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Created August 31, 2020 00:01
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Largest closed contour + mask of the interior
def get_largest_clcontour(cset):
This function iterates over all contours in a plt.contour() instance to find the largest closed one. Found in:
cset: plt.contour() instance with the defined levels over which this function will iterate.
coords: [:, 3]. In [:, 0] and [:, 1] are the x-axis and y-axis coordinates respectively of the largest closed contour. [:, 2] is the level.
maxsize = 0
# Iterate over all the contour segments and find the largest
for i, segs in enumerate(cset.allsegs):
for j, seg in enumerate(segs):
# First make sure it's closed
if (seg[0]-seg[-1]).any():
# Now get it's size
size = distance_matrix(seg, seg).max()
if size > maxsize:
maxsize = size
maxseg = (i, j)
segment = seg
# Now highlight the "biggest" closed contour
pts2d = cset.allsegs[maxseg[0]][maxseg[1]]
z = cset.levels[maxseg[0]]
coords = np.c_[ pts2d, z*np.ones(pts2d.shape[0]) ]
return coords
def interior_mask(variable, coords):
Masks a variable using the coordinates of a closed contour obtained with get_largest_clcontour(). Masks the exterior, but can be easily modified to mask the interior.
variable: 2-d variable that was used to find the largest closed contour.
coords: the coordinates of said contour, output of get_largest_contour()
variable_masked: variable with all gridpoints outside the contour defined by coords masked
mask = np.full(np.shape(variable), True)
polygon = Polygon(list(coords[:, 0:2]))
for lat in range(0, len(mask[:, 0]), 1):
for lon in range(0, len(mask[0, :]), 1):
pnt = Point(variable['x-coordinate'][lon], variable['y-coordinate'][lat])
if polygon.contains(pnt):
mask[lat, lon] = False
variable_mask =, mask = mask)
return variable_mask
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