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class Foo1 {
has $!odd = 12;
has $!even = 24;
method AT-POS(\position) is rw {
position % 2 ?? $!odd !! $!even
say[10]; # $!even
say[10].VAR.^name; #Scalar
#Raku (i.e. Perl6) "raku-regex-how-to-use-capturing-group-inside-lookaheads"
#examples with capture markers and 'doubled' capture markers:
say 'abc' ~~ / abc /;
say 'abc' ~~ / a <( b )> c/;
say 'abc' ~~ / a <( (b) )> c/;
# 0 => 「b」
say "â" ~~ /\w/; # you have to have a space following the "a" with "^" for it to work
say "�" ~~ /\w/; # without the space, the character doesn't look normal
#Malformed UTF-8 at line 1 col 6
say "â".chars; # looks like 2 chars, but it says 1 char
say "â".comb.[0]; # strange, the pesky char makes the space precede the cursor as I type