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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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  • Save julescarbon/b3ecfc12b9955decab65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save julescarbon/b3ecfc12b9955decab65 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fastco sidebar animation
function (e, t, n, r, i) {
var s = r.ItemView.extend({
template: i.sidebarBranding,
initialize: function (t) {
this.options = e.extend({}, t || {})
window.requestAnimationFrame || (window.requestAnimationFrame = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || function (e) {
return window.setTimeout(e, 17)
getRandomArbitrary: function (e, t) {
return Math.random() * (t - e) + e
mapRange: function (e, t, n, r, i) {
return r + (i - r) * (e - t) / (n - t)
onRender: function () {
function u(e, t) {
this.x = e
this.y = t
this.t = 1
this.angle = n.getRandomArbitrary(-0.2, .2)
this.speed = n.getRandomArbitrary(-0.009, .009)
var e = this.model,
n = this,
r = e.get("date");
if (r && r.published) {
var i = r.published.medium,
s = '<time datetime="' + r.published.short + '">' + i + "</time>",
o = n.$el.find("hgroup");
u.prototype.oscillateX = function (e, t) {
this.x = Math.sin(this.angle + this.t) * h
this.x = n.mapRange(this.x, 0, a.width, e, t)
this.angle += this.speed
}, u.prototype.oscillateY = function (e, t) {
this.y = Math.sin(this.angle + this.t) * p
this.y = n.mapRange(this.y, 0, a.height, e, t)
this.angle += this.speed
}, u.prototype.makeShape = function (e) {
e.lineWidth = 1
e.lineJoin = "round"
e.moveTo(y[0].x, y[0].y)
e.lineTo(y[1].x, y[1].y)
e.lineTo(y[0].x, y[0].y)
e.lineTo(y[2].x, y[2].y)
e.lineTo(y[0].x, y[0].y)
e.lineTo(y[3].x, y[3].y)
e.lineTo(y[0].x, y[0].y)
e.lineTo(y[4].x, y[4].y)
e.lineTo(y[4].x, y[4].y)
e.lineTo(y[5].x, y[5].y)
e.lineTo(y[5].x, y[5].y)
e.lineTo(y[3].x, y[3].y)
e.lineTo(y[3].x, y[3].y)
e.lineTo(y[1].x, y[1].y)
e.lineTo(y[1].x, y[1].y)
e.lineTo(y[6].x, y[6].y)
e.lineTo(y[6].x, y[6].y)
e.lineTo(y[4].x, y[4].y)
e.lineTo(y[6].x, y[6].y)
e.lineTo(y[2].x, y[2].y)
e.lineTo(y[2].x, y[2].y)
e.lineTo(y[5].x, y[5].y)
var a = this.$el.find("canvas")[0];
if (!a || !t.isFunction(a.getContext)) return;
var f = a.getContext("2d"),
l = a.width,
c = a.height,
h = l / 2,
p = c / 2,
d = new Date,
v = d.getDate(),
m = d.getMonth() + 1,
g = d.getFullYear();
v < 10 && (v = "0" + v)
m < 10 && (m = "0" + m)
d = m + "/" + v + "/" + g;
var y = [];
y[0] = new u(160, 150)
y[1] = new u(210, -130)
y[2] = new u(29, -174)
y[3] = new u(-39, -25)
y[4] = new u(-192, 29)
y[5] = new u(-220, 0)
y[6] = new u(-148, -124);
var b = function () {
window.requestAnimationFrame(b, a), f.clearRect(0, 0, l * 2, c * 2);
var e = f.createLinearGradient(-100, -100, 0, p - 100);
e.addColorStop(0, "#FF1200")
e.addColorStop(.5, "#F65517")
e.addColorStop(1, "#F98E20")
f.scale(.5, .5)
f.translate(l + 70, c + 80)
f.strokeStyle = e
f.fillStyle = e;
for (var t = 0; t < y.length; t++) y[t].makeShape(f);
y[0].oscillateX(-67, 160)
y[0].oscillateY(150, 220)
y[1].oscillateX(150, 210)
y[1].oscillateY(-290, -130)
y[2].oscillateY(-174, -134)
y[3].oscillateX(-39, 148)
y[4].oscillateX(-290, -192)
y[5].oscillateX(-300, -220)
y[5].oscillateY(-114, 140)
y[6].oscillateX(-218, -148)
y[6].oscillateY(-194, -124)
return s
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