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Created April 16, 2015 08:06
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SqlManager (PHP Util Class)
$HOST = "localhost";
$USER = "your-db-username";
$PWD = "your-db-password";
$DB = "your-db-name";
* SQL Manager
* Author: Julian Burr
* Version: 1.0
* Date: 2014/02/10
* Copyright (c) 2015 Julian Burr
* License: Published under MIT license
* Description:
* Manages database access like queries, executions, etc.
* Also provides util features, e.g. executing files, dumping tables, etc.
* This was one of my first projects to get into OOP PHP and I didn't know
* about the (dis)advantages of PHPs mysql and mysqli functions
* Switch to mysqli function!
class SqlManager {
private $mysqlhost = "";
private $mysqluser = "";
private $mysqlpwd = "";
private $mysqldb = "";
private $configfile = "/config.php";
private $query;
private $q_result;
private $q_table;
private $table_info = array();
public function __construct(){
//Load config
//Establish connection
private function loadConfig($path=null){
* Parameters
* path (optional): path to the config file (relative from document root!)
$this->configfile = $path;
//Load SQL configuration from config file
if(is_file(__DIR__ . $this->configfile)){
include(__DIR__ . $this->configfile);
} else {
throw new Exception("SQL config file not found!");
//Set class varibles
$this->mysqlhost = $HOST;
$this->mysqluser = $USER;
$this->mysqlpwd = $PWD;
$this->mysqldb = $DB;
private function connect(){
//Check configurations
if(!isset($this->mysqlhost) || !isset($this->mysqluser) || !isset($this->mysqlpwd) || !isset($this->mysqldb)){
throw new Exception("Cannot connect to database. No configuration found!");
//Connect to database
$connection = mysql_connect($this->mysqlhost,$this->mysqluser,$this->mysqlpwd);
throw new Exception("SQL connection failed!");
$selection = mysql_select_db($this->mysqldb,$connection);
throw new Exception("Unable to connect to selected database!");
public function setQuery($query){
* Sets the SQL query for the instance
* Parameters
* query: Query string with placeholders for variable content
throw new Exception("Query string must not be emtpty!");
$this->query = $query;
public function bindParam($string, $value, $type="string"){
* Ensures save use of variable data and user inserations
* Parameters
* string: Placeholder used in setQuery
* value: Value the placeholder should be replaced with
* type (optional): Type of content of the value (see below)
//Check placeholder
throw new Exception("Placeholder must not be empty!");
//Escape and secure value
$value = $this->escape($value, $type);
//Replace placeholder
$this->query = str_replace($string,$value,$this->query);
public function escape($value, $type=null){
* Escapes values to prevent SQL injection and simular attacks
* Parameters
* value: String (or other value) to be escaped
* type (optional): Content type of the value, e.g. string, int, html, date, etc.
* Returns
* value: The escaped value
$value = mysql_real_escape_string($value);
case "int":
$value = (int)$value;
return $value;
public function execute(){
* Execute the prepared query
* Returns
* result: SQL result object (if no error occured!)
throw new Exception("Query string is empty and cannot be executed!");
$result = mysql_query($this->query);
throw new Exception("SQL execution error:\n\n{$this->query}\n\n" . mysql_error());
} else {
$this->q_result = $result;
return $result;
public function fetch($result=null){
* Fetching array from result ressource
* Parameters
* result (optional): SQL result ressource
* Returns
* fetch: fetched data from SQL ressource
//Fetch data from ressource
$fetch = false;
$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($result);
} else {
throw new Exception("No SQL ressource found. Cannot fetch data!");
} else {
$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($this->q_result);
return $fetch;
public function fetchObject($result=null){
* Fetching object from result ressource
* for Parameters + Returns see fetch() above
//Fetch data from ressource
$fetch = false;
$fetch = mysql_fetch_object($result);
} else {
throw new Exception("No SQL ressource found. Cannot fetch data!");
} else {
$fetch = mysql_fetch_object($this->q_result);
return $fetch;
public function result($returntype="array"){
* Returns the result of a SELECT query with only one result directly in the wished form of data
* Parameters
* returntype (optional): either array or object (default=array)
* Returns
* result: The SQL result as an array or object (see above)
//Check query string
throw new Exception("Query string is empty and cannot be executed!");
//Fetch data
$result = null;
$query = $this->execute();
case "array":
while($row = $this->fetch()){
$result = $row;
case "object":
while($row = $this->fetchObject()){
$result = $row;
throw new Exception("Unknown return type. Cannot fetch data!");
//Return data
return $result;
public function insert($table, $data_array){
* Inserts a new data row into the selected table
* Parameters
* table: Tablename as a string, in which the data should be inserted
* data_array: Array with the data to be inserted, fieldname as key, fieldvalue as value
//Check parameters
throw new Exception("Table name must not be empty. Data cannot be inserted!");
} elseif(!is_array($data_array)){
throw new Exception("Data to be inserted must be an array. Data cannot be inserted!");
$this->q_table = $table;
//Validate and prepare data array
$insert = $this->getDataObject($data_array);
if(count($insert) < 1){
//no valid data found, so nothing to insert
//Build up the SQL statement
$statement = "INSERT INTO " . $this->escape($this->q_table) . " (";
