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Created October 28, 2014 18:58
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package icd
with base_types;
with data_model;
data pedal_value
end pedal_value;
data implementation pedal_value.impl
val : data base_types::integer;
end pedal_value.impl;
data error
end error;
data implementation error.impl
disagreement : data base_types::boolean;
end error.impl;
data speed extends base_types::integer
end speed;
data deceleration extends base_types::integer
end deceleration;
data implementation deceleration.impl
end deceleration.impl;
data command_msg
end command_msg;
data pressure_value extends base_types::integer
end pressure_value;
data braking_value extends base_types::integer
end braking_value;
data implementation command_msg.impl
braking_value : data braking_value;
braking_mode : data braking_mode;
end command_msg.impl;
data braking_mode
data_model::data_representation => enum;
data_model::enumerators => ("off", "low", "medium", "high");
end braking_mode;
-- Hydraulic control message
data hydraulic_ctrl_msg
end hydraulic_ctrl_msg;
data implementation hydraulic_ctrl_msg.impl
normal_selector_valve : data base_types::integer;
normal_servo_valve : data braking_value;
alternate_servo_valve : data braking_value;
end hydraulic_ctrl_msg.impl;
-- implementation of the panel data
data panel_interface
end panel_interface;
data implementation panel_interface.buttons
low_pushed : data base_types::boolean;
med_pushed : data base_types::boolean;
high_pushed : data base_types::boolean;
end panel_interface.buttons;
data implementation panel_interface.light
low_light : data base_types::boolean;
med_light : data base_types::boolean;
high_light : data base_types::boolean;
end panel_interface.light;
data implementation panel_interface.radio_button
data_model::data_representation => enum;
data_model::enumerators => ("off", "low", "medium", "high");
end panel_interface.radio_button;
data sync_msg
end sync_msg;
data implementation sync_msg.impl
is_master : data base_types::boolean;
end sync_msg.impl;
end icd;
package sandbox
with icd;
with spgs;
thread com
compute_valve : provides subprogram access spgs::compute_brake_value;
pedals : in data port icd::pedal_value.impl;
speed : in data port icd::speed;
decel : in data port icd::deceleration.impl;
cmd : out data port icd::command_msg.impl;
period => 20ms;
annex EMV2 {**
use types errorlibrary;
use behavior wbs::errorlib::simple;
error propagations
pedals : in propagation {valueerror};
speed : in propagation {valueerror};
decel : in propagation {valueerror};
cmd : out propagation {valueerror};
end propagations;
end com;
thread com_sampling extends com
compute_mode : provides subprogram access spgs::compute_autobrake_buttons.impl;
panel_buttons : in data port icd::panel_interface.buttons;
end com_sampling;
thread com_event extends com
compute_mode : provides subprogram access spgs::compute_autobrake_buttons.impl;
panel_buttons : in event data port icd::panel_interface.buttons;
end com_event;
thread com_radio extends com
panel_button : in data port icd::panel_interface.radio_button;
end com_radio;
-- Thread implementation
thread implementation com.generic
braking_mode : data icd::braking_mode;
braking_value : data icd::braking_value;
newcmd : data icd::command_msg.impl;
end com.generic;
thread implementation com_sampling.impl extends com.generic
annex behavior_specification {**
init : initial complete state;
idle : complete state;
change_state : state;
compute_cmd : state;
t0 : init -[on dispatch]-> idle;
t1 : idle -[on dispatch]-> change_state
newcmd.braking_mode := braking_mode
t2 : change_state -[]-> compute_cmd
{spgs::compute_brake_value! (pedals,speed,decel,braking_mode,braking_value);
newcmd.braking_value := braking_value
t3 : compute_cmd -[]-> idle
{cmd := newcmd};
end com_sampling.impl;
thread implementation com_event.impl extends com.generic
annex behavior_specification {**
init : initial complete state;
idle : complete state;
change_state : state;
compute_cmd : state;
t0 : init -[on dispatch]-> idle;
t1 : idle -[on dispatch]-> change_state
newcmd.braking_mode := braking_mode
t2 : change_state -[]-> compute_cmd
{spgs::compute_brake_value! (pedals,speed,decel,braking_mode,braking_value);
newcmd.braking_value := braking_value
t3 : compute_cmd -[]-> idle
{cmd := newcmd};
end com_event.impl;
thread implementation com_radio.impl extends com.generic
annex behavior_specification {**
