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Created April 2, 2019 22:39
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loc_7101956394 ; CODE XREF: sub_7101955F10+6A8↓j
.text:0000007101956394 MOV X8, #0xFFFFFFFF00000000
.text:0000007101956398 STUR X8, [SP,#0x110+var_84]
.text:000000710195639C STR WZR, [SP,#0x110+var_7C]
.text:00000071019563A0 LDR X0, [X22,#0x140]
.text:00000071019563A4 LDR X8, [X0]
.text:00000071019563A8 LDR X8, [X8,#0x80]
.text:00000071019563AC MOV V0.16B, V8.16B
.text:00000071019563B0 ADD X9, SP, #0x110+var_C0
.text:00000071019563B4 ADD X3, X9, #0x10
.text:00000071019563B8 ADD X4, X9, #0x20
.text:00000071019563BC MOV W9, #0xFFFFFFFF
.text:00000071019563C0 MOV X1, X20
.text:00000071019563C4 MOV X2, X21
.text:00000071019563C8 LDP W5, W7, [SP,#0x110+var_7C] ; Keypatch modified this from:
.text:00000071019563C8 ; MOV W5, WZR
.text:00000071019563CC ADD W6, W6, #0xFFF,LSL#12 ; Keypatch modified this from:
.text:00000071019563CC ; MOV W7, WZR
.text:00000071019563D0 STRB WZR, [SP,#0x110+var_F0]
.text:00000071019563D4 STRB WZR, [SP,#0x110+var_F8]
.text:00000071019563D8 STR WZR, [SP,#0x110+var_100]
.text:00000071019563DC STR WZR, [SP,#0x110+var_108]
.text:00000071019563E0 STR W9, [SP,#0x110+var_110]
.text:00000071019563E4 ADD W6, W6, #1,LSL#12 ; Keypatch modified this from:
.text:00000071019563E4 ; BLR X8
.text:00000071019563E8 BLR X8 ; Keypatch modified this from:
.text:00000071019563E8 ; FMOV S8, WZR
.text:00000071019563EC LDP W20, W8, [SP,#0x110+var_7C] ; Keypatch modified this from:
.text:00000071019563EC ; MOV W20, W0
.text:00000071019563F0 CMP W23, #0xB
.text:00000071019563F4 B.LT loc_7101956464
.text:00000071019563F8 LDR X8, [X19,#0x20]
.text:00000071019563FC LDR X8, [X8]
.text:0000007101956400 LDR X9, [X19,#0x10]
.text:0000007101956404 ADD X8, X8, #0xB0
.text:0000007101956408 ADRP X21, #off_7103C42FD0@PAGE
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