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Created March 30, 2015 18:30
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This document details the h application's public HTTP API. It is targeted at developers interested in integrating functionality from Hypothesis into their own applications.


API root. Returns hypermedia links to the rest of the API.

Example request:

GET /api Host: Accept: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

"links": {
"annotation": {
"create": {

"desc": "Create a new annotation", "method": "POST", "url": ""

}, "delete": { "desc": "Delete an annotation", "method": "DELETE", "url": "" }, "read": { "desc": "Get an existing annotation", "method": "GET", "url": "" }, "update": { "desc": "Update an existing annotation", "method": "PUT", "url": "" }

}, "search": { "desc": "Basic search API", "method": "GET", "url": "" }

}, "message": "Annotator Store API"


reqheader Accept

desired response content type

resheader Content-Type

response content type

statuscode 200

no error

Search for annotations.

Example request:

GET /api/search?limit=1000& Host: Accept: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

"rows": [

"consumer": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2014-01-12T18:36:15.697572+00:00", "id": "LGVKq4E4SKKro1dBBEMwsA", "permissions": { ... }, "references": ["6lkzoOubSOOymDNDIgazqw"], "target": [], "text": "Peut-etre", "updated": "2014-01-12T18:36:15.697588+00:00", "uri": "", "user": ""


], "total": 1


query limit

number of results to return

query uri

limit results to annotations of uri (must be urlencoded)

query user

limit results to annotations created by user

query quote

limit results to annotations where quoted text contains quote

query text

limit results to annotations where body test contains text

reqheader Accept

desired response content type

resheader Content-Type

response content type

statuscode 200

no error

statuscode 400

errors parsing your query


Retrieve a single annotation.

Example request:

GET /api/annotations/utalbWjUaZK5ifydnohjmA Host: Accept: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


"consumer": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "created": "2013-08-26T13:31:49.339078+00:00", "document": { ... }, "id": "utalbWjUQZK5ifydnohjmA", "permissions": { ... }, "references": [ "ZkDZ8ZRXQkiEeG_3r7s1IA", "4uUTPORmTN-0y-puAXe_sw" ], "target": [], "text": "Dan, thanks for your team's work ...", "updated": "2013-08-26T14:09:14.121339+00:00", "uri": "", "user": ""


reqheader Accept

desired response content type

resheader Content-Type

response content type

statuscode 200

no error

statuscode 404

annotation with the specified id not found


Create a new annotation. Requires a valid authentication token.

Example request:

POST /api/annotations Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 X-Annotator-Auth-Token: eyJhbGc[...]mbl_YBM


"uri": "", "user": "", "permissions": { "read": ["group:__world__"], "update": [""], "delete": [""], "admin": [""], }, "document": { ... }, "target": [ ... ], "tags": [], "text": "This is an annotation I made."


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


"id": "AUxWM-HasREW1YKAwhil", "uri": "", "user": "", ...


param id

annotation's unique id

reqheader Accept

desired response content type

reqheader Content-Type

request body content type

reqheader X-Annotator-Auth-Token

JWT authentication token

resheader Content-Type

response content type

>json string id

unique id of new annotation

>json datetime created

created date of new annotation

>json datetime updated

updated date of new annotation (same as created)

statuscode 200

no error

statuscode 400

could not create annotation from your request (bad payload)

statuscode 401

no auth token was provided

statuscode 403

auth token provided does not convey "create" permissions


Update the annotation with the given id. Requires a valid authentication token.

Example request:


PUT /api/annotations/AUxWM-HasREW1YKAwhil Host: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 X-Annotator-Auth-Token: eyJhbGc[...]mbl_YBM


"uri": "",


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


"id": "AUxWM-HasREW1YKAwhil", "updated": "2015-03-26T13:09:42.646509+00:00" "uri": "", "user": "", ...


param id

annotation's unique id

reqheader Accept

desired response content type

reqheader Content-Type

request body content type

reqheader X-Annotator-Auth-Token

JWT authentication token

resheader Content-Type

response content type

>json datetime updated

updated date of annotation

statuscode 200

no error

statuscode 400

could not update annotation from your request (bad payload)

statuscode 401

no auth token was provided

statuscode 403

auth token provided does not convey "update" permissions for the annotation with the given id

statuscode 404

annotation with the given id was not found


Delete the annotation with the given id. Requires a valid authentication token.

Example request:


DELETE /api/annotations/AUxWM-HasREW1YKAwhil Host: Accept: application/json X-Annotator-Auth-Token: eyJhbGc[...]mbl_YBM

Example response:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


"deleted": true, "id": "AUxWM-HasREW1YKAwhil"


param id

annotation's unique id

reqheader Accept

desired response content type

reqheader X-Annotator-Auth-Token

JWT authentication token

resheader Content-Type

response content type

>json boolean deleted

whether the annotation was deleted

>json string id

the unique id of the deleted annotation

statuscode 200

no error

statuscode 401

no auth token was provided

statuscode 403

auth token provided does not convey "update" permissions for the annotation with the given id

statuscode 404

annotation with the given id was not found

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