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Created April 12, 2012 13:05
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more assembly from 0x10c leak
; Printing stuff to the screen
; by Markus Persson
#macro clear(color) {
set a, color
shl a, 8
bor a, 0x20
mem_fill(0x8000, 0x180, a)
set [screen_p], 0
#macro print(text, color){
set a, text
set c, color
jsr print
#macro println(text, color){
set a, text
set c, color
jsr print
set a, [screen_p]
ife b, a
jmp draw
and a, 0x1f
ife a, 0
jmp end
and a, 0x1f
add a, emptystring
jsr print
#macro setbg(color) {
set [0x8280], color
:screen_p dat 0
:emptystring dat " ", 0
:print {
push(i, j, c)
set i, nextchar
add i, 1
set [i], a
set i, 0
set j, [screen_p]
shl c, 8
set a, [print+i]
add i, 1
ife a, 0
set PC, end
bor a, c
set [0x8000+j], a
add j, 1
ife j, 0x180
jsr scroll
set PC, nextchar
set [screen_p], j
pop(i, j, c)
:scroll {
mem_copy(0x8020, 0x8000, 352)
set a, [0x815f]
and a, 0xff00
add a, 0x20
mem_fill(0x8160, 0x20, a)
sub j, 32
; Reading characters from the keyboard
; by Markus Persson
#macro nextkey(target) {
set i,[keypointer]
add i,0x9000
set target,[i]
ife target,0
jmp end
set [i],0
add [keypointer], 1
and [keypointer], 0xf
dat 0
; Very convenient macros!
; by Markus Persson
#macro pop(a){
set a,POP
#macro push(a){
set PUSH,a
#macro pop(a,b){
set a,POP
set b,POP
#macro push(a,b){
set PUSH,b
set PUSH,a
#macro pop(a,b,c){
set a,POP
set b,POP
set c,POP
#macro push(a,b,c){
set PUSH,c
set PUSH,b
set PUSH,a
#macro pop(a,b,c,d){
set a,POP
set b,POP
set c,POP
set d,POP
#macro push(a,b,c,d){
set PUSH,d
set PUSH,c
set PUSH,b
set PUSH,a
#macro mem_copy(src, dst, len){
push(a, b, c)
set a, src
set b, dst
set c, len
jsr mem_copy
pop(a, b, c)
#macro mem_fill(dst, len, val){
push(a, b, c)
set a, val
set b, dst
set c, len
jsr mem_fill
pop(a, b, c)
:mem_copy {
; set j,c
; and j,0x1f
; set i,0x20
; sub i,j
; mul j,3
; add j,loop
; set PC,j
set i,c
and i,0x1f
set j,0x20
sub j,i
sub b,j
sub a,j
mul j,3
add j,loop
set PC,j
add a, 0x20
add b, 0x20
add i, 0x20
:loop set [0x0+b], [0x0+a]
set [0x1+b], [0x1+a]
set [0x2+b], [0x2+a]
set [0x3+b], [0x3+a]
set [0x4+b], [0x4+a]
set [0x5+b], [0x5+a]
set [0x6+b], [0x6+a]
set [0x7+b], [0x7+a]
set [0x8+b], [0x8+a]
set [0x9+b], [0x9+a]
set [0xa+b], [0xa+a]
set [0xb+b], [0xb+a]
set [0xc+b], [0xc+a]
set [0xd+b], [0xd+a]
set [0xe+b], [0xe+a]
set [0xf+b], [0xf+a]
set [0x10+b], [0x10+a]
set [0x11+b], [0x11+a]
set [0x12+b], [0x12+a]
set [0x13+b], [0x13+a]
set [0x14+b], [0x14+a]
set [0x15+b], [0x15+a]
set [0x16+b], [0x16+a]
set [0x17+b], [0x17+a]
set [0x18+b], [0x18+a]
set [0x19+b], [0x19+a]
set [0x1a+b], [0x1a+a]
set [0x1b+b], [0x1b+a]
set [0x1c+b], [0x1c+a]
set [0x1d+b], [0x1d+a]
set [0x1e+b], [0x1e+a]
set [0x1f+b], [0x1f+a]
ifn i, c
set PC, next
:mem_fill {
set i,c
and i,0x1f
set j,0x20
sub j,i
sub b,j
mul j,2
add j,loop
set PC,j
add b, 0x20
add i, 0x20
:loop set [0x0+b], a
set [0x1+b], a
set [0x2+b], a
set [0x3+b], a
set [0x4+b], a
set [0x5+b], a
set [0x6+b], a
set [0x7+b], a
set [0x8+b], a
set [0x9+b], a
set [0xa+b], a
set [0xb+b], a
set [0xc+b], a
set [0xd+b], a
set [0xe+b], a
set [0xf+b], a
set [0x10+b], a
set [0x11+b], a
set [0x12+b], a
set [0x13+b], a
set [0x14+b], a
