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Last active April 1, 2017 18:19
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Starting to look really good for the most part! :)

Haven't looked at the code yet but here are some UI/UX changes I would like to see:


  • Updating plugins freezes the app
  • "Updating" and "Update installed" still look like hyperlinks
  • "Update installed" is clickable and causes the update to run again
  • "Update installed" should probably say "Restart required" and restart the app when clicked (Maybe "Installed. Restart now"? not entirely sure on wording, something like that though)
  • "Up to date [checkmark]" should be gray/green, blue shouldn't be used for non-hyperlinks
  • Newly installed plugins dont say "up to date"
  • "Details" is disabled on newly installed plugins
  • Uninstalling a plugin leaves it with no plugin selected and empty, non-functional buttons
  • "Details" should probably be renamed "Project"


  • Installing a plugin freezes the app
  • Installing a plugin doesn't remove it from the list
  • Installing a plugin should move you to the "installed" page with the plugin selected (this is debatable but I think correct)
  • Clicking "Details" opens an API page
  • "Details" should probably be renamed "Project"
  • "Details" and the plugin button should be swapped: [plugin][project][uninstall]
  • Separator below the buttons needs some top margin
  • "Details" and "Install" are clickable without selecting a plugin (bottom section should either be blank or a plugin needs to be selected by default)
    • Clicking "Details" crashes the app
    • Clicking "Install" does something and locks the install button

More general

* Plugin names/descriptions in are not always consistent with the installed versions

  • Rate limit message needs adjustment, Users probably don't know what github is and "Try again in 2263 or manually drag-and-drop the plugin." doesn't explain things too well.

    • "Too many requests", "Please try again in {x} minutes or manually download and install the plugin.\nGo to the download page now?"
    • Buttons: "Go to download", "Try again later"
  • I see a bunch of these message in the console:

    at System.Convert.ChangeType(Object value, Type conversionType, IFormatProvider provider) at MS.Internal.Data.SystemConvertConverter.Convert(Object o, Type type, Object parameter, CultureInfo culture) at System.Windows.Data.BindingExpression.ConvertHelper(IValueConverter converter, Object value, Type targetType, Object parameter, CultureInfo culture)'

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