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Last active February 20, 2023 10:09
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Blackjack simulator written in Python. API can act as environment for RL agents by passing custom play strategy function to `game(...)`
""" Blackjack simulator, works for RL
* Copied and modified from:
* See function game(get_player_action) for instructions.
* Requires Python 3.7
* Handles 10M simulations in < 30 mins at Macbook Pro
* Interactive play: python
* Might not implement blackjack rules perfectly
import random
import logging
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*4
def deal(deck):
hand = []
for i in range(2):
card = deck.pop()
if card == 11:card = "J"
if card == 12:card = "Q"
if card == 13:card = "K"
if card == 14:card = "A"
return hand
def total(hand, return_usable_ace=False):
total = 0
aces = 0
used_aces = 0
for card in hand:
if card == "J" or card == "Q" or card == "K":
total += 10
elif card == "A":
total += 1
aces += 1
total += card
if total < 11 and aces > 0:
total += 10
used_aces += 1
if return_usable_ace:
return (total, used_aces)
return total
def hit(hand):
card = deck.pop()
if card == 11:card = "J"
if card == 12:card = "Q"
if card == 13:card = "K"
if card == 14:card = "A"
return hand
def print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand):"The dealer has a " + str(dealer_hand) + " for a total of " + str(total(dealer_hand)))"You have a " + str(player_hand) + " for a total of " + str(total(player_hand)))
def score(dealer_hand, player_hand):
print_results(dealer_hand, player_hand)
if total(player_hand) == 21:"Congratulations! You got a Blackjack!\n")
return 1.0
elif total(dealer_hand) == 21:"Sorry, you lose. The dealer got a blackjack.\n")
return -1.0
elif total(player_hand) > 21:"Sorry. You busted. You lose.\n")
return -1.0
elif total(dealer_hand) > 21:"Dealer busts. You win!\n")
return 1.0
elif total(player_hand) < total(dealer_hand):"Sorry. Your score isn't higher than the dealer. You lose.\n")
return -1.0
elif total(player_hand) > total(dealer_hand):"Congratulations. Your score is higher than the dealer. You win\n" )
return 1.0
else:"A draw")
return 0.0
def game(get_player_action):
""" play a game of blackjack
:param get_player_action: function(player_hand, dealer card) -> (action, data)
- return value action is either h = hit or s = stand
- return value data is arbitrary: for example state + action
:returns: (
reward from set {-1.0, 0.0, 1.0},
list of data returned by function get_player_action,
(final player hand, final dealer hand)
# store list of data that
player_data_lst = []"WELCOME TO BLACKJACK!\n")
global deck
deck = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]*4
dealer_hand = deal(deck)
player_hand = deal(deck)
choice = 0
reward = -2.0
while choice != "q":"The dealer is showing a " + str(dealer_hand[0]))"You have a " + str(player_hand) + " for a total of " + str(total(player_hand)))
if total(player_hand) >= 21 or total(dealer_hand) >= 21:
choice = "s"
action_state = get_player_action(player_hand, dealer_hand[0])
choice = action_state[0]
if choice == "h":
elif choice == "s":
while total(dealer_hand) < 17:
reward = score(dealer_hand, player_hand)
choice = "q"
final_state = (player_hand, dealer_hand)
return (reward, player_data_lst, final_state)
def interactive_action(player_hand, dealer_hand):
""" ask the action from the user
:param player_hand: list of cards from set: {2, 3, 4, ..., 9, 'J', ..., 'A'}
:param dealer_hand: single card
:return: (action, <empty>)
action = input("Do you want to [H]it, [S]tand, or [Q]uit: ").lower()
assert action in ["s", "h", "q"]
return (action, ())
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Let's play an interactive game of blackjack!")
(reward, player_data_lst, final_state) = game(interactive_action)
print(f"reward: {reward}")
print(f"player_data_lst: {player_data_lst}")
print(f"final_state: {final_state}")
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