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Created September 19, 2018 21:22
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  • Save jugglinmike/7cc77c951cb50bedeb374d60fb6f936a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jugglinmike/7cc77c951cb50bedeb374d60fb6f936a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
 0:01.52(B vcs DEBUG git rev-parse --show-toplevel
 0:01.53(B vcs DEBUG git rev-parse --show-cdup
 0:01.53(B vcs DEBUG git rev-parse HEAD
 0:01.54(B INFO(B Updating test manifest /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/MANIFEST.json
 0:01.54(B INFO(B STDOUT: INFO:manifest:Skipping manifest download because existing file is recent
 0:05.69(B INFO(B STDOUT: INFO:manifest:Updating manifest
 0:19.56(B INFO(B STDOUT: DEBUG:manifest:Opening manifest at /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/MANIFEST.json
 0:24.95(B INFO(B Using 1 client processes
 0:25.02(B INFO(B Starting http server on
 0:25.03(B INFO(B Starting http server on
 0:25.08(B INFO(B Starting https server on
 0:25.57(B SUITE_START(B: web-platform-test - running 1 tests
 0:25.57(B INFO(B Running reftest tests
 0:25.57(B DEBUG Using 1 processes
 0:25.57(B INFO(B No reftest tests to run
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Stop flag set in ManagerGroup
 0:25.58(B INFO(B Running wdspec tests
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Using 1 processes
 0:25.58(B INFO(B No wdspec tests to run
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Stop flag set in ManagerGroup
 0:25.58(B INFO(B Running testharness tests
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Using 1 processes
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Dispatch start_init
 0:25.58(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 0:25.58(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 0:25.59(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 0:25.69(B certutil(B Full command: /usr/bin/certutil -N -d /tmp/tmpNRru80.mozrunner -f /tmp/tmpNRru80.mozrunner/.crtdbpw
 0:25.79(B certutil(B
 0:25.82(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 0:25.82(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 0:25.82(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpNRru80.mozrunner
 0:25.84(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 0:25.84(B INFO(B Starting runner
 0:25.85(B DEBUG Test runner started
 0:25.86(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 0:25.87(B DEBUG Executor setup
 0:25.87(B pid:17163(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpNRru80.mozrunner
pid:17163(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 0:25.87(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 0:25.87(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 0:25.87(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 0:25.87(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 1:35.58(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 1:35.58(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 1:35.60(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 1:35.60(B DEBUG stopped
 1:35.61(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 1:35.61(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 1:45.61(B DEBUG After join
 1:45.61(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 1:45.62(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 1:45.62(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 1:45.62(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 1:45.62(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 1:45.62(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 1:45.62(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 1:45.64(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 1:45.74(B certutil(B
 1:45.84(B certutil(B
 1:45.87(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 1:45.89(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 1:45.89(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp5873Lv.mozrunner
 1:45.91(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 1:45.92(B INFO(B Starting runner
 1:45.92(B DEBUG Test runner started
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Executor setup
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 1:45.94(B pid:17391(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp5873Lv.mozrunner
pid:17391(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 1:45.94(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 2:55.62(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 2:55.62(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 2:55.66(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 2:55.66(B DEBUG stopped
 2:55.66(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 2:55.66(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 3:05.66(B DEBUG After join
 3:05.66(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 3:05.69(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 3:05.69(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 3:05.69(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 3:05.69(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 3:05.69(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 3:05.69(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 3:05.71(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 3:05.81(B certutil(B
 3:05.92(B certutil(B
 3:05.94(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 3:05.96(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 3:05.96(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpxmecNV.mozrunner
 3:05.99(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 3:05.99(B INFO(B Starting runner
 3:06.00(B DEBUG Test runner started
 3:06.01(B pid:17596(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpxmecNV.mozrunner
pid:17596(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Executor setup
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 3:06.01(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 4:15.69(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 4:15.69(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 4:15.73(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 4:15.73(B DEBUG stopped
