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Created July 5, 2011 13:24
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if (!this.RubyScript)
RubyScript = {};
RubyScript.Base = function() {
function alloc(klass) {
var obj = new klass;
obj.ivars = {};
obj.meta = null;
return obj;
function metaclass(obj) {
if (obj.meta) return obj.meta;
var klass = function(){};
initclass(klass, obj);
klass.subject = obj;
obj.meta = klass;
return klass;
function initclass(klass, prototype) {
if (prototype)
klass.prototype = prototype;
klass.__proto__ = Class.prototype;
klass.ivars = {};
klass.meta = null;
function subclass(superclass) {
var klass = function(){};
initclass(klass, new(superclass || Object));
return klass;
function module() {
var mod = function(){};
mod.__proto__ = Module.prototype;
mod.ivars = {};
mod.meta = null;
return mod;
function extend(obj, mod) {
var vklass = new mod;
vklass.__super__ = obj.__proto__;
obj.__proto__ = vklass;
function lookup(obj, key) {
switch (typeof obj) {
case 'number':
obj = Fixnum.prototype;
case 'string':
obj = Symbol.prototype;
case 'boolean':
obj = (obj ? TrueClass : FalseClass).prototype;
if (obj === null) obj = NilClass.prototype;
while (obj !== undefined) {
var v = obj[key];
if (v) return v;
obj = obj.__super__;
function str(string) {
var str = new String;
str.content = string.valueOf();
return str;
function BasicObject(){};
function Object(){};
function Module(){};
function Class(){};
BasicObject.prototype = null;
Object.prototype = new BasicObject;
Module.prototype = new Object;
Class.prototype = new Module;
var TrueClass = subclass(),
FalseClass = subclass(),
NilClass = subclass(),
Numeric = subclass(),
Integer = subclass(Numeric),
Fixnum = subclass(Integer),
Symbol = subclass(),
String = subclass();
var TopLevel = new Object;
return {
"alloc": alloc,
"metaclass": metaclass,
"subclass": subclass,
"module": module,
"extend": extend,
"lookup": lookup,
"str": str,
"BasicObject": BasicObject,
"Object": Object,
"Module": Module,
"Class": Class,
"TrueClass": TrueClass,
"FalseClass": FalseClass,
"NilClass": NilClass,
"Numeric": Numeric,
"Integer": Integer,
"Fixnum": Fixnum,
"Symbol": Symbol,
"String": String,
"TopLevel": TopLevel
if (typeof module !== "undefined")
module.exports = RubyScript.Base;
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