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Created September 9, 2014 19:27
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property set POK is
Security_Level : aadlinteger applies to
(virtual processor, virtual bus, process, bus, event data port, event port, data port);
-- Means two things :
-- * security_level that a partition is allowed to access
-- * security_level provided by a virtual bus : ensure that
-- the virtual bus can transport data from and/or to partitions
-- that have this security level.
Criticality : aadlinteger applies to
(virtual processor);
-- Represent the criticality level of a partition.
Handler : aadlstring applies to
(virtual processor);
-- Error handler for each partition
-- By default, the code generator can create a function
-- which name derives from the partition name. Instead, the
-- model can provide the name of the handler with this property.
Topics : list of aadlstring applies to
(virtual processor, virtual bus);
-- Means two things :
-- * The topics allowed on a specific virtual processor
-- * Topics allowed on a virtual bus.
Needed_Memory_Size : Size applies to (process);
-- Specify the amount of memory needed for a partition
-- We apply it to process component because we don't
-- isolate virtual processor, only processes
Available_Schedulers : type enumeration (RMS, EDF, LLF, RR, TIMESLICE, STATIC);
Timeslice : Time applies to (virtual processor);
-- DEPRECATED at this time
Scheduler : POK::Available_Schedulers
applies to (processor, virtual processor);
-- List available schedulers
-- When we use the STATIC scheduler in the virtual processor
-- The Slots and Slots_Allocation properties are used to determine when
-- partitions are activated and the timeslice they have for their execution.
Available_BSP : type enumeration
BSP : POK::Available_BSP applies to (processor, system);
Available_Architectures : type enumeration
x86, ppc, sparc
Architecture : POK::Available_Architectures applies to (processor, system);
-- Deployment properties
-- Indicate which architecture we use and which bsp
MILS_Verified : aadlboolean applies to (system, process, device, thread, processor, data);
-- For verification purpose
Refresh_Time : Time applies to (data port);
Address : aadlstring applies to (device, processor);
PCI_Vendor_Id : aadlstring applies to (device);
PCI_Device_ID : aadlstring applies to (device);
Device_Name : aadlstring applies to (device);
Additional_Features : list of POK::Supported_Additional_Features applies to (virtual processor, processor);
Supported_Additional_Features: type enumeration (libmath, libc_stdlib, libc_stdio, libc_string, io, pci, console, libc);
Des_Key : aadlstring applies to (virtual bus);
Des_Init : aadlstring applies to (virtual bus);
Blowfish_Key : aadlstring applies to (virtual bus);
Blowfish_Init : aadlstring applies to (virtual bus);
Supported_POK_Protocols: type enumeration (ceasar,des,blowfish,unknown);
Protocol : POK::Supported_POK_Protocols applies to (virtual bus);
Supported_Ports_Flush_Time: type enumeration (Major_Frame_Switch, Minor_Frame_Switch, Partition_Slot_Switch);
Ports_Flush_Time: POK::Supported_Ports_Flush_Time => Major_Frame_Switch applies to (processor);
Module_Minor_Frame: Time applies to (processor);
end POK;
package RAMSES_buses
bus rtl8029
end rtl8029;
end RAMSES_buses;
-- Copyright © 2012 TELECOM ParisTech and CNRS
-- Authors: see AUTHORS
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the Eclipse Public License as published by Eclipse,
-- either version 1.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Eclipse Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the Eclipse Public License
-- along with this program. If not, see
package RAMSES_processors
with POK;
processor cpu_x86
POK::Architecture => x86;
POK::BSP => x86_qemu;
end cpu_x86;
end RAMSES_processors;
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