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  • Save juemura/acf96bb57051e1b8511ae37f349a5b99 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save juemura/acf96bb57051e1b8511ae37f349a5b99 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Cloning a Github repo

Terminal Commands:

  1. $ mkdir Projects
  2. $ cd Projects
  3. $ git clone (use Command+v for url)
  4. $ cd ud405
  5. $ ls

Running a project on Android Studio (desktop version):

1. Open the Android Studio terminal 2. $ ```./gradlew desktop:run```

Setting up a run configuration (desktop version):

1. Click on the run "Android" dropdown and select "Edit Configurations..." 2. Click the plus button at the upper right, and select Gradle in the dropdown. 3. Name: "Desktop" 4. Task: "desktop:run" 5. Hit OK
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