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Last active November 24, 2023 14:45
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Resize images using sharp, convert them to webp
const fs = require('fs/promises')
const sharp = require('sharp')
// this will create 2 images
// one with 1200 width and one with 600 width
// it will place them in the current directory
// note that the original image(s) will be expected to be png
async function start( dirname ){
const images = await fs.readdir(dirname)
const pngs = images.filter(v => v.match(/\.png/))
await pngs.reduce((a,b) => {
// @ts-ignore
a = a.then(async v => {
return Promise.all([
sharp(dirname + '/' + b)
width: 1200
quality: 80,
nearLossless: true,
smartSubsample: true
__dirname + '/' + b.replace(/\.png/,'.webp')
sharp(dirname + '/' + b)
width: 600
quality: 80,
nearLossless: true,
smartSubsample: true
__dirname + '/' + b.replace(/\.png/,'-600.webp')
return a
const dirname = '../somewhere'
start( dirname )
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