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Created December 16, 2015 20:36
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A user of the system. I prefer to use object right away (instead of just String), makes code more readable makes it more extendable later.
Implements Hashable since I need this for uniquing later.
struct User: Equatable, Hashable {
let name: String
var hashValue: Int { return name.hashValue }
func ==(lhs: User, rhs: User) -> Bool {
return ==
// A MoneyTransfer is the simples way to represent cash flow - just an amount a single User paid for or ows to the "community"
struct MoneyTransfer {
let user: User
let amount: Double
// An Balance is a user's balance.
struct Balance {
let user: User
var balance: Double
// A DebtPayment is a payment from a given user to another user.
struct DebtPayement {
let from: User
let to: User
let amount: Double
// A Bank manages money transfers.
struct Bank {
var transfers: [MoneyTransfer] = []
// Add an expense, which is an amount payed by a single payer for any number of consumers (may, but doesn't have to include the payer).
mutating func addExpense(totalAmount: Double, payer: User, consumers: [User]) {
// Add one money transfer for the payer (increasing his balance by the amount
transfers.append(MoneyTransfer(user: payer, amount: totalAmount))
// Add a money transfer for each consumer; the amount is the total amount divided by the count of consumers.
let amountPerConsumer = -totalAmount/Double(consumers.count)
// Map every consumer to the MoneyTransfer that is added for him. {
consumer in
MoneyTransfer(user: consumer, amount: amountPerConsumer)
// Add a transfer of a given amount from one user to another.
mutating func addMoneyTransfer(amount: Double, fromUser: User, toUser: User) {
// Transfer the the amount from the payer to the bank (by increasing that users balance)
transfers.append(MoneyTransfer(user: fromUser, amount: amount))
// Transfer the money from the bank to the recipient (by reducing that persons balance)
transfers.append(MoneyTransfer(user: toUser, amount: -amount))
// Compute a balance for every user.
func computeBalances() -> [Balance] {
// Basically: For every user, sum the money transfers he has done.
let accountHolders: [Balance] =
Set( {$0.user} // Compute user of every transfer
) // Create a set from the users so we have every user once only
.map {
currentUser in // For every user
let balance = transfers // In every transfer
.filter { transfer in currentUser == transfer.user } // use only those transfers, where the current user is the transfer's user
.map { $0.amount } // For each of those transfers, get only the amount
.reduce(0, combine: +) // And sum the amounts to get the balance
return Balance(user: currentUser, balance: balance)
return accountHolders
// Compute a list of DebtPayments that need to be made for everyone to be even. Does not modify the Bank.
// Kinda inefficient, but shouldn't matter if you don't have thousands of simultaneous users.
func computeDebtPayementsWithHighestDebtorsPayingFirst() -> [DebtPayement] {
var bank = self // I didn't want to mutate the Bank object, so we create a copy here.
let accuracy = 0.001 // If the debt is less than this amount, we consider it zero. Added this because rounding errors might cause an infinite loop otherwise.
var debtPayments: [DebtPayement] = [] // The resulting debt payments.
while true { // Infinit loop
let balances = bank.computeBalances()
let debtors = balances
.filter { $0.balance < -accuracy } // Find all debtors with a negative balance
.sort { $0.balance < $1.balance } // Sort them by amount of debt (highest first)
let payers = balances
.filter { $0.balance > accuracy } // Find all payers with positive balance
.sort { $0.balance < $1.balance } // Sort them by amount paid (highest first)
// If we don't have a debtor and payer remaining, we exit the loop.
guard let highestDebtor = debtors.first else { break }
guard let highestPayer = payers.first else { break }
// We have a highestDebtor and paymentRemaining! The amount paid is the lower of the two.
let amount = min(-highestDebtor.balance, highestPayer.balance)
// Add the money transfer to the bank so it's reflected in when we compute the balances again in the next loop iteration.
bank.addMoneyTransfer(amount, fromUser: highestDebtor.user, toUser: highestPayer.user)
// Add a DebtPayment object that we can return when we're done.
debtPayments.append(DebtPayement(from: highestDebtor.user, to: highestPayer.user, amount: amount))
return debtPayments
// Some testing!
let user1 = User(name: "A")
let user2 = User(name: "B")
let user3 = User(name: "C")
let user4 = User(name: "D")
var bank = Bank()
bank.addExpense(400, payer: user1, consumers: [user1, user2, user3, user4])
bank.addExpense(400, payer: user2, consumers: [user1, user2, user3, user4])
bank.addExpense(40, payer: user3, consumers: [user1, user2, user3, user4])
bank.addExpense(40, payer: user4, consumers: [user1, user2, user3, user4])
let balances = bank.computeBalances().map { "\t\($'s balance: \($0.balance)$" }
print("Balances: ")
let requiredPayments = bank.computeDebtPayementsWithHighestDebtorsPayingFirst()
let paymentStrings = { "\t\($ pays to \($ \($0.amount)$" }
print("Required payments to balance books:")
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