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Created October 22, 2018 13:46
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http server as client
when client listen path: '/github' as request
state = request.query_params['state'] # cli generated
redirect_url = ''
request redirect url: '' query: {'scope': 'user:email', 'state': state, 'client_id': app.secrets.github_client_id, 'redirect_uri': redirect_url}
# Postback URL for the GH oauth, initiated via the CLI
# The URL should look something like this -
when client listen path:'/github/oauth_success' as request
state = request.query_params['state'] # cli generated
code = request.query_params['code'] # gh auth code
# Get the oauth_token.
body = {'client_id': app.secrets.github_client_id, 'client_secret': app.secrets.github_client_secret, 'code': code, 'state': state}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8', 'Accept': 'application/json'}
gh_response = http fetch url: '' method: 'post' body: body headers: headers
token = gh_response['access_token']
headers = {'Authorization': 'bearer {token}'}
user = http fetch url: '' headers: headers
# Insert into postgres.
service_id = user['id']
creds_raw = psql exec query: 'select create_owner_by_login(%(service)s, %(service_id)s, %(username)s, %(name)s, %(email)s, %(oauth_token)s) as data' data: {'service': 'github', 'service_id': '{service_id}', 'username': user['login'], 'name': user['name'], 'email': user['email'], 'oauth_token': token}
creds = creds_raw['results'][0]['data']
# Get the token secret.
secret_raw = psql exec query: 'select secret from token_secrets where token_uuid=%(token_uuid)s' data: {'token_uuid': creds['token_uuid']}
token_secret = secret_raw['results'][0]['secret']
# Push the state in Redis.
redis set key: state value: (json stringify content: {'id': creds['owner_uuid'], 'access_token': token_secret, 'name': user['name'], 'email': user['email'], 'username': user['login']})
redis expire key: state seconds: 3600 # One hour.
request set_header key: 'Content-Type' value: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
request write content: '<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Asyncy</title> </head> <body> <div style="width: 416px; margin: 0 auto;"> <h1 style="text-align: center;">Logged in!</h1> <br> <span style="text-align: center; display: block;">Head back to your terminal. The future awaits.<br>Cheers 🍻!</span> <br> <img src="" height=500/> </div> </body> </html> '
# The Asyncy CLI will long poll this endpoint to get login creds.
when client listen path:'/github/oauth_callback' as request
user_data = redis get key: request.query_params['state'] # CLI generated uuid.
request set_header key: 'Content-Type' value: 'application/json; charset=utf-8'
request write content: user_data['result']
request finish
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