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Created August 5, 2022 12:10
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Abstracting Abstract Machine in OCaml
open Core_kernel
open Printf
type var = string [@@deriving eq, ord, sexp]
type term = Ref of var
| Lam of var * term
| App of term * term [@@deriving eq, ord, sexp]
let rec pp_term = function
| Ref v -> v
| Lam (v, e) -> "(lam " ^ v ^ "." ^ pp_term e ^ ")"
| App (e, e') -> pp_term e ^ " " ^ pp_term e'
type addr = int [@@deriving eq, ord, sexp]
type time = int [@@deriving eq, ord, sexp]
(** Concrete time CESK* Machine **)
module CESK = struct
type storable = Clo of term * env | Cont of kont
and env = (var * addr) list
and store = (addr * storable) list
and kont = Mt
| Ar of term * env * addr
| Fn of term * env * addr
type stat = term * env * store * kont * time
let pp_env l =
List.iter l ~f:(fun (var, addr) ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" var addr)
let pp_kont =
begin function
| Mt -> printf "Empty\n"
| Ar (term, env, kont) ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" (pp_term term) kont;
pp_env env;
| Fn (term, env, kont) ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" (pp_term term) kont;
pp_env env;
let pp_store : store -> unit =
List.iter ~f:(fun (addr, storable) ->
printf "%d -> " addr;
match storable with
| Clo (term, env) -> printf "%s\n" (pp_term term); pp_env env
| Cont kont -> pp_kont kont)
let pp_stat : stat -> unit = fun (term, env, store, kont, time) ->
printf "[%d]\nExecuting:\n%s\n" time (pp_term term);
printf "\nEnvironment:\n";
pp_env env;
printf "\nStorage:\n";
pp_store store;
printf "\nContinuation:\n";
pp_kont kont;
printf "\n-------------\n";
let inject : term -> stat =
fun e -> (e, [], [], Mt, 0)
let rec slookup list key =
match list with
| (k, v)::tl -> if key = k then v else slookup tl key
| _ -> failwith @@ "cannot find " ^ string_of_int key
let rec elookup list key =
match list with
| (k, v)::tl -> if String.equal key k then v else elookup tl key
| _ -> failwith @@ "cannot find " ^ key
let alloc : stat -> addr =
fun (_, _, s, _, _) -> s ~f:fst |> List.fold ~init:0 ~f:max |> (+) 1
let tick : stat -> time =
fun (_, _, _, _, t) -> t + 1
let step : stat -> stat = function
| Ref v, env, store, kont, _ as m ->
begin match elookup env v |> slookup store with
| Clo (lam, env') -> (lam, env', store, kont, tick m)
| _ -> failwith "not exptect Cont"
| App (f, e), env, store, kont, _ as m ->
let addr = alloc m in
let store' = (addr, Cont kont) :: store in
(f, env, store', Ar(e, env, addr), tick m)
| Lam (v, e), env, store, Ar (e', env', addr), _ as m ->
let time = tick m in
(e', env', store, Fn (Lam (v, e), env, addr), time)
| Lam (v, e), env, store, Fn (Lam (v', e'), env', kont), _ as m ->
let addr = alloc m in
let env'' = (v', addr) :: env' in
let store' = (addr, Clo (Lam (v, e), env)) :: store in
let time = tick m in
match slookup store kont with
| Cont kont' -> (e', env'', store', kont', time)
| _ -> failwith "undefined"
| _ -> failwith "undefined"
let isFinal = function
| Lam (_, _), _, _, Mt, _ -> true
| _ -> false
let rec collect : 'a. ('a -> 'a) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'a list =
fun step isFinal cek ->
if isFinal cek then [cek]
else cek :: (collect step isFinal @@ step cek)
let evaluate : term -> stat list =
fun pr -> inject pr |> collect step isFinal
(** Abstract time CESK* machine **)
module AbsCESK = struct
module StoreMap =
Map.Make (
type t = addr
let compare = compare_addr
let t_of_sexp = addr_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_addr
module EnvMap =
Map.Make (
type t = var
let compare = compare_var
let t_of_sexp = var_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_var
type storable = Clo of term * env | Cont of kont [@@deriving ord, sexp]
and env = addr EnvMap.t [@@deriving ord, sexp]
and kont = Mt
| Ar of term * env * addr
| Fn of term * env * addr [@@deriving ord, sexp]
module StorableSet =
Set.Make (