$sep = "";
foreach($insert as $key => $value){
$statement .= $sep . $this->escape($key);
$sep = ",";
$statement .= ") VALUES (";
$sep = "";
foreach($insert as $key => $value){
$value = stripslashes($value);
$statement .= $sep . " '" . $this->escape($value) . "'";
$sep = ",";
$statement .= ")";
//and execute it
public function getLastInsertID(){
* Basicly just returns the last inserted ID via the core function
* Returns
* mysql_insert_id(): PHP core function
return mysql_insert_id();
public function getLineCount($table){
* Returns the row number of the requested table
* Parameters
* table: Requested table
* Returns
* result[cnt]: Row cnt of the requested table
$this->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM " . $this->escape($table));
$result = $this->result();
return $result['cnt'];
public function update($table,$data_array){
* Update table data from the given array
* Parameters
* table: Name of the SQL table to be updated
* data_array: Array of the new data, fieldnames as key and fieldvalues as values
* Returns
* boolean if the update run well
//Check parameters
throw new Exception("Table name must not be empty. Data cannot be updated!");
} elseif(!is_array($data_array)){
throw new Exception("Data to be inserted must be an array. Data cannot be updated!");
$this->q_table = $table;
//Get valid data array
$update = $this->getDataObject($data_array);
foreach($this->table_info['primarykey'] as $key){
//Build up the SQL statement
$statement = "UPDATE {$this->q_table} SET ";
$sep = "";
foreach($update as $key => $value){
$value = stripslashes($value);
$statement .= "${sep} " . $this->escape($key) . "='" . $this->escape($value) . "'";
$sep = ",";
$statement .= "WHERE ";
$sep = "";
foreach($this->table_info['primarykey'] as $key){
$statement .= "${sep} ${key}='" . $this->escape($update[$key]) . "'";
$sep = "AND";
$statement .= " LIMIT 1";
//Execute statement
public function delete($table,$data_array){
* Delete table row by given primary key
* Parameters
* table: Requested table name, the data should be deleted from
* data_array: Array with (at least) the primary key, fieldname as key, fieldvalue as value
//Check parameters
throw new Exception("Table name must not be empty. Data cannot be deleted!");
} elseif(!is_array($data_array)){
throw new Exception("Data to be inserted must be an array. Data cannot be deleted!");
$this->q_table = $table;
//Get vaild data array
$delete = $this->getDataObject($object);
foreach($this->table_info['primarykey'] as $key){
//Build up SQL statement
$statement = "DELETE FROM {$this->q_table} WHERE ";
$sep = "";
foreach($this->table_info['primarykey'] as $key){
$delete[$key] = stripslashes($delete[$key]);
$statement .= "${sep} ${key}='" . $this->escape($delete[$key]) . "'";
$sep = "AND";
$statement .= " LIMIT 1";
//Execute statement
public function get($table,$keyfield,$keyvalue){
* Get specific SQL data row from the requested table
* Parameters
* table: Name of the SQL table
* keyfield: Name of the primary key field
* keyvalue: Requested primary key value of the data row
* Returns
* result: Array with the requested data
$result = array();
$keyvalue = stripslashes($keyvalue);
SELECT * FROM " . $this->escape($table) . "
WHERE " . $this->escape($keyfield) . " = '" . $this->escape($keyvalue) . "'
$result = $this->result();
return $result;
public function getDataObject($object){
* Verify and modify the given data array according to the given SQL table
* The table name is set in $this->q_table!
* Parameters
* data_array: Array with data (e.g. to insert into a table)
* Returns
* data: Validated data array
//Is there a table set to get the data from
//Create array with only valid data according to the currently selected table
$data = array();
$this->table_info = $this->getTableInfo($this->q_table);
foreach($object as $key => $value){
if(in_array($key,$this->table_info['fields']) !== false){
$data[$key] = $value;
return $data;
public function getTableInfo($table){
* Load table information data from requested table
* Parameters
* table: Name of the SQL table
* Returns
* info: Array with the gathered table information
$this->setQuery("DESCRIBE " . $this->escape($table));
$result = $this->execute();
$info['keys'] = array();
$info['primarykey'] = array();
$info['fields'] = array();
$info['field'] = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$info['fields'][] = $row['Field'];
$info['field'][$row['Field']] = $row;
$info['keys'][] = $row['Field'];
if($row['Key'] == "PRI"){
$info['primarykey'][] = $row['Field'];
return $info;
public function executeSqlFile($filepath){
* Execute (multiple) SQL statement(s) from given file
* Parameters
* filepath: File path to the SQL file that should be executed (relative path from document root!)
throw new Exception("File not found. Cannot execute SQL file!");
//Extract queries from file
$queries = $this->getQueriesFromFile($filepath);
//and execute them
foreach($queries as $q){
public function getQueriesFromFile($filepath){
* Extract SQL queries from SQL file
* NOTE: Queries are seperated by following sheme: ";\n", so it only works it the queries
* are seperated that way too and no subqueries distract this scanning sheme!
* Parameters
* filepath: File path to the SQL file (relative path from document root!)
* Returns
* queries: Array with extracted queries
throw new Exception("File not found. Cannot extract queries!");
//Collect queries in array to return them
$queries = array();
$handle = fopen($filepath, 'rb');
while (!feof($handle)) {
$queries[] = stream_get_line($handle, 1000000, ";\n");
return $queries;
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