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Created November 2, 2022 19:07
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How to use Gowin's DCS (Dynamic Clock Select) and rPLL module instances and properly configure timing analysis
module top(
input clk_27mhz, // The built-in 27 MHz oscillator clock. Using timing constraint: create_clock -name clk_27mhz -period 37.037 [get_ports {clk_27mhz}]
input external_clk, // And external clock signal at 12.5 - 32 MHz frequency. Using timing constraint: create_clock -name external_clk -period 31.25 [get_ports {external_clk}]
input which_clock_to_use,
output reg o_a,
output reg o_b,
output o_clk
always @(posedge clk_27mhz) begin
o_a <= ~o_a;
always @(posedge external_clk) begin
o_b <= ~o_b;
DCS dcs (
.CLKSEL(which_clock_to_use ? 4'b0001 : 4'b0010),
rPLL #(
// N.b. without proper timing constraints (see below), the following line will issue warnings
// WARN (CK3000) : The clock "DEFAULT_CLK"'s frequency does not match hdmi_pll's param "FCLKIN = "32""
// WARN (TA1118) : the clock "clk_27mhz"'s frequency does not match hdmi_pll's param "FCLKIN = "32""
) hdmi_pll (.CLKOUTP(), .CLKOUTD(), .CLKOUTD3(), .RESET(1'b0), .RESET_P(1'b0), .CLKFB(1'b0), .PSDA(4'b0), .DUTYDA(4'b0), .FDLY(4'b0),
// N.b. without proper timing constraints, four copies of the following warning will be issued:
// WARN (TA1121) : hdmi_pll's "CLKIN" pin has more than one clock on it,use clock "clk_27mhz" as master clock of "hdmi_pll/CLKOUT" pin
.FBDSEL(which_clock_to_use ? 6'd59 : 6'd63),
/* Specify the following timing constraints:
// Annotate two original input clocks
create_clock -name clk_27mhz -period 37.037 [get_ports {clk_27mhz}]
create_clock -name external_clk -period 31.25 [get_ports {external_clk}]
// Annotate DCS output/PLL input
create_clock -name pll_input -period 31.25 [get_nets {sel_clk}]
// Annotate PLL output
create_clock -name pll_output -period 6.25 [get_ports {o_clk}]
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