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Created August 4, 2011 00:30
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Chrome User-Agent String Modification
var listenerIsActive = true,
requestFilter = {
urls: [ "<all_urls>" ]
extraInfoSpec = ['requestHeaders','blocking'],
handler = function( details ) {
var headers = details.requestHeaders,
blockingResponse = {};
if( !listenerIsActive ) {
// If you take this approach, just make sure you return
// the headers, or else your "disabled" listener will
// delete all headers from future requests!
return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders};
// Your code here...
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( handler, requestFilter, extraInfoSpec );
// The 'reqestFilter' parameter allows you to only listen for
// certain requests. Chrome 17 requires that, at the very least,
// it defines the URLs you wish to subscribe to. In the general
// case, we want to subscribe to all URL's, so we'll explicitly
// declare this requirement.
var requestFilter = {
urls: [ "<all_urls>" ]
// The 'extraInfoSpec' parameter modifies how Chrome calls your
// listener function. 'requestHeaders' ensures that the 'details'
// object has a key called 'requestHeaders' containing the headers,
// and 'blocking' ensures that the object your function returns is
// used to overwrite the headers
extraInfoSpec = ['requestHeaders','blocking'],
// Chrome will call your listener function in response to every
// HTTP request
handler = function( details ) {
var headers = details.requestHeaders,
blockingResponse = {};
// Each header parameter is stored in an array. Since Chrome
// makes no guarantee about the contents/order of this array,
// you'll have to iterate through it to find for the
// 'User-Agent' element
for( var i = 0, l = headers.length; i < l; ++i ) {
if( headers[i].name == 'User-Agent' ) {
headers[i].value = '>>> Your new user agent string here <<<';
// If you want to modify other headers, this is the place to
// do it. Either remove the 'break;' statement and add in more
// conditionals or use a 'switch' statement on 'headers[i].name'
blockingResponse.requestHeaders = headers;
return blockingResponse;
chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( handler, requestFilter, extraInfoSpec );
{"name":"User-Agent","value":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/14.0.835.15 Safari/535.1"},
{"name":"Cookie","value":"__utma=138710319.518446708.1311977381.1311977381.1311977381.1; __utmz=138710319.1311977381.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); ci_session=6YkLJxXZRFbZ5DLlpFCL8KG3cnggPjSvEtP7VCNRTv4JLphOrHGUqPX3pfOuURl0cfbMb9Gu4%2FcNnsxZyiTNxH%2B0hXZ4pElZush0NJNHHD7ReOV2hoHWRaDX1ikw4vWamoyB8WvLftxotbKX4ibITIwqBlQ0mqq%2BcIQRn5uW0ueFgwzt43b5Q6KBGYJ2RMXZrrT%2FgB0ViV8dofvXNmQ8qFueXOlotnnWx1KcTWyyiWDOIia2%2Bm5ZuknlbmvFMk5czOMf5y70S4oaK7iup7gAlaPSVD9%2FZE%2BzslzuCvvyiXM%3D"}
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