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Created May 20, 2018 08:52
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Docker Certified Associate Prep Course

Docker Swarm

Swarm manager (N+2 for qurom) Docker daemon and discovery service . Just one no fault tolerance Swarm workers (1 to N)

Installation yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persisten-data lvm2 yum-config manager --add-repo yum update yum install docker-ce systemctl enable docker && systemctl start docker && systemctl status docker #creating the symlink, running the service

Then we should add our user to the docker group cd var/run ls -al docker.sock (the service is own by the root)

usermode -aG docker --user-- then login in and out

Selecting a Storage Driver

RedHat or Centos -> Device Mapper

  1. tell Docker wich will be the storage addapter : docker info (storage driver susbsystem) docker info | grep Storage

How to configure

etc/docker/daemon.json { "storage-driver": "devicemapper" }

restart docker systemctl stop docker && systemctl start docker

Docker files : /var/lib/docker

Configuring Logging Drivers (Syslog, JSON-File, etc.)

docker logs nameofthecontainer

/etc/rsyslog.conf --> tail -f /var/log/messages off course systemctl start rsyslogs using syslog sModLod imudp sUDPServer 514

in daemon { "log-driver":"syslog", "log-opts": { "syslog-address" : "udp://" } }

Docker swarm init

docker swarm init --advertise-addr

how to join ? docker swarm join-token flkjkdsjfhskdf ipaddressmaster:port

to check the token again : docker swarm join --token worker

And if is another manager: docker swarm join-token manager

docker node ls

Outline the Sizing Requirements Prior to Installation

Complete Backups for UCP and DTR

Namespaces and CGroups

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