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Created April 3, 2013 07:22
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Function to get a code block from a StackOverflow question.
##' Get code block from a SO question
##' @param id question id
##' @param index index of the code block to return (one number only)
##' @param cat.output cat the content of the code blocks
##' @import XML
##' @export <- function (id, index=NULL, cat.output=FALSE) {
doc <- htmlParse(paste("",id,sep=""))
pre.index <- ifelse(is.null(index), "", paste("[",as.character(index),"]",sep=""))
xpath <- paste("//div[@id=\"question\"]//div[@class=\"post-text\"]//pre",pre.index,"/code",sep="")
code <- getNodeSet(doc, xpath)
code <- lapply(code, getChildrenStrings)
if (cat.output) return(invisible(lapply(code, cat)))
if (length(code)==1) return(unlist(code))
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