If you use atom... download & install the following packages:
You may see a folder called typings
with a lot of files that follow the pattern *.d.ts
. These are type definition files. Type definition files are used to declare the interfaces of public API of third party libraries like jQuery or React. That way you don't have to create all the typings for third party libraries!
Create a file using the
extention -
Declare the interface for any props that that the React Component uses
interface TodoProps {
todo: string
status: string
- Declare the interface for any state that exists within the React component
interface TodoState {
isEditing?: boolean
// Make all state optional! See Hack below
Hack: For now make every key in state optional or else Typescript with throw an error
- Create a React component using the interfaces you created
class TodoComponent extends React.Component<TodoProps, TodoState> {
constructor(props: TodoProps) {
this.state = { ... } // initial state
... // public + react methods
In order for Typescript to be happy, use refs inside the class like so:
class Cat extends <CatProps, {}> { // no state
refs: {
[key: string]: (Element)
litterBox: (HTMLInputElement) // !important
constructor(props: CatProps){ ... } // constructor
render() {
return (
<div ref="litterBox">
A collection of types that describes the shape that a value must have
interface CatValue {
name: string
age: number
function petCat(cat: VatValue) {
let myCat = { name: 'Whiskers', age: 4 }
petCat(myCat) // 'Whiskers'
PROTIP: use ?
for optional values
interface CatValue {
name: string
age: number
favoriteFish?: string // optional
Thanks. concise and exact