintain the index
indexName := "manufacturer~chassisNumber"
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
// remove previous indexes
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, indexName, []string{vehicleJSON.Manufacturer, vehicleJSON.ChassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{vehicleJSON.Owner, vehicleJSON.ChassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
return shim.Success(nil)
// ===========================================================
// transfer a vehicle part by setting a new owner name on the vehiclePart
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) transferVehiclePart(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
// 0 1 3
// "name", "from", "to"
if len(args) < 3 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 3")
serialNumber := args[0]
currentOwner := strings.ToLower(args[1])
newOwner := strings.ToLower(args[2])
fmt.Println("- start transferVehiclePart ", serialNumber, currentOwner, newOwner)
message, err := t.transferPartHelper(stub, serialNumber, currentOwner, newOwner)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(message + err.Error())
} else if message != "" {
return shim.Error(message)
fmt.Println("- end transferVehiclePart (success)")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ===========================================================
// transferParts : helper method for transferVehiclePart
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) transferPartHelper(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, serialNumber string, currentOwner string, newOwner string) (string, error) {
// attempt to get the current vehiclePart object by serial number.
// if sucessful, returns us a byte array we can then us JSON.parse to unmarshal
fmt.Println("Transfering part with serial number: " + serialNumber + " To: " + newOwner)
vehiclePartAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return "Failed to get vehicle part: " + serialNumber, err
} else if vehiclePartAsBytes == nil {
return "Vehicle part does not exist: " + serialNumber, nil
vehiclePartToTransfer := vehiclePart{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehiclePartAsBytes, &vehiclePartToTransfer) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if currentOwner != vehiclePartToTransfer.Owner {
return "This asset is currently owned by another entity.", err
vehiclePartToTransfer.Owner = newOwner //change the owner
vehiclePartJSONBytes, _ := json.Marshal(vehiclePartToTransfer)
err = stub.PutState(serialNumber, vehiclePartJSONBytes) //rewrite the vehiclePart
if err != nil {
return "", err
// maintain indexes
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
// remove previous index
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{currentOwner, serialNumber})
if err != nil {
return "", err
// create new index
err = t.createIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{newOwner, serialNumber})
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
// ===========================================================
// transfer a vehicle part by setting a new owner name on the vehiclePart
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) transferPartToVehicle(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
fmt.Println("- start transferPartToVehicle")
// 0 1
// "serialNumber", "chassisNumber"
if len(args) < 2 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 2")
serialNumber := args[0]
chassisNumber := args[1]
message, err := t.transferPartToVehicleHelper(stub, serialNumber, chassisNumber)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(message)
fmt.Println("- end transferPartToVehicle (success)")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ===========================================================
// transferPartToVehicleHelper : helper for transferPartToVehicle
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) transferPartToVehicleHelper(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, serialNumber string, chassisNumber string) (string, error) {
vehiclePartAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(serialNumber)
if err != nil {
return "Failed to get vehicle part: " + serialNumber, err
} else if vehiclePartAsBytes == nil {
return "Vehicle part does not exist: " + serialNumber, nil
vehicleAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(chassisNumber)
if err != nil {
return "Failed to get vehicle: " + chassisNumber, err
} else if vehicleAsBytes == nil {
return "Vehicle does not exist: " + chassisNumber, err
part := vehiclePart{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehiclePartAsBytes, &part) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
return "", err
car := vehicle{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehicleAsBytes, &car) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if car.Owner != part.Owner {
return "Illegal Transfer.", err
vehicleToModify := vehicle{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehicleAsBytes, &vehicleToModify) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
return "", err
vehicleToModify.AirbagSerialNumber = serialNumber //change the serialnumber of the vehicle
vehicleJSONBytes, _ := json.Marshal(vehicleToModify)
err = stub.PutState(chassisNumber, vehicleJSONBytes) //rewrite the vehicle
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
// ===========================================================
// transferVehicleHelper: transfer a vehicle by setting a new owner name on the vehicle
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) transferVehicle(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
// 0 1 3
// "name", "from", "to"
if len(args) < 3 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 3")
chassisNumber := args[0]
currentOnwer := strings.ToLower(args[1])
newOwner := strings.ToLower(args[2])
fmt.Println("- start transferVehicle ", chassisNumber, currentOnwer, newOwner)
// attempt to get the current vehicle object by serial number.
