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Last active December 2, 2022 02:00
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Joining to a JSONB column vs a native Postgres column

Tables involved are mastodon_notification and mastodon_relationship.

The JSONB column case

Originally the plugin provided only the JSONB column mastodon_notification.account. So the join I was looking for was from a field of that JSONB column, mastodon_notification.account'->>'id', to a corresponding native column

This is the query plan.

> explain select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on n.account ->> 'id' = limit 1

| QUERY PLAN                                                                                         >
| Limit  (cost=0.00..2000.08 rows=1 width=1)                                                         >
|   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..10000400020000.00 rows=5000000000 width=1)                          >
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_notification n  (cost=0.00..10000000000000.00 rows=1000000 wid>
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_relationship r  (cost=0.00..400.00 rows=2 width=200)          >
|               Filter: ((n.account ->> 'id'::text) = id)                                            >

But it doesn't work.

select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on = n.account ->> 'id' limit 1

Error: rpc error: code = Internal desc = 'List' call for table 'mastodon_relationship' is missing 1 required qual: column:'id' operator: =

If the value is constant it does work.

> explain select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on = '267944' limit 1

| QUERY PLAN                                                                                         >
| Limit  (cost=0.00..20.01 rows=1 width=1)                                                           >
|   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..20010000000000.00 rows=1000000000000 width=1)                       >
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_relationship r  (cost=0.00..20000000000000.00 rows=1000000 wid>
|               Filter: (id = '267944'::text)                                                        >
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_notification n  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=1000000 width=0)        >

> select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on = '267944' limit 1
| following |
| false     |

The native column case

Given that a constant value works, I wondered if hoisting the id from JSONB into a native column would work.

Plugin changes:

	Name:        "account_id",
	Type:        proto.ColumnType_STRING,
	Description: "Account ID of notification sender.",
	Transform:   transform.FromValue().Transform(notification_account_id),
func notification_account_id(ctx context.Context, input *transform.TransformData) (interface{}, error) {
	notification := input.Value.(*mastodon.Notification)
	return notification.Account.ID, nil

That works!

> explain select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on = n.account_id limit 1

| QUERY PLAN                                                                                         >
| Limit  (cost=0.00..2000.08 rows=1 width=1)                                                         >
|   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=0.00..10000400020000.00 rows=5000000000 width=1)                          >
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_notification n  (cost=0.00..10000000000000.00 rows=1000000 wid>
|         ->  Foreign Scan on mastodon_relationship r  (cost=0.00..400.00 rows=2 width=200)          >
|               Filter: (id = n.account_id)                                                          >

> select r.following from mastodon_notification n join mastodon_relationship r on = n.account_id limit 1

| following |
| false     |
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