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To build nginx, run in terminal

wget && source
judge2020 / QtBuild.bat
Last active February 16, 2018 02:41
Qt build with openssl for VC 2017
call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat" -arch=amd64 -no_logo
which nmake
set _ROOT=C:\QtBuild
cd %_ROOT%
( dir /b /a "%dir%" | findstr . ) > nul && (
echo %dir% non-empty
) || (
echo %dir% empty
judge2020 / decrypt.bat
Last active January 6, 2019 11:16
Decryption script for Hearthstone's Assembly-CSharp.dll file
@echo off
REM This reads python3path.txt into an env var
set /P python3path=<python3path.txt
REM detect if it's already cloned, if not then clone
judge2020 /
Created January 5, 2018 21:14
migrate users.ini to usersDB.json
import pprint
import json
from configobj import ConfigObj
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
db = ConfigObj(infile='users.ini')
tmp = db['suggestion_count']
// Token: 0x04004F84 RID: 20356
public static global::Logger Bob = new global::Logger("Bob");
// Token: 0x04004F85 RID: 20357
public static global::Logger Mike = new global::Logger("Mike");
// Token: 0x04004F86 RID: 20358
public static global::Logger Brian = new global::Logger("Brian");
// Token: 0x04004F87 RID: 20359
judge2020 /
Created October 4, 2017 23:15

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am judge2020 on github.
  • I am judge2020 ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCvSL6rMQk3mT_v2_SN751QzumxPMJSBpAOMzOk1fWsrgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

judge2020 /
Last active May 26, 2019 14:38
Open explorer at folder - bash script for Bash on Ubuntu On Windows
# Change driveletter below if windows is installed on something other than the C drive
judge2020 /
Last active September 21, 2022 01:58
Premium card hacks in Hearthstone

This is the result of a afternoon editing code in Hearthstone's assembly-csharp.dll using DLSpy.

This is not meant to be a how-to or tutorial, meerly my findings. If you're smart enough to figure out what's in here you know that whatever you do isn't because of me. IF you do think that, you're stupid so turn back.

I fired up DLSpy and searched for premium. At first, I just set everything I could to TAG_PREMIUM.golden. This was also in collection manager methods so things started to break.

I then used's scan and repair tool fix things up and start over. I wanted to get in-game with all golden cards and see how cool they all work.

judge2020 / crash
Last active June 10, 2017 21:59
Posting Crash logs in Altis

How to find a crash log

  1. open launcher
  2. click options
  3. click logs folder
  4. find latest log using modified date.

Launcher: launcher_log.txt

game: project-altis-****.log

Starting to look really good for the most part! :)

Haven't looked at the code yet but here are some UI/UX changes I would like to see:


  • Updating plugins freezes the app
  • "Updating" and "Update installed" still look like hyperlinks
  • "Update installed" is clickable and causes the update to run again
  • "Update installed" should probably say "Restart required" and restart the app when clicked (Maybe "Installed. Restart now"? not entirely sure on wording, something like that though)