// if sucessful, returns us a byte array we can then us JSON.parse to unmarshal
message, err := t.trannsferVehicleHelper(stub, chassisNumber, currentOnwer, newOwner)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(message + err.Error())
} else if message != "" {
return shim.Error(message)
fmt.Println("- end transferVehicle (success)")
return shim.Success(nil)
// ===========================================================
// trannsferVehicleHelper : helper method for transferVehicle
// ===========================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) trannsferVehicleHelper(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, chassisNumber string, currentOwner string, newOwner string) (string, error) {
// attempt to get the current vehicle object by serial number.
// if sucessful, returns us a byte array we can then us JSON.parse to unmarshal
fmt.Println("Transfering vehicle with chassis number: " + chassisNumber + " To: " + newOwner)
vehicleAsBytes, err := stub.GetState(chassisNumber)
if err != nil {
return "Failed to get vehicle:", err
} else if vehicleAsBytes == nil {
return "Vehicle does not exist", err
vehicleToTransfer := vehicle{}
err = json.Unmarshal(vehicleAsBytes, &vehicleToTransfer) //unmarshal it aka JSON.parse()
if err != nil {
return "", err
if currentOwner != vehicleToTransfer.Owner {
return "This asset is currently owned by another entity.", err
vehicleToTransfer.Owner = newOwner //change the owner
vehicleJSONBytes, _ := json.Marshal(vehicleToTransfer)
err = stub.PutState(chassisNumber, vehicleJSONBytes) //rewrite the vehicle
if err != nil {
return "", err
// maintain indexes
ownersIndex := "owner~identifier"
// remove previous index
err = t.deleteIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{currentOwner, chassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return "", err
// create new index
err = t.createIndex(stub, ownersIndex, []string{newOwner, chassisNumber})
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "", nil
// ===========================================================================================
// getVehiclePartByRange performs a range query based on the start and end keys provided.
// Read-only function results are not typically submitted to ordering. If the read-only
// results are submitted to ordering, or if the query is used in an update transaction
// and submitted to ordering, then the committing peers will re-execute to guarantee that
// result sets are stable between endorsement time and commit time. The transaction is
// invalidated by the committing peers if the result set has changed between endorsement
// time and commit time.
// Therefore, range queries are a safe option for performing update transactions based on query results.
// ===========================================================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) getVehiclePartByRange(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
if len(args) < 2 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 2")
startKey := args[0]
endKey := args[1]
resultsIterator, err := stub.GetStateByRange(startKey, endKey)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
defer resultsIterator.Close()
// buffer is a JSON array containing QueryResults
var buffer bytes.Buffer
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten := false
for resultsIterator.HasNext() {
queryResponse, err := resultsIterator.Next()
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// Add a comma before array members, suppress it for the first array member
if bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten == true {
buffer.WriteString(", \"Record\":")
// Record is a JSON object, so we write as-is
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten = true
fmt.Printf("- getVehiclePartByRange queryResult:\n%s\n", buffer.String())
return shim.Success(buffer.Bytes())
// =======Rich queries =========================================================================
// Two examples of rich queries are provided below (parameterized query and ad hoc query).
// Rich queries pass a query string to the state database.
// Rich queries are only supported by state database implementations
// that support rich query (e.g. CouchDB).
// The query string is in the syntax of the underlying state database.
// With rich queries there is no guarantee that the result set hasn't changed between
// endorsement time and commit time, aka 'phantom reads'.
// Therefore, rich queries should not be used in update transactions, unless the
// application handles the possibility of result set changes between endorsement and commit time.
// Rich queries can be used for point-in-time queries against a peer.
// ============================================================================================
// ===== Example: Parameterized rich query =================================================
// queryVehiclePartByOwner queries for vehicle part based on a passed in owner.
// This is an example of a parameterized query where the query logic is baked into the chaincode,
// and accepting a single query parameter (owner).
