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Created August 24, 2018 16:26
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Unfollow not-following back accounts from your profile, using twitter web interface and chrome JS
//Step using a browser
//1) Login into your account. Go to your profile following, example
//2) Go all the way to bottom to get all the parts of the accounts you follow (the new API only allow get chunks)
// --> you can do that with a scrollTo jQuery script or just keep pressed the AvPage key of your keyboard.
//3) Open developer console and copy paste this code, and change confirm_unfollow to true if you want to execute the unfollow
//Get all follows data:
var follows = $(".FollowStatus");
//Remove data from accounts who are following back:
for(var i=0;i<follows.length;i++)
var group = follows[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
//get all buttons to un/follow now:
var buttons = $(".unfollow-text");
"You have " + buttons.length + " accounts not following back";
var confirm_unfollow=false; //<<-- change this to perform all the unfollows at once
for(var i=0;i<buttons.length; i++)
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