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Created May 24, 2019 12:25
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  • Save juliakm/af7774cc2aa884470e8c7d9c175b5943 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save juliakm/af7774cc2aa884470e8c7d9c175b5943 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Learn Git by editing the Write The Docs website
Identify the page you want to edit
1. Find an `existing issue`_, or a page you want to improve.
2. In the repo UI, find the file that corresponds to the page. For
example: is produced by
``/docs/documentarians.rst``. (You’ll need this filename later for
making changes on your local copy.)
3. This is a ReStrucuredText (.rst) file, so you may want to review the
`RST documentation`_. Other common markup formats are Markdown (.md)
and AsciiDoc (.adoc).
1. `Create a GitHub account`_.
2. `Download and install Git`_.
3. Open a terminal window and follow the instructions to `associate your
GitHub username with your local Git installation`_.
1. In macOS: Open the **Terminal**\ app.
2. In Windows: From the Start Menu, open **Git Bash**.
Start using Git and modify the source file of a page
1. Visit the `Write The Docs www project`_.
2. Click the **Fork**\ button in the upper-right corner to create a
copy of the project in your GitHub account. The new page for the
forked project opens.
3. Click the **Clone or download** button and copy the https URL from
the project page.
4. Open a terminal window so that you can run ``git`` commands.
1. In macOS: Open the **Terminal**\ app.
2. In Windows: From the Start Menu, open **Git Bash**.
5. In your terminal window, type ``git clone``, followed by a space,
and then paste the project URL:
git clone
6. Press Enter. The command copies files from GitHub to a folder named
``www``\ on your local machine.\ ````
7. In the terminal window, go to the www directory.
cd www
8. Create and switch to a branch. Using the commands below,
replace\ ``branch-name`` with a name that briefly describes the
changes you’ll make, preferably use dashes between words. For
example, ``important-typo-fix``.
3. Create a branch with:
git branch branch-name
Switch to the branch:
git checkout branch-name
4. Alternatively, use one command to perform both steps at once:
git checkout -b branch-name
9. Open the\ ``www`` folder on your computer.
10. | Open the file you wish to edit using a text editor like `Sublime
Text`_ or `Visual Studio Code`_, then save the file.
11. In your terminal window, type:
git status
This will show you all the files that you have updated.
12. If your changes look accurate, enter the following in your terminal
.. _existing issue:
.. _RST documentation:
.. _Create a GitHub account:
.. _Download and install Git:
.. _associate your GitHub username with your local Git installation:
.. _Write The Docs www project:
.. _Sublime Text:
.. _Visual Studio Code:
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