// Only available on state databases that support rich query (e.g. CouchDB)
// =========================================================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) queryVehiclePartByOwner(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
// 0
// "bob"
if len(args) < 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 1")
owner := strings.ToLower(args[0])
queryString := fmt.Sprintf("{\"selector\":{\"docType\":\"vehiclePart\",\"owner\":\"%s\"}}", owner)
queryResults, err := getQueryResultForQueryString(stub, queryString)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
return shim.Success(queryResults)
// ===== Example: Ad hoc rich query ========================================================
// queryVehiclePart uses a query string to perform a query for vehiclePart.
// Query string matching state database syntax is passed in and executed as is.
// Supports ad hoc queries that can be defined at runtime by the client.
// If this is not desired, follow the queryVehiclePartByOwner example for parameterized queries.
// Only available on state databases that support rich query (e.g. CouchDB)
// =========================================================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) queryVehiclePart(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
// 0
// "queryString"
if len(args) < 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 1")
queryString := args[0]
queryResults, err := getQueryResultForQueryString(stub, queryString)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
return shim.Success(queryResults)
// =========================================================================================
// getQueryResultForQueryString executes the passed in query string.
// Result set is built and returned as a byte array containing the JSON results.
// =========================================================================================
func getQueryResultForQueryString(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, queryString string) ([]byte, error) {
fmt.Printf("- getQueryResultForQueryString queryString:\n%s\n", queryString)
resultsIterator, err := stub.GetQueryResult(queryString)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer resultsIterator.Close()
// buffer is a JSON array containing QueryRecords
var buffer bytes.Buffer
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten := false
for resultsIterator.HasNext() {
queryResponse, err := resultsIterator.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Add a comma before array members, suppress it for the first array member
if bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten == true {
buffer.WriteString(", \"Record\":")
// Record is a JSON object, so we write as-is
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten = true
fmt.Printf("- getQueryResultForQueryString queryResult:\n%s\n", buffer.String())
return buffer.Bytes(), nil
// ===========================================================================================
// getHistoryForRecord returns the histotical state transitions for a given key of a record
// ===========================================================================================
func (t *AutoTraceChaincode) getHistoryForRecord(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response {
if len(args) < 1 {
return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 1")
recordKey := args[0]
fmt.Printf("- start getHistoryForRecord: %s\n", recordKey)
resultsIterator, err := stub.GetHistoryForKey(recordKey)
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
defer resultsIterator.Close()
// buffer is a JSON array containing historic values for the key/value pair
var buffer bytes.Buffer
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten := false
for resultsIterator.HasNext() {
response, err := resultsIterator.Next()
if err != nil {
return shim.Error(err.Error())
// Add a comma before array members, suppress it for the first array member
if bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten == true {
buffer.WriteString(", \"Value\":")
// if it was a delete operation on given key, then we need to set the
//corresponding value null. Else, we will write the response.Value
//as-is (as the Value itself a JSON vehiclePart)
if response.IsDelete {
} else {
buffer.WriteString(", \"Timestamp\":")
buffer.WriteString(time.Unix(response.Timestamp.Seconds, int64(response.Timestamp.Nanos)).String())
buffer.WriteString(", \"IsDelete\":")
bArrayMemberAlreadyWritten = true
fmt.Printf("- getHistoryForRecord returning:\n%s\n", buffer.String())
return shim.Success(buffer.Bytes())
// ===========================================================================================
// cryptoVerify : Verifies signed message against public key
// Public Key of Authority:
// [48 78 48 16 6 7 42 134 72 206 61 2 1 6 5 43 129 4 0 33 3 58 0 4 21 162 242 84 40 78 13 26 160 33 97 191 210 22 152 134 162 66 12 77 221 129 138 60 74 243 198 34 102 209 14 48 16 2 98 96 172 47 170 216 228 169 103 121 153 100 84 111 33 13 106 42 46 227 52 91]
// ===========================================================================================
func cryptoVerify(hash []byte, publicKeyBytes []byte, r *big.Int, s *big.Int) (result bool) {
fmt.Println("- Verifying ECDSA signature")
fmt.Println("Public Key")
publicKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(publicKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return false
switch publicKey := publicKey.(type) {
case *ecdsa.PublicKey:
return ecdsa.Verify(publicKey, hash, r, s)
return false
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