set [0x15+b], a
set [0x16+b], a
set [0x17+b], a
set [0x18+b], a
set [0x19+b], a
set [0x1a+b], a
set [0x1b+b], a
set [0x1c+b], a
set [0x1d+b], a
set [0x1e+b], a
set [0x1f+b], a
ifn i, c
set PC, next
; Default DCPU OS
; by Markus Persson
set PC, start
#include macros.asm
#include mem.asm
#include display.asm
#include keyboard.asm
:str_empty dat 0
:str_tmp dat 0, 0
:str_1 dat " **** DCPU BASIC 1.0 **** ", 0
:str_2 dat " Copyright 2012 Mojang, Earth ", 0
:str_3 dat " 64K RAM 40K FREE ", 0
:str_rdy dat "Ready.", 0
println(str_empty, 0x91)
println(str_1, 0x91)
println(str_2, 0x91)
println(str_3, 0x91)
println(str_empty, 0x91)
println(str_rdy, 0x91)
set a, [screen_p]
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x919b
ifn a,0
jsr handlekey
jmp mainloop
ife a,8
jmp backspace
ife a,10
jmp return
ifg 0x1f,a
set [str_tmp], a
print(str_tmp, 0x91)
set a, [screen_p]
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x919b
set a, [screen_p]
ife a, 0
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x9120
sub [screen_p], 1
set a, [screen_p]
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x919b
set a, [screen_p]
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x9120
println(str_empty, 0x91)
set a, [screen_p]
add a, 0x8000
set [a], 0x919b
; 32 bit big endian examples of overflow flag use:
; Subtracting 0x01006000 from 0x0a814000
set [0x57], 0x0a81 ; High word of first value
set [0x58], 0x4000 ; Low word of first value
set [0x59], 0x0100 ; High word of second value
set [0x5a], 0x6000 ; Low word of second value
sub [0x58], [0x5a] ; subtract low words
add [0x57], o ; add overflow [which will be 0xffff since there was an overflow] to high word
sub [0x57], [0x59] ; subtract high words
; [0x57, 0x58] now read 0x0980e000
; Adding 0x0100f000 to 0x0a814000
set [0x57], 0x0a81 ; High word of first value
set [0x58], 0x4000 ; Low word of first value
set [0x59], 0x0100 ; High word of second value
set [0x5a], 0xf000 ; Low word of second value
add [0x58], [0x5a] ; add low words
add [0x57], o ; add overflow [which will be 0x0001 since there was an overflow] to high word
add [0x57], [0x59] ; add high words
; [0x57, 0x58] now read 0x0b823000
; Dividing 0x0021fff0 by 0x1a
set [0x57], 0x0321 ; High word of first value
set [0x58], 0x8800 ; Low word of first value
set [0x59], 0x001a ; Second value
div [0x58], [0x59] ; divide low word
div [0x57], [0x59] ; divide high word
;add [0x58], o ; add overflow to low word
; [0x57, 0x58] now read 0x00321880
; Multiplying 0x0021fff0 by 0x1a
;set [0x57], 0x0321 ; High word of first value
;set [0x58], 0x8800 ; Low word of first value
;set [0x59], 0x001a ; Second value
;mul [0x57], [0x59] ; multiply high word
;mul [0x58], [0x59] ; multiply low word
;add [0x57], o ; add overflow to high word
; [0x57, 0x58] now read 0x32188000
; Assembler test for DCPU
; by Markus Persson
set i, 0
set j, 0
set b, 0xf100
set a, [data+i]
ife a, 0
set PC, end
ifg a, 0xff
set PC, setcolor
bor a, b
set [0x8000+j], a
add i, 1
add j, 1
set PC, nextchar
set b, a
and b, 0xff
shl b, 8
ifg a, 0x1ff
add b, 0x80
add i, 1
set PC, nextchar
dat 0x170, "Hello ", 0x2e1, "SPACE", 0x170, ", how are you?", 0
set PC, start
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