init : initial complete state;
idle : complete state;
change_state : state;
compute_cmd : state;
t0 : init -[on dispatch]-> idle;
t1 : idle -[on dispatch]-> change_state
if (panel_buttons = "off")
braking_mode := "off"
end if;
if (panel_buttons = "low")
braking_mode := "low"
end if;
if (panel_buttons = "medium")
braking_mode := "medium"
end if;
if (panel_buttons = "high")
braking_mode := "high"
end if;
newcmd.braking_mode := braking_mode
t2 : change_state -[]-> compute_cmd
{spgs::compute_brake_value! (pedals,speed,decel,braking_mode,braking_value);
newcmd.braking_value := braking_value
t3 : compute_cmd -[]-> idle
{cmd := newcmd};
end com_radio.impl;
end sandbox;
package spgs
with icd;
with base_types;
subprogram compute_autobrake
end compute_autobrake;
subprogram compute_autobrake_buttons extends compute_autobrake
panel_buttons : in parameter icd::panel_interface.buttons;
braking_mode : requires data access icd::braking_mode;
end compute_autobrake_buttons;
subprogram compute_autobrake_radio extends compute_autobrake
panel_button : in parameter icd::panel_interface.radio_button;
braking_mode : requires data access icd::braking_mode;
end compute_autobrake_radio;
subprogram implementation compute_autobrake_buttons.impl
annex behavior_specification {**
manual : initial final state;
low : state;
med : state;
hig : state;
manual_to_low : manual -[ panel_buttons.low_pushed ]-> low {braking_mode := "low"};
low_to_manual : low -[ panel_buttons.low_pushed ]-> manual {braking_mode := "manual"};
manual_to_med : manual -[ panel_buttons.med_pushed ]-> med {braking_mode := "medium"};
med_to_manual : low -[ panel_buttons.med_pushed ]-> manual {braking_mode := "manual"};
manual_to_hig : manual -[ panel_buttons.high_pushed ]-> hig {braking_mode := "high"};
hig_to_manual : hig -[ panel_buttons.high_pushed ]-> manual {braking_mode := "manual"};
end compute_autobrake_buttons.impl;
-- These subprograms are here to compute the different values
-- for braking at different autobraking modes.
subprogram compute_brake_value
pedals : in parameter icd::pedal_value.impl;
speed : in parameter icd::speed;
decel : in parameter icd::deceleration.impl;
braking_mode : in parameter icd::braking_mode;
outv : out parameter icd::braking_value;
annex behavior_specification {**
init : initial state;
compute : state;
done : final state;
t0 : init -[ ]-> compute;
t1 : compute -[ braking_mode = "low"]-> done {compute_brake_value_low!(pedals,speed,decel,outv)};
t2 : compute -[ braking_mode = "medium"]-> done {compute_brake_value_low!(pedals,speed,decel,outv)};
t3 : compute -[ braking_mode = "high"]-> done {compute_brake_value_low!(pedals,speed,decel,outv)};
end compute_brake_value;
subprogram compute_brake_value_low
pedals : in parameter icd::pedal_value.impl;
speed : in parameter icd::speed;
decel : in parameter icd::deceleration.impl;
outv : out parameter icd::braking_value;
end compute_brake_value_low;
subprogram compute_brake_value_medium
pedals : in parameter icd::pedal_value.impl;
speed : in parameter icd::speed;
decel : in parameter icd::deceleration.impl;
outv : out parameter icd::braking_value;
end compute_brake_value_medium;
subprogram compute_brake_value_high
pedals : in parameter icd::pedal_value.impl;
speed : in parameter icd::speed;
decel : in parameter icd::deceleration.impl;
outv : out parameter icd::braking_value;
end compute_brake_value_high;
-- The check_value subprogram check two results and output
-- a potential disagreement error. The disagreement
-- would then be sent to the CFDIU and potentially
-- reported as an ECAM message.
subprogram check_value
value1 : in parameter icd::command_msg.impl;
value2 : in parameter icd::command_msg.impl;
error : out parameter base_types::boolean;
end check_value;
subprogram implementation check_value.impl
annex behavior_specification {**
start : initial state;
done : final state;
-- We log an error only if the braking value
-- are different.
t0 : start -[]-> done
if (value1.braking_mode = value2.braking_mode)
error := false
error := true
end if
end check_value.impl;
-- Synchronize with the other channels.
subprogram sync_channels
sync_from_other : in parameter icd::sync_msg.impl;
sync_to_other : out parameter icd::sync_msg.impl;
error : out parameter icd::error.impl;
end sync_channels;
subprogram implementation sync_channels.impl
disagreement_counter : data base_types::integer;
end sync_channels.impl;
end spgs;
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