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Last active January 26, 2018 03:35
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  • Save judwhite/e2c63679e0876c01d246 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save judwhite/e2c63679e0876c01d246 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
LiteIDE tips

Install LiteIDE

  • Download
  • Unzip to a directory of your choice and make a shortcut to ./liteide/bin/liteide.exe
  • Recommended settings in View | Options:
    • LiteApp
      • Display
        • Toolbar Icon Size: 18x18
    • LiteEditor
      • Behavior
        • Clean whitespace when saving files
    • LiteDebug
      • Rebuild before debugging
    • GolangFmt
      • Use goimports instead of gofmt, for code formatting
      • Automatically format code when saving

Useful LiteIDE Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Ctrl+B Build
Ctrl+T Test
Ctrl+R Run
Ctrl+W Close Window
Ctrl+Shift+J Jump to definition
Ctrl+Shift+K Delete line
Ctrl+Shift+U Find usages
Ctrl+Shift+I Show signature / doc when cursor on function
Ctrl+U Select block
Ctrl+L Go to line number
Ctrl+[,Ctrl+] Go to Previous / Next block
Ctrl+E Go to matching brace
Ctrl+Shift+R Refactor name

Add project to LiteIDE

  • File | Add folder
  • Select the folder
  • Expand the folder and double click main.go
  • Try to build the project using Ctrl+B

Setup LiteIDE Dark Theme

  • LiteApp
  • LiteOutput
    • Display
      • Font Family: Hack
      • Font Size: 10
      • Check "Use editor color scheme"
  • LiteEditor


  • LiteIDE can get confused when it comes to intellisense on vendored packages. Try copying the contents of the repo's ./vendor to %GOPATH%/src.
  • LiteIDE X29 supports Delve debugging.
  • Stop execution with the red square next at the top of "Build Output".
  • Some general Go tips.
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