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Created April 14, 2012 09:52
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Save juaxix/2383234 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Maya window: Tornado
global proc moveEach()
int $inc[]=
if ( `window -q -ex moveEachUI`)
deleteUI moveEachUI;
window -t "Move Each" moveEachUI;
string $moveForm = `formLayout`;
string $moveFieldForm = `formLayout`;
string $labelCol = `columnLayout -adj 1`;
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
float $_T[] = getAttr ($sel[0]+".translate");
float $_R[] = getAttr ($sel[0]+".rotate");
float $_S[] = getAttr ($sel[0]+".scale");
text " ";
text -h 22 -l "Translate " -al right;
text -h 22 -l "Rotate " -al right;
text -h 22 -l "Scale "-al right;
setParent $moveFieldForm;
string $xCol = `columnLayout -adj 1`;
text -l "X" -al center;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_T[0] TranslateMEx; ;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_R[0] RotateMEx;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_S[0] ScaleMEx ;
setParent $moveFieldForm;
string $yCol = `columnLayout -adj 1`;
text -l "Y" -al center;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_T[1] TranslateMEy;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_R[1] RotateMEy;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_S[1] ScaleMEy;
setParent $moveFieldForm;
string $zCol = `columnLayout -adj 1`;
text -l "Z" -al center;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_T[2] TranslateMEz;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_R[2] RotateMEz;
floatField -pre 3 -value $_S[2] ScaleMEz;
setParent $moveFieldForm;
-af $labelCol "top" 0
-af $labelCol "bottom" 0
-af $labelCol "left" 0
-ap $labelCol "right" 0 $inc[0]
-af $xCol "top" 0
-af $xCol "bottom" 0
-ap $xCol "left" 0 $inc[0]
-ap $xCol "right" 0 $inc[1]
-af $yCol "top" 0
-af $yCol "bottom" 0
-ap $yCol "left" 0 $inc[1]
-ap $yCol "right" 0 $inc[2]
-af $zCol "top" 0
-af $zCol "bottom" 0
-ap $zCol "left" 0 $inc[2]
-af $zCol "right" 0
setParent $moveForm;
string $closeButt = `formLayout`;
string $cButtControl1 = `button -l "Move" -c "moveEachCommand"`;
string $cButtControl2 = `button -l "Move and Close" -c "moveEachCommand; deleteUI moveEachUI"`;
string $cButtControl3 = `button -l "Close" -c "deleteUI moveEachUI"`;
-af $cButtControl1 "top" 0
-af $cButtControl1 "bottom" 0
-ap $cButtControl1 "right" 0 33
-af $cButtControl1 "left" 0
-af $cButtControl2 "top" 0
-af $cButtControl2 "bottom" 0
-ac $cButtControl2 "right" 0 $cButtControl3
-ac $cButtControl2 "left" 0 $cButtControl1
-af $cButtControl3 "top" 0
-af $cButtControl3 "bottom" 0
-af $cButtControl3 "right" 0
-ap $cButtControl3 "left" 0 66
-af $moveFieldForm "top" 0
-af $moveFieldForm "bottom" 22
-af $moveFieldForm "left" 0
-af $moveFieldForm "right" 0
-ac $closeButt "top" 0 $moveFieldForm
-af $closeButt "bottom" 0
-af $closeButt "left" 0
-af $closeButt "right" 0
window -edit -wh 304 137 moveEachUI;
showWindow moveEachUI;
global proc moveEachCommand()
float $T[];
$T[0] = `floatField -q -v TranslateMEx`;
$T[1] = `floatField -q -v TranslateMEy`;
$T[2] = `floatField -q -v TranslateMEz`;
float $R[];
$R[0] = `floatField -q -v RotateMEx`;
$R[1] = `floatField -q -v RotateMEy`;
$R[2] = `floatField -q -v RotateMEz`;
float $S[];
$S[0] = `floatField -q -v ScaleMEx`;
$S[1] = `floatField -q -v ScaleMEy`;
$S[2] = `floatField -q -v ScaleMEz`;
string $attr[]=
string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
for ($i=0; $i<`size($sel)`; $i++)
float $objT[]= `getAttr ($sel[$i] + ".t")`;
float $objR[]= `getAttr ($sel[$i] + ".r")`;
float $objS[]= `getAttr ($sel[$i] + ".s")`;
setAttr ($sel[$i] + ".t") ($T[0] * $i + $objT[0]) ($T[1] * $i + $objT[1]) ($T[2] * $i + $objT[2]);
setAttr ($sel[$i] + ".r") ($R[0] * $i + $objR[0]) ($R[1] * $i + $objR[1]) ($R[2] * $i + $objR[2]);
move -r $T[0] $T[1] $T[2] $sel[$i];
rotate -r -os $R[0] $R[1] $R[2] $sel[$i];
scale -r $S[0] $S[1] $S[2] $sel[$i];
for($s=0; $s<3; $s++)
if($i>0 && !$S[$s]==0)
setAttr ($sel[$i] + ".s" + $attr[$s]) (($S[$s]+$objS[$s])*$i);
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