type t = storable
let compare = compare_storable
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_storable
let t_of_sexp = storable_of_sexp
type store = StorableSet.t StoreMap.t [@@deriving ord, sexp]
let store_lub : store -> store -> store =
fun x y ->
let open StoreMap in
let unique comp key = mem comp key |> equal_bool false in
let x' = filter_keys x ~f:(unique y) in
let y' =
fold y ~init:x' ~f:(
fun ~key ~data accu ->
if unique x key then
add_exn accu ~key ~data
fold x ~init:y' ~f:(
fun ~key ~data accu ->
match find y key with
| Some y_data ->
let data = StorableSet.union data y_data in
add_exn accu ~key ~data
| None -> accu
type stat = term * env * store * kont * time [@@deriving ord, sexp]
let pp_env l =
Map.iteri l ~f:(fun ~key:var ~data:addr ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" var addr)
let pp_kont =
begin function
| Mt -> printf "Empty\n"
| Ar (term, env, kont) ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" (pp_term term) kont;
pp_env env;
| Fn (term, env, kont) ->
printf "%s -> %d\n" (pp_term term) kont;
pp_env env;
let pp_store : store -> unit =
fun s ->
StoreMap.iteri s ~f:(fun ~key:addr ~data:storable ->
printf "%d -> " addr;
Set.iter storable ~f:(
fun e ->
printf "\n ";
match e with
| Clo (term, env) -> printf "Clo %s\n" (pp_term term); pp_env env
| Cont kont -> printf "Conk: "; pp_kont kont))
let pp_stat : stat -> unit = fun (term, env, store, kont, time) ->
printf "[%d]\nExecuting:\n%s\n" time (pp_term term);
printf "\nEnvironment:\n";
pp_env env;
printf "\nStorage:\n";
pp_store store;
printf "\nContinuation:\n";
pp_kont kont;
printf "\n-------------\n";
module StatSet =
type t = stat
let compare = compare_stat
let t_of_sexp = stat_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_stat
let inject : term -> stat =
fun e -> (e, EnvMap.empty, StoreMap.empty, Mt, 0)
let slookup : store -> addr -> StorableSet.t =
fun store addr ->
match StoreMap.find store addr with
| Some s -> s
| None -> StorableSet.empty
let elookup : env -> var -> addr =
fun list key -> EnvMap.find_exn list key
let alloc : stat -> addr =
fun (_, _, s, _, _) ->
Map.to_alist s |> ~f:(fun (addr, _) -> addr) |>
List.fold ~init:0 ~f:max |> (+) 1
let tick : stat -> time =
fun (_, _, _, _, t) -> t + 1
let s x = StorableSet.singleton x
let step : stat -> stat list =
fun curr ->
pp_stat curr;
match curr with
| Ref v, env, store, kont, _ as m ->
elookup env v |> slookup store |>
StorableSet.to_list |> ~f:(
| Clo (lam, env') -> (lam, env', store, kont, tick m)
| _ -> failwith "not exptect Cont"
| App (f, e), env, store, kont, _ as m ->
let addr = alloc m in
let new_sotre = StoreMap.of_alist_exn [(addr, s (Cont kont))] in
let store' = store_lub new_sotre store in
let kont' = Ar(e, env, addr) in
[(f, env, store', kont', tick m)]
| Lam (v, e), env, store, Ar (e', env', kont), _ as m ->
let time = tick m in
[(e', env', store, Fn (Lam (v, e), env, kont), time)]
| Lam (v, e), env, store, Fn (Lam (v', e'), env', addr), _ as m ->
let addr' = alloc m in
let time = tick m in
slookup store addr |> StorableSet.to_list
|> ~f:(
| Cont kont' ->
let env'' = EnvMap.add_exn env' ~key:v' ~data:addr' in
let new_store = StoreMap.of_alist_exn [(addr', s(Clo (Lam (v, e), env)))] in
let store' = store_lub new_store store in
(e', env'', store', kont', time)
| _ -> failwith "undefined Clo")
| Lam (_, _), _, _, Mt, _ as m -> [m]
| _ as m-> pp_stat m; failwith "undefined step"
let rec search : (stat -> stat list) -> StatSet.t -> stat list -> StatSet.t
= fun f seen list ->
match list with
| [] -> seen
| hd::tl ->
if StatSet.mem seen hd then
search f seen tl
search f (StatSet.add seen hd) (f hd @ tl)
let explore : (stat -> stat list) -> stat -> StatSet.t =
fun f start -> search f StatSet.empty [start]
let aval : term -> StatSet.t =
fun e -> explore step @@ inject e
(** 0-CFA CESK* machine **)
module ZCESK = struct
type addr = KAddr of term | BAddr of var [@@deriving ord, sexp]
module StoreMap =
Map.Make (
type t = addr
