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Last active January 9, 2023 22:26
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Advent of Code 2022 Day 22 Cube folding solver
# Usage: python input.txt
import math, sys
lines = open(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else 'input.txt', 'r').read().split('\n')
# Remove instructions line from input
lines = lines[:-1]
if len(lines[-1]) == 0: lines.pop() # Remove possible empty line between map and instructions
# Compute cube surface area
area = sum(len(x.strip()) for x in lines)
print('Surface area of cube:', area)
# Compute individual side length
side = int(math.sqrt(area/6))
print('Side length:', side)
# Calculate 2D map size
height = len(lines)
print('Height:', height)
width = max([len(x) for x in lines])
print('Width:', width)
# Returns character on the map at x,y
def get(x,y):
if x < 0 or y < 0 or y >= len(lines) or x >= len(lines[y]):
return ' '
return lines[y][x]
# Returns 1 if given coordinate falls outside a cube edge
def is_outside(x, y):
if get(x, y) == ' ':
return 1
return 0
# Find all the internal corners in this shape
# Internal corners can be identified by looking at neighboring 2x2 shapes and finding where exactly
# three of the positions are inside the map, and one is outside
inner_corners = []
for y in range(height-1):
s = ''
for x in range(width-1):
s += get(x,y)
count = is_outside(x, y) + is_outside(x+1, y) + is_outside(x, y+1) + is_outside(x+1, y+1)
if count == 1:
inner_corners += [(x,y)]
print('Shape has internal corners at:')
dirs = [(1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0,-1)] # Given a heading 0-3, which way would we travel? (same convention as problem input)
# Finds on the contours of the 2D map the heading that the edge is winding. This is done by compressing the
# four inside/outside states of a 2x2 block into a bitmask, and indexing an array to look up the clockwise heading
def cw_heading(x,y):
kind = is_outside(x,y) | (is_outside(x+1,y) << 1) | (is_outside(x,y+1) << 2) | (is_outside(x+1,y+1)<<3)
heading = [-1, 3, 0, 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, -1][kind]
assert heading >= 0
return heading
# Same as above, but CCW winding. -1 values in the array are for cases that cannot occur.
def ccw_heading(x,y):
kind = is_outside(x,y) | (is_outside(x+1,y) << 1) | (is_outside(x,y+1) << 2) | (is_outside(x+1,y+1)<<3)
heading = [-1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 3, 2, 0, 0, 3, -1][kind]
assert heading >= 0
return heading
# paint the winding of the edges. Outmap receives the ascii art picture. N.b. outmap
# is expanded by one to top and left to allow for the ascii drawing to expand outside
# the cube edges for better visuals.
outmap = Matrix = [[get(x-1,y-1) for x in range(width+1)] for y in range(height+1)]
ch_small = ord('a') # Draw edges with A, B, C, etc.
