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Created December 5, 2012 00:28
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javascript basic terminology
JohnL javascript practice
<script type="text/javascript">
var titleOfApplication = "JohnL application";
document.write(window.titleOfApplication + "<br>");
document.write(titleOfApplication + "<br>");
function op(operator, a, b){
"use strict";
globInsideFunc = "this is global variable inside function";
if(operator == '+')
return a + b;
else if(operator == '-')
return a - b;
else if(operator == '*')
return a * b;
else if(operator == '/')
return a / b;
return -1;
var sum = op("+", 1, 2);
document.write("1 + 2 = ", sum, "<br>");
//3 - 4
document.write("3 - 4 = ", op('-', 3, 4), "<br>");
//7 / 4
document.write("7 / 4 = ", op('/', 7, 4), "<br>");
//global variables
1. Defining them with “ var ” outside a function
2. Adding something directly to the window object
3. Defining them anywhere without using “ var ”
myName = "John Lee";
alert("My name is \n" + myName);
var family = [
for(var i = 0; i != family.length; i++)
document.write(family[i], "<br>");
var father = {
"firstname" : "john",
"lastname" : "doe",
"gender" : "male",
"nickname" : "dad"
var mother = {
"firstname" : "jane",
"lastname" : "doe",
"gender" : "female",
"nickname" : "mom"
Exact match
document.write("<hr>", "Exact match", "<br>");
if(myName === "John Lee"){
document.write("exactly match", "<br>");
document.write("Not exactly match", "<br>");
if(myName === "John lee"){
document.write("exactly match", "<br>");
document.write("Not exactly match", "<br>");
Anonymous function
You can use an anonymous functions and have it execute immediately
when it is run, instead of having it refernce a function elsewhere
in your document.
Anonymous functions perform better than a normally defined function
because there is nothing to reference
"use strict";
alert("anonymous function example")
familyMember = ["johnl", "janea", "ysl", "yjl"];
for(var i = 0; i < familyMember.length; i++)
if(familyMember[i] === "misooka")
alert(familyMember[i] + "\nthis is my wife!");
callback function
window.addEventListener("load", function(){
alert("callback function")
}, false);
if function is embedded within object, it is referred to method
//define object
var getInformation = {
//first method, "names"
"names": function () {
"use strict";
alert("get names");
//second method, "checkForjohn"
"checkForJohn" : function () {
"use strict";
alert("check the john");
//get names on load
window.addEventListener("keypress", getInformation.names, false);
//check for john on click
document.addEventListener("click", getInformation.checkForJohn, false);
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