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Created October 29, 2013 10:34
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" Vim color scheme based on
" Name: railscasts.vim
" Maintainer: Ryan Bates
" License: MIT
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = "railscasts"
" Colors
" Brown #BC9357
" Dark Blue #6D9CBD
" Dark Green #509E50
" Dark Orange #CC7733
" Light Blue #CFCFFF
" Light Green #A5C160
" Tan #FFC66D
" Red #DA4938
hi Normal guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#232323
hi Cursor guibg=#FFFFFF
hi CursorLine guibg=#333435
hi LineNr guifg=#666666
hi Visual guibg=#5A647E
hi Search guifg=NONE guibg=#131313 gui=NONE
hi Folded guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
hi Directory guifg=#A5C160 gui=NONE
hi Error guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#990000
hi MatchParen guifg=NONE guibg=#131313
hi Title guifg=#E6E1DC
hi Comment guifg=#BC9357 guibg=NONE gui=italic
hi! link Todo Comment
hi String guifg=#A5C160
hi! link Number String
hi! link rubyStringDelimiter String
" nil, self, symbols
hi Constant guifg=#6D9CBD
" def, end, include, load, require, alias, super, yield, lambda, proc
hi Define guifg=#CC7733 gui=NONE
hi! link Include Define
hi! link Keyword Define
hi! link Macro Define
" #{foo}, <%= bar %>
hi Delimiter guifg=#509E50
" hi erubyDelimiter guifg=NONE
" function name (after def)
hi Function guifg=#FFC66D gui=NONE
"@var, @@var, $var
hi Identifier guifg=#CFCFFF gui=NONE
" #if, #else, #endif
" case, begin, do, for, if, unless, while, until, else
hi Statement guifg=#CC7733 gui=NONE
hi! link PreProc Statement
hi! link PreCondit Statement
" SomeClassName
hi Type guifg=NONE gui=NONE
" has_many, respond_to, params
hi railsMethod guifg=#DA4938 gui=NONE
hi DiffAdd guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#144212
hi DiffDelete guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#660000
hi xmlTag guifg=#E8BF6A
hi! link xmlTagName xmlTag
hi! link xmlEndTag xmlTag
hi! link xmlArg xmlTag
hi! link htmlTag xmlTag
hi! link htmlTagName xmlTagName
hi! link htmlEndTag xmlEndTag
hi! link htmlArg xmlArg
" Popup Menu
" ----------
" normal item in popup
hi Pmenu guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
" selected item in popup
hi PmenuSel guifg=#000000 guibg=#A5C160 gui=NONE
" scrollbar in popup
hi PMenuSbar guibg=#5A647E gui=NONE
" thumb of the scrollbar in the popup
hi PMenuThumb guibg=#AAAAAA gui=NONE
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