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Created October 8, 2013 09:50
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A sample code for "Shamir's secret sharing" ( with the Lagrange interpolation. Written in Clojure.
;; to represent a polynomial, a vector [a b c d] means a + bx + cx^2 + dx^3
;; gen-poly makes a polynomial with n random coefficients (max value: max-coeff)
(defn gen-poly [n max-coeff]
(vec (repeatedly n #(rand-int max-coeff))))
;; if p is negative, returns n
;; else returns n mod p
(defn modp [n p]
(if (<= p 0)
(mod n p)))
;; calculate a polynomial with x
;; (cal-poly [4 2 1] 2) => 12
;; f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 4
;; if x equals 2, 4 + 4 + 4 = 12
(defn cal-poly
([poly x] (cal-poly poly x -1))
([poly x m]
(loop [p poly
z 1
cal 0]
(if-not (seq p)
(recur (rest p) (modp (* z x) m) (modp (+ cal (* (first p) z)) m))))))
;; add n degrees with x
;; (fill-with-x [3 4 2] 2 5) => [3 4 2 5 5]
(defn fill-with-x [poly n x]
(if (<= n 0)
(recur (conj poly x) (dec n) x)))
;; add two polynomials
(defn add-poly
([p1 p2] (add-poly p1 p2 -1))
([p1 p2 m]
(if (> (count p1) (count p2))
(add-poly p2 p1 m)
(let [d (- (count p2) (count p1))
q (fill-with-x p1 d 0)]
(->> (mapv + q p2)
(mapv #(modp % m)))))))
;; multiply two items
;; (mul-two-item [[1 2] [3 4]]) => [4 8]
;; this represents 2x * 4x^3 = 8x^4
(defn mul-two-item [xs]
(let [a (first xs)
b (second xs)]
[(+ (first a) (first b)) (* (second a) (second b))]))
;; multiply two polymomials
(defn mul-poly
([p1 p2] (mul-poly p1 p2 -1))
([p1 p2 m]
(->> (for [x (map-indexed #(vector %1 %2) p1)
y (map-indexed #(vector %1 %2) p2)]
[x y])
(map mul-two-item)
(map #(hash-map (first %) (second %)))
(apply merge-with +)
(mapv val)
(mapv #(modp % m)))))
;; drop n-th item and returns the vector
(defn dropv-nth [n xs]
(vec (concat (subvec xs 0 n) (subvec xs (inc n) (count xs)))))
;; Euler's modular multiplicative inverse
;; a^phi(m) = 1 mod m
;; a^(phi(m) - 1) = a^-1 mod m
;; phi(m) = m - 1 if m is prime
;; a^(m - 1 - 1) = a^(m-2) = a^-1 mod m
(defn multiplicative-inverse-euler [n p]
(bigint (.modPow (biginteger n) (biginteger (- p 2)) (biginteger p))))
;; calculate an item for Lagrange interpolation, L^n_t(t)
;; xs - a vector. x values
;; idx - represents t in L^n_t(t)
;; y - p(x)
;; m - modulus
(defn cal-lt
([xs idx y] (cal-lt xs idx y -1))
([xs idx y m]
(let [upper (->> xs
(mapv #(vec (list (- %) 1)))
(dropv-nth idx)
(reduce #(mul-poly %1 %2 m)))
w (nth xs idx)
lower (modp (->> xs
(mapv #(- w %))
(dropv-nth idx)
(reduce *))
(if (pos? m)
(mapv #(modp (* (modp (* % y) m) (multiplicative-inverse-euler lower m)) m) upper)
(mapv #(/ (* % y) lower) upper)))))
;; Lagrange interpolation
(defn lagrange-interpolation
([ps] (lagrange-interpolation ps -1))
([ps m]
(let [xs (mapv first ps)]
(loop [res [0]
lt ps
idx 0]
(if-not (seq lt)
(recur (add-poly res (cal-lt xs idx (second (first lt)) m) m) (rest lt) (inc idx)))))))
(defn gen-x-fx-pair
([poly x] (gen-x-fx-pair poly x -1))
([poly x m]
[x (cal-poly poly x m)]))
;; shared keys MUST have different values
(defn gen-n-distinct-vec [n limit]
(loop [xs []]
(if (= (count xs) n)
(recur (vec (set (conj xs (inc (rand-int (dec limit))))))))))
(defn create-shared-secret [k n max-coeff m]
(let [poly (gen-poly k m)]
(list poly (map #(gen-x-fx-pair poly % m) (gen-n-distinct-vec n 100)))))
;; (create-shared-secret 6 10 1000 4523)
;; ([1804 3539 3114 2303 1721 3165] ([32 3771] [70 1282] [80 271] [50 564] [19 2022] [21 1447] [59 2831] [60 134] [29 2374] [95 2622]))
;; (lagrange-interpolation [[32 3771] [80 271] [19 2022] [59 2831] [29 2374] [95 2622]] 4523)
;; [1804N 3539N 3114N 2303N 1721N 3165N]
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