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### virtual-leaflet - uses virtual-dom - nice because use with purescript and halogen,
### Leaflet quickstart,
sudo -u postgres psql -d harvest -c 'select * from ( select m.ts_id,count(m.ts_id) from anmn_ts.measurement m group by m.ts_id order by ts_id limit 10 ) as data '
sudo -u postgres psql -d harvest -c 'select max(count) from ( select m.ts_id,count(m.ts_id) from anmn_ts.measurement m group by m.ts_id order by ts_id ) as data
- Reddit coin (for network effect)
- backed by bitcoin.
- volatility stabilizeed/sterilized.
- we have a service - the netcdf subsetting service - maybe standalone, or incorporated into a geoserver extenstion. Maybe using wps or otherwise.
Full details about global and variable attributes such as are recorded in IMOS skos records. Eg.
- parameter - long name.
- platform
- analysis method
- units
Issue -
- to reference the authoritative source of this term data
Should work,
time wget 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?service=layerFilters&request=uniqueValues&version=1.0.0&workspace=imos&layer=soop_xbt_nrt_profiles_map&propertyName=XBT_line' -O - | xmllint --format -
since layer exists and property exists
select * from soop_xbt_nrt . soop_xbt_nrt_profiles_map a limit 1;
wget '' -O - | xmllint --format -
wget '' -O - | xmllint --format -
time wget '' -O - | xmllint --format -