let compare = compare_addr
let t_of_sexp = addr_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_addr
type storable = Clo of term | Cont of kont [@@deriving ord, sexp]
and kont = Mt
| Ar of term * addr
| Fn of term * addr [@@deriving ord, sexp]
module StorableSet =
Set.Make (
type t = storable
let compare = compare_storable
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_storable
let t_of_sexp = storable_of_sexp
type store = StorableSet.t StoreMap.t [@@deriving ord, sexp]
let store_lub : store -> store -> store =
fun x y ->
let open StoreMap in
let unique comp key = mem comp key |> equal_bool false in
let x' = filter_keys x ~f:(unique y) in
let y' =
fold y ~init:x' ~f:(
fun ~key ~data accu ->
if unique x key then
add_exn accu ~key ~data
fold x ~init:y' ~f:(
fun ~key ~data accu ->
match find y key with
| Some y_data ->
let data = StorableSet.union data y_data in
add_exn accu ~key ~data
| None -> accu
type stat = term * store * kont [@@deriving ord, sexp]
let pp_addr =
begin function
| KAddr term -> printf "K: %s\n" @@ pp_term term;
| BAddr var -> printf "B: %s\n" var
let pp_kont =
begin function
| Mt -> printf "Empty\n"
| Ar (term, addr) ->
printf "Ar %s: <- " (pp_term term); pp_addr addr;
| Fn (term, addr) ->
printf "Fn %s: <- " (pp_term term); pp_addr addr;
let pp_store : store -> unit =
fun s ->
StoreMap.iteri s ~f:(fun ~key:addr ~data:storable ->
pp_addr addr;
Set.iter storable ~f:(
fun e ->
match e with
| Clo term -> printf " Clo %s\n" (pp_term term);
| Cont kont -> printf " Cont: "; pp_kont kont))
let pp_stat : stat -> unit = fun (term, store, kont) ->
printf "Executing:\n%s\n" (pp_term term);
printf "\nStorage:\n";
pp_store store;
printf "\nContinuation:\n";
pp_kont kont;
printf "-------------\n";
module StatSet =
type t = stat
let compare = compare_stat
let t_of_sexp = stat_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = sexp_of_stat
let inject : term -> stat =
fun e -> (e, StoreMap.empty, Mt)
let slookup : store -> addr -> StorableSet.t =
fun store addr ->
match StoreMap.find store addr with
| Some s -> s
| None -> StorableSet.empty
let s x = StorableSet.singleton x
let step : stat -> stat list =
fun curr ->
pp_stat curr;
match curr with
| Ref v, store, kont ->
slookup store (BAddr v) |>
StorableSet.to_list |> ~f:(
| Clo lam -> (lam, store, kont)
| _ -> failwith "not exptect Cont"
| App (e, _) as f, store, kont ->
let addr = KAddr f in
let new_sotre = StoreMap.of_alist_exn [(addr, s (Cont kont))] in
let store' = store_lub new_sotre store in
let kont' = Ar(e, addr) in
[(f, store', kont')]
| Lam (v, e), store, Ar (e', kont) ->
[(e', store, Fn (Lam (v, e), kont))]
| Lam (v, e), store, Fn (Lam (v', e'), addr) ->
slookup store addr |> StorableSet.to_list
|> ~f:(
| Cont kont' ->
let addr' = BAddr v' in
let new_store = StoreMap.of_alist_exn [(addr', s(Clo (Lam (v, e))))] in
let store' = store_lub new_store store in
(e', store', kont')
| _ -> failwith "undefined Clo")
| Lam (_, _), _, Mt as m -> [m]
| _ as m-> pp_stat m; failwith "undefined step"
let rec search : (stat -> stat list) -> StatSet.t -> stat list -> StatSet.t
= fun f seen list ->
match list with
| [] -> seen
| hd::tl ->
if StatSet.mem seen hd then
search f seen tl
search f (StatSet.add seen hd) (f hd @ tl)
let explore : (stat -> stat list) -> stat -> StatSet.t =
fun f start -> search f StatSet.empty [start]
let aval : term -> StatSet.t =
fun e -> explore step @@ inject e
let () =
printf "========== CSEK ===========\n";
let open CESK in
let prog = App (Lam("f", Ref "f"), Lam("x", Ref "x")) in
let y_comb =
Lam("f", App
(Lam("x", App (App (Ref "f", Ref "x") , Ref "x")),
Lam("x", App (App (Ref "f", Ref "x") , Ref "x"))))
let y = (App (y_comb, y_comb)) in
(* not supposed to be stoped: evaluate (App (y_comb, y_comb)) |> *)
evaluate prog |>
List.iter ~f:(fun s -> pp_stat s);
printf "\n====== 0 CSEK ========\n";
let open ZCESK in
aval y |>
StatSet.iter ~f:(fun s -> pp_stat s);
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