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Created February 8, 2016 04:21
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"source": [
"git:// (at master@10d1b27)",
" (at master@f64eaf4)",
"rubygems repository"
"dependencies": [
"acts-as-taggable-on (~> 3.4)",
"bootstrap-sass (~> 3.3.3)",
"builder (>= 0)",
"capistrano (>= 0)",
"capistrano-bundler (>= 0)",
"capistrano-rails (>= 0)",
"capistrano-rvm (>= 0)",
"capistrano-secrets-yml (~> 1.0.0)",
"capistrano3-puma (>= 0)",
"coffee-rails (~> 4.0.0)",
"devise (>= 0)",
"devise-bootstrap-views (>= 0)",
"fastimage (>= 0)",
"galleria-rails (>= 0)",
"jbuilder (~> 2.0)",
"jquery-datetimepicker-rails (>= 0)",
"jquery-rails (>= 0)",
"mechanize (>= 0)",
"mocha (>= 0)",
"newrelic_rpm (>= 0)",
"nokogiri (>= 0)",
"octokit (>= 0)",
"pagedown-bootstrap-rails (>= 0)",
"pg (>= 0)",
"pry-byebug (>= 0)",
"puma (>= 0)",
"rack-cache (>= 0)",
"rails (= 4.1.8)",
"rails_12factor (>= 0)",
"redcarpet (>= 0)",
"remotipart (~> 1.2)",
"rubocop (>= 0)",
"sass-rails (~> 4.0.3)",
"screencap (>= 0)",
"spring (>= 0)",
"turbolinks (>= 0)",
"uglifier (>= 1.3.0)",
"will_paginate (>= 0)",
"will_paginate-bootstrap (>= 0)"
"specs": [
"galleria-rails (0.0.1)",
"pagedown-bootstrap-rails (2.1.1)",
"actionmailer (4.1.8)",
"actionpack (4.1.8)",
"actionview (4.1.8)",
"activemodel (4.1.8)",
"activerecord (4.1.8)",
"activesupport (4.1.8)",
"acts-as-taggable-on (3.4.3)",
"addressable (2.3.6)",
"arel (",
"ast (2.1.0)",
"astrolabe (1.3.1)",
"autoprefixer-rails (",
"bcrypt (3.1.9)",
"bootstrap-sass (3.3.3)",
"builder (3.2.2)",
"byebug (3.5.1)",
"capistrano (3.4.0)",
"capistrano-bundler (1.1.4)",
"capistrano-rails (1.1.5)",
"capistrano-rvm (0.1.2)",
"capistrano-secrets-yml (1.0.0)",
"capistrano3-puma (1.2.1)",
"coderay (1.1.0)",
"coffee-rails (4.0.1)",
"coffee-script (2.3.0)",
"coffee-script-source (1.8.0)",
"colorize (0.7.7)",
"columnize (0.9.0)",
"debugger-linecache (1.2.0)",
"devise (3.4.1)",
"devise-bootstrap-views (0.0.3)",
"domain_name (0.5.24)",
"erubis (2.7.0)",
"execjs (2.2.2)",
"faraday (0.9.1)",
"fastimage (1.7.0)",
"hike (1.2.3)",
"http-cookie (1.0.2)",
"i18n (0.7.0)",
"jbuilder (2.2.6)",
"jquery-datetimepicker-rails (",
"jquery-rails (3.1.4)",
"json (1.8.3)",
"mail (2.6.3)",
"mechanize (2.7.3)",
"metaclass (0.0.4)",
"method_source (0.8.2)",
"mime-types (2.4.3)",
"mini_portile (0.6.2)",
"minitest (5.8.2)",
"mocha (1.1.0)",
"multi_json (1.11.2)",
"multipart-post (2.0.0)",
"net-http-digest_auth (1.4)",
"net-http-persistent (2.9.4)",
"net-scp (1.2.1)",
"net-ssh (3.0.1)",
"newrelic_rpm (",
"nokogiri (1.6.5)",
"ntlm-http (0.1.1)",
"octokit (4.1.1)",
"orm_adapter (0.5.0)",
"parser (",
"pg (0.17.1)",
"phantomjs (",
"powerpack (0.1.1)",
"pry (0.10.1)",
"pry-byebug (2.0.0)",
"puma (2.14.0)",
"rack (1.5.5)",
"rack-cache (1.2)",
"rack-test (0.6.3)",
"rails (4.1.8)",
"rails_12factor (0.0.3)",
"rails_serve_static_assets (0.0.4)",
"rails_stdout_logging (0.0.3)",
"railties (4.1.8)",
"rainbow (2.0.0)",
"rake (10.4.2)",
"redcarpet (3.2.2)",
"remotipart (1.2.1)",
"responders (1.1.2)",
"rubocop (0.35.1)",
"ruby-progressbar (1.7.5)",
"sass (3.2.19)",
"sass-rails (4.0.5)",
"sawyer (0.6.0)",
"screencap (0.1.2)",
"slop (3.6.0)",
"spring (1.2.0)",
"sprockets (2.12.4)",
"sprockets-rails (2.2.4)",
"sshkit (1.7.1)",
"thor (0.19.1)",
"thread_safe (0.3.5)",
"tilt (1.4.1)",
"tins (1.6.0)",
"turbolinks (2.5.3)",
"tzinfo (1.2.2)",
"uglifier (2.7.0)",
"unf (0.1.4)",
"unf_ext (",
"warden (1.2.3)",
"webrobots (0.1.1)",
"will_paginate (3.0.5)",
"will_paginate-bootstrap (1.0.0)"
"platforms": [
"bundler_version": "1.10.6"
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