ch_large = ord('A')
# Draws a character on the output map
def plot(x, y, ch):
x += 1
y += 1
if x >= 0 and y >= 0 and x < len(outmap[0]) and y < len(outmap): outmap[y][x] = ch
# Tracks which cube edges we have traversed in 1st pass of the algorithm, to avoid redoing
# them in the 2nd pass
plotted_edges = []
# Tests if a given cube edge has already been traversed
def has_been_plotted(sx, sy, ex, ey):
return (sx, sy, ex, ey) in plotted_edges or (ex, ey, sx, sy) in plotted_edges
# The main body of the algorithm, pass_number=1 or 2
def fill_corners(pass_number):
global ch_small, ch_large, plotted_edges
# Stitch edges of the cube, starting at each internal corner in turn
for x, y in inner_corners:
# Start CW and CCW winding cursors initially at the same internal corners
cw_x = x
cw_y = y
cw_dir = cw_heading(x, y) # Look at the 2x2 neighborhood of the corner to see which heading the cursor should have
ccw_x = x
ccw_y = y
ccw_dir = ccw_heading(x, y) # Same for CCW cursor
while True:
# Travel CW and CCW cursors one cube edge forward
cw_x_end = cw_x + dirs[cw_dir][0] * side
cw_y_end = cw_y + dirs[cw_dir][1] * side
ccw_x_end = ccw_x + dirs[ccw_dir][0] * side
ccw_y_end = ccw_y + dirs[ccw_dir][1] * side
new_cw_dir = cw_heading(cw_x_end, cw_y_end)
new_ccw_dir = ccw_heading(ccw_x_end, ccw_y_end)
if pass_number == 2: # 2nd pass should skip over cube edges that have already been processed in 1st pass
# Skip CW cursor over already processed edges
while has_been_plotted(cw_x, cw_y, cw_x_end, cw_y_end):
cw_x = cw_x_end
cw_y = cw_y_end
cw_dir = new_cw_dir
cw_x_end = cw_x + dirs[cw_dir][0] * side
cw_y_end = cw_y + dirs[cw_dir][1] * side
new_cw_dir = cw_heading(cw_x_end, cw_y_end)
if cw_x == ccw_x and cw_y == ccw_y: # If CW and CCW cursors meet up, 2nd pass is done
# Skip CCW cursor over already processed edges
while has_been_plotted(ccw_x, ccw_y, ccw_x_end, ccw_y_end):
ccw_x = ccw_x_end
ccw_y = ccw_y_end
ccw_dir = new_ccw_dir
ccw_x_end = ccw_x + dirs[ccw_dir][0] * side
ccw_y_end = ccw_y + dirs[ccw_dir][1] * side
new_ccw_dir = ccw_heading(ccw_x_end, ccw_y_end)
if cw_x == ccw_x and cw_y == ccw_y: # CW and CCW cursors meet up?
# We found a new edge to stitch up.
print(f'Edge {cw_x}x{cw_y}->{cw_x_end}x{cw_y_end} maps to edge {ccw_x}x{ccw_y}->{ccw_x_end}x{ccw_y_end}')
# Draw the common edges with the same ascii letters
# (from inside this loop you would generate the walk mapping (x,y,heading) -> (new_x, new_y, new_heading)
# for traveling
for i in range(side+1):
x = cw_x + dirs[cw_dir][0]*i
y = cw_y + dirs[cw_dir][1]*i
plot(x, y, chr(ch_small) if i < side/2 else chr(ch_large)) # First half gets lowercase chars
x = ccw_x + dirs[ccw_dir][0]*i
y = ccw_y + dirs[ccw_dir][1]*i
plot(x, y, chr(ch_small) if i < side/2 else chr(ch_large)) # Draw second half in uppercase chars
# Remember that this edge has now been traversed, to avoid redoing it in the second pass
plotted_edges += [(cw_x, cw_y, cw_x_end, cw_y_end), (ccw_x, ccw_y, ccw_x_end, ccw_y_end)]
ch_small += 1
ch_large += 1
# 1st pass: if both cursors come to an external corner at the same time (i.e. both corners
# will rotate), this stitching run finishes here, and we'll move to the next internal corner.
# (second pass ignores this logic)
if pass_number == 1 and new_cw_dir != cw_dir and new_ccw_dir != ccw_dir:
# Retire old CW/CCW cursors and replace them with the ones for next iteration
cw_x = cw_x_end
cw_y = cw_y_end
cw_dir = new_cw_dir
ccw_x = ccw_x_end
ccw_y = ccw_y_end
ccw_dir = new_ccw_dir
if pass_number == 2: # Second pass only needs to process starting from one arbitrary corner
# Kick off the actual algorithm run in two passes
# Run the second pass to resolve the corner case of 11th shape, see details at
# For the AoC problem this can be skipped, if problem input is not this special case
# Print out the stitched map
for y in range(len(outmap)):
s = ''
for x in range(len(outmap[0])):
s += outmap[y][x]
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
move instructions
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