 4:15.73(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 4:15.73(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 4:25.73(B DEBUG After join
 4:25.73(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 4:25.76(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 4:25.76(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 4:25.76(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 4:25.76(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 4:25.76(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 4:25.76(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 4:25.78(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 4:25.88(B certutil(B
 4:25.98(B certutil(B
 4:26.01(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 4:26.03(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 4:26.03(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpNiGcFe.mozrunner
 4:26.06(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 4:26.06(B INFO(B Starting runner
 4:26.07(B DEBUG Test runner started
 4:26.09(B pid:17790(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmpNiGcFe.mozrunner
pid:17790(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Executor setup
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 4:26.10(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 5:35.76(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 5:35.76(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 5:35.80(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 5:35.80(B DEBUG stopped
 5:35.80(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 5:35.80(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 5:45.80(B DEBUG After join
 5:45.80(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 5:45.82(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 5:45.82(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 5:45.82(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 5:45.82(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 5:45.82(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 5:45.82(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 5:45.83(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 5:45.93(B certutil(B
 5:46.03(B certutil(B
 5:46.05(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 5:46.07(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 5:46.07(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp9Ymdxr.mozrunner
 5:46.10(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 5:46.10(B INFO(B Starting runner
 5:46.11(B DEBUG Test runner started
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Executor setup
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 5:46.12(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 5:46.12(B pid:18033(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp9Ymdxr.mozrunner
pid:18033(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 6:55.82(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 6:55.82(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 6:55.84(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 6:55.84(B DEBUG stopped
 6:55.84(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 6:55.84(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 7:05.84(B DEBUG After join
 7:05.84(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 7:05.87(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 7:05.87(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 7:05.87(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 7:05.87(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 7:05.87(B DEBUG Init called, starting browser and runner
 7:05.88(B DEBUG Starting browser with settings {'lsan_allowed': set([]), 'check_leaks': False}
 7:05.89(B INFO(B Setting up ssl
 7:05.99(B certutil(B
 7:06.08(B certutil(B
 7:06.11(B certutil(B
Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
web-platform-tests CT,,
 7:06.13(B DEBUG Starting Firefox
 7:06.13(B INFO(B Application command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp1UcDPP.mozrunner
 7:06.16(B DEBUG Firefox Started
 7:06.16(B INFO(B Starting runner
 7:06.17(B DEBUG Test runner started
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Executor setup
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Connecting to Marionette on port 2828
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Got command: u'log'
 7:06.18(B DEBUG Waiting for Marionette connection
 7:06.19(B pid:18244(B Full command: /home/mike/projects/bocoup/google-wpt/web-platform-tests/_venv/browsers/firefox/firefox -headless -profile /tmp/tmp1UcDPP.mozrunner
pid:18244(B *** You are running in headless mode.
 8:15.88(B DEBUG init_failed called from timer
 8:15.88(B DEBUG Got command: u'init_failed'
 8:15.93(B INFO(B Browser exited with return code -15
 8:15.93(B DEBUG stopped
 8:15.93(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 8:15.93(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 8:25.93(B DEBUG After join
 8:25.93(B WARNING(B Forcibly terminating runner process
 8:25.96(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 8:25.96(B WARNING(B u'stop': ()
 8:25.96(B DEBUG new state: initializing_browser
 8:25.96(B DEBUG Dispatch init
 8:25.96(B ERROR(B Max restarts exceeded
 8:25.96(B DEBUG new state: error
 8:25.96(B DEBUG TestRunnerManager main loop terminating, starting cleanup
 8:25.96(B DEBUG stopped
 8:25.96(B DEBUG ensure_runner_stopped
 8:25.96(B DEBUG waiting for runner process to end
 8:25.96(B DEBUG After join
 8:25.96(B DEBUG Testrunner exited with code -15
 8:25.96(B DEBUG TestManager cleanup
 8:25.96(B DEBUG teardown in testrunnermanager
 8:25.96(B DEBUG stopped
 8:25.96(B DEBUG Stop flag set in ManagerGroup
 8:25.96(B INFO(B Got 0 unexpected results
 8:25.96(B SUITE_END(B
Ran 0 checks ()
Expected results: 0
 8:26.05(B INFO(B Closing logging queue
 8:26.06(B INFO(B queue closed
 8:26.06(B ERROR(